>wymin can fight well!
>manlets do great deeds!
>let's racemix!
Tell me why the Lord of the Rings is redpilled?
It's literally filled with blue pills
>wymin can fight well!
>manlets do great deeds!
>let's racemix!
Tell me why the Lord of the Rings is redpilled?
It's literally filled with blue pills
>Incoming orc posters....
now you'e done it
>"no man can kill me"
>"hmmm, sweetie. I'm a trans demoman-kin aquaphobic demimolluskoid xhoman"
This is from the script of the upcoming Lord of the rings tv series.
Peter Jackson is an enormous, enormous faggot. Please read the book(s), user.
>Let's racemix
Where was that?
Elf and human race mixing. She is willing to betray her elf heritage for a human even though it pisses off her faher.
Aragorn and Arwen. The elf whore literally gave up eternal life and betrayed her kins because she couldn't resist the Big Dúnedain Cock
surprise: redpilled males don't spend their golden years writing stupid fairy tales and practicing escapism in a complex fairy world constructed by their austim. They live in the real world and they prosper in it.
Fantasy and in fiction in general were the video games of their time. Only bluepilled beta males retreat into these hobbies as adults. Tolkien was basically the Cliff Bleszinski of his day
>women can fight well
She doesn't actually fight that well in the book or movie, she just chops some giant lizard's head off while it's preoccupied, then gets her shield arm broken before stabbing a guy in the face while he's hamstrung by a manlet with a magic dagger, and then she immediately passes out afterwards.
She's racemixed.
They are both racemixed.
>>wymin can fight well!
Eowyn was losing that fight.
>>manlets do great deeds!
>>let's racemix!
That never happened.
Yes, alpha males like us do shitpost on a chink cartoon image board.
They're cousins.
Even well trained soldiers couldn't cut off that ""lizard"" head let alone Faramir. How come a chick with no war experience can do it?
I rewatched this recently and became so disgusted that I had to turn it off.
You can't be more wrong or dumber
because tolkien was a bugman
The Scouring of the Shire is 100% redpilled, and funnily enough is left out of the blockbuster movies
A Hobbit (((merchant))) makes a deal with foreigners (Saruman and Wormtongue) take over the Shire through private finance and turn it into an industrial stripland, with the Hobbits turned into economic worker units with their innate character and cultural heritage ripped from them.
And Eowyn isn't, "womyn stronk!" It's, "women are an important part of society and fill a role that is literally impossible for men to fill." Don't view it through the lens they want you to use.
You can't create. You are a machine.
Fuck off.
No you fuck off, blinded normie
The narrative called for it.
Too right m8
>women are an important part of society and fill a role that is literally impossible for men to fill.
Like bearing babies?
Because her uncle got rekt in front if her and she got a burst of that superwoman adrenaline shit. She still almost died.
read the books
I didn't know I was watching a dragonball movie
That's the one, lad
But it wouldn't have really fit into the story if she'd just spread her legs and spat out a newborn at the Witch King
>I can't enjoy a piece of entertainment unless it strictly conforms to my specific set of ideological tenets
Imagine being this possessed
Monomyth harder faggot.
The book is redpilled.
The movie "treatment", and you will note these are Harvey Weinstein Productions, bluepills the fuck out of it.
"Manlet can do great things" is unironically a great message tho.
In the book she was in a hospital sharing a truck-sized black pill with Farimir during the battle of the black gate.
t. a manlet
There is a reason why too short people can't join the army
Pretty sure you're a subversive kike, OP.
You are not shitting anyone, Shlomo. As soon as you denied the race mix element in the series, everyone here knew you were a kike
Aragorn and Arwen are both Half-Elves. You cannot "race mix" with the same thing.
This is what the 56% face looks like in that universe.
>half elf
Not only didn't you read the book, but also you are a fucking retard.
You can just put a fucking gun in your mouth because you're the one who doesn't know they're fucking cousins. If you don't want to I'll force you.
He is from a lineage of Half-Elves and you learn this in the Silmarilion.
Eärendil chose humanity and Elrond chose Elvishness
They are not close cousins, you idiot. It's like saying marriage between a 56% mutt and a Fingolian is not a race mix since they share a fraction of Caucasian genes
Aragorn isn't a half-elf, he's a tiny fraction of an elf. Elros, who was a half-elf (actually 9/16), was his very remote ancestor. And that's about it
>manlets do great deeds!
The hobbits are supposed to be regular, unimpressive, everyday people. A hobbit taking on the quest of destroying the ring, even though they're manlets, can provide a story with a more relatable protagonist for the common person.
If you only enjoy your protagonists to be tall, handsome men, you have a shit taste and you are a simpleton.
Sorry to break your fantasy, but manlets were not considered "common" people because there were still men in the series. Your disgusting unrealistic heroism only shows you are having a manlet complex, nothing more.
Impressively low IQ post.
Not an impressive low IQ comeback, manlet.
Hobbits were not considered common inside the story. Hobbits were a reflection of an unimpressive common person from our world.
The hobbits height is just a literary tool to show this.
They're incredibly distant """cousins""", their bloodlines are like 50 ancestors removed. I'm more related to you than they are to each other.
the scouring of the shire would've added another hour or two to the runtime of RoTK and Jackson probably wanted to sell tickets to Shireland or something. But yes it was a vital part of showing how nowhere was untouched by the war, and while the Hobbits were busying fighting Sauron ((Saruman)) was able to slither in and completely fucking ravaged the Shire out of spite that his Age of the Orc was stopped.
>hobbits were a reflection of an unimpressive common person from our world
That's just your childish interpretation. If anything, it's just a wishful heroism at best, and nothing more. In real life, like the series should've shown, men achieve things. Manlets and defects are only good for a circus show. There is a reason why too short people can even join the army. Get real, please.
Why do you have so much disdain for individuals who are short?
*can't even
I think useless people like manlets and handicaps should be shot and shouldn't reproduce ever. The strong and tall should survive, not the other way around
Because of
>muh Catholic fantasy
World of Warcraft is the real redpill, Lord of The Rings is normie tier just like Star Wars.
>I think useless people like manlets and handicaps should be shot and shouldn't reproduce ever. The strong and tall should survive, not the other way around
I literally told you why. You want inferior beings to keep reproducing?
>No manlets
>Racemixing to a bare minimum and it's okay because orc girls are stronger
>Get real, please.
The genre is called fantasy for a reason. You're not meant to take everything seriously.
Being a manlet is an advantage. We're smaller targets in a gunfight and consume less food. I also get a +2 bonus to all hide checks..
Who determines who is 'inferior'? What height is too short? Why does it matter to your individual existence if people you deem 'inferior' continue to reproduce?
Look up Audie Murphy, faggot.
5'5" and more badass than you or I will ever be.
yeah, four times in the history of midfle earth you fucking cretin.
is that all youve got? are you shills actually shitting on Tolkien? do you want to die? where do you live, bud
>When you take Jow Forums memes too seriously
Does Jow Forums enjoy anything? How's does wasting energy worrying about whether hobbits are an analogy for short men undermine Jewish global supremacy
Movie made for chinks
dont know, but this ultra nazi shit is getting old. rarely, racemixing is alright. not all coloreds are monsters. fuck me i want to murder op for defaming Tolkien
Eowyn could fight well. Not women.
You can't fight well. Men can.
Lord of the rings is fucking trash kek
No one gives a shit about your faggot boyfriend
Whoever told Jow Forums that normies like LotR was a genius. Chads and Staceys think it's nerd shit.
Catholics aren't Christian they're pagans, and the biblical Antichrist.
Fantasy media is a Vatican conspiracy to make the age when they had total control over society and people couldn't read the Bible .
DnD is indeed satanic, because it makes the era of total Papist control look appealing and create drones to the Jesuit agenda. That's why tons of Jow Forums larpers are into praising the whole Deus Vult Templar stuff, without realizing it's Satanic to the core.
Tolkien, contrary to the mainstream right wing opinion on him being "based and Trad" was good friends with members of the Masonic Golden Dawn order of which Rothschilds were also involved.
Fuck off cocksucker.
You niggers keep nitpicking like this and pretty soon the only 100% "redpilled entertainment" you'll end up with is the Bible. You're acting like the libtard progressives that whine about minority/trans representation
Congratulations, you realized the Truth
women can fight well
manlets can do great things
elf and human interracial is based and redpilled
Tolkien was an Oxford professor.
Orc's are elves. This image is correct.
>The Silmarillion contains a suggestion that Orcs are descended from East Elves (Avari) captured by Melkor, their minds and bodies distorted and corrupted.
(((Oxford professor)))
University = Vatican creation
Fantasy and ROME-Antics = more Rome brainwashing
Meanwhile idiots here think it's just "the Jews" while sucking Rome's dick. Because they were brainwashed by their propaganda
Catholics are the ultimate bugmen. Jesuits are even known as "Hivites" .
Jow Forums refuses to take the Protestant pill because this whole damn site is Papist brainwash
It's the same reason why he alt right when not neo Nazi larping occultists is full of Catholicuck monarchy autists who don't even realize they're cheering for the final stage of the new world order
>one woman fights
>Frodo was taller than the average hobbit, Merry and Pippin returned a foot taller than Frodo
>there is 0 racemixing unless you count the Marriage betwixt Eowyn (Northman) and Faramir (Westman)
Aragorn and Arwen are already distantly related so their marriage isn't a race mix.
she's part human
the soldiers weren't going for the head and she was angry due to her uncle being slain.
>no war experience
imagine being this retarded, it's explained in both book and movie that she secretly trains because she wants to be a warmaiden
The whole point of the lord of the rings was to restore the pure numenorian bloodline.
*pshhh pshhh*
*snifff snifff*
yeah bro I agree
get a load of this goy
>if i cherrypick and literally make shit up its means its true
Kys faggot op
Theyre like 1st cousins 50 times removed or something
Saying Aragorn and Arwen is racemixing would be like saying a white German man breeding with a white Swedish woman is racemixing
the advantage of manletness is the advantage that Neanderthals had, greater strength and resistance to cold weather.
Manlets are the peak of European evolution
Height is an african thing.
being tall comes from your ancestors needing to give off heat faster.
a distinctly homo-sapien trait and a purely african one
Lmfao is there anything you trumptards dont get triggered by?
it is
It was their lifestyle which was meant to mirror the pre-industrial Englishman that made them common. Their size is a metaphor for the seeming insignificance in the industrial war driven age.
>projecting this hard
>being tall comes from your ancestors needing to give off heat faster.
then why are northern europeans so much taller than south europeans and north africans?