Attached: david katz teaser.jpg (500x277, 14K)
Does David Katz prove video game addicted incels need to be on a watch list?
Andrew Stewart
Jose Barnes
Jews need to be on a watch list
Jacob Davis
he was an incel?
Grayson Rogers
>implying everyone wasn't extensively profiled throughout their education
Alexander Wright
>David Katz
Juan Cox
People on the spectrum shouldn't be allowed carrying rights
Juan Diaz
I'm so sleepy user *yawn*
Aren't you sleepy?
Luis Rodriguez
This is a slide thread
it goes in the options field
do not reply
poster is a meme flag
i repeat poster is a meme flag, go into settings and filter them , they are kikes trying to stir the pot
Jaxon Hill
Caleb James
kys kike
Joseph Stewart
He was an anti-trumper jew.
Anti-Trump jews need to be on a watch list.
Thomas Nelson
Jacob Gutierrez
Oh fuck
Angel Morris
imagine gettin butthurt over a shitty game like madden and shooting people bcuz u cant run with mike vick to the far left and sling it to the far right to roddy white. nigga was worthless.
Lincoln Edwards
Yes and lets go ahead and ban guns too
Austin Sullivan
and physically removed
Elijah Hughes
There are a lot of mentally ill people in the USA that get to have guns. I know the immediate assumption by American flags will be that I'm a faggy gun grabbing Brit but I'm not at all and would never against firearm rights if I were an American citizen, but I really wish there was some kind of standard psychological evaluation that determined how much of a fucking autist someone was before letting them have a gun. They're an extremely dangerous tool and an enormous responsibility, they're not toys for gamer fuckheads to get hold of and go around playing CoD irl.
John Robinson
lol trump derangement syndrome is what made him snap
Oliver Hernandez
Adrian Mitchell
He wasn't 21, he couldn't legal purchase or own the weapon he used.
There's not a lot of ammo for your anti-gun shtick this time, but that won't stop you.
Carson Davis
It just proved that black sports are toxic
Josiah Diaz
>he doesn't want the autists when revolution/conflict inevitably comes
absolute plebian strategy
Josiah Ross
Madden games aren't really what people consider games of skill.
Hudson Torres
James Williams
>a fucking redditor was the shooter
Gabriel Wright
The one glaring flaw with that inforgraphic is that it pretends Sandy Hook actually happened.
Aaron Collins
only if video game companies pay for it
Logan Rogers
>Does David Katz prove video game addicted incels need to be on a watch list?
The SPLC watch list? Personally I'm in favor of this.
Jason Thomas
I bet he is on psych drugs from his eye look
Jacob Brooks
oy vey goy, imagine yourself in a PTSD-generating situation and save us the trouble of actually subjecting you to a scare. be afraid and mistrust everyone, especially people not in your in-group
Josiah Morales
Dylan Evans
>general hate
Is that like being an undecided art major?
Joshua Sullivan
He had a girlfriend, if the Twitter account that is being associated with him is truly his
Alexander Thompson
>Is that like being an undecided art major?
Zachary Cooper
This is strictly a problem among console gamers. Master race doesn't have this issue.
Henry Morgan
I had one of those for a roommate in college
Owen Thomas
Also, he brought a gun there. He planned this beforehand.
Tyler Edwards
No. Just proves the media is very good at crafting fake bogeymen cause they dont want you to look at the real bogeymen like ms13 or antifa
Zachary Peterson
Xavier Wood
They've been preconditioning you to think this for exactly 2 months now. Isn't that handy?
Cooper Cooper
Jacob Lee
Jews smell like wet dogs
Luis Flores
Actually you're right. Been seeing a lot more nu-gamergate "sexist" & anti video game articles in the past few months.
Considering we know and they openly coordinate releases this is suspicious as hell.
Levi Perry
The ONE thing I'll give Jews credit for is that they definitely hit the nail on the head when they say the vast majority of gentiles act like cattle.
Sad to admit.
Dominic Collins
t. boomer
Liam Jones
So the question the hell did he get it?
Brody Smith
Where can I download that mod?
Jaxon Wood
This is Florida. People just carry around guns in Florida.
Joseph Gomez
Funny how they ignore Muslim/ Antifa/Communist or Black Supremacist groups.
Didn't the ADL declare Globalist an antisemitic term?
Eli Ward
Sounds a lot like Chicago.
Jonathan Watson
nigger. he is in Jacksonville niggers everywhere
Tyler Roberts
*this meme brought to you by gang weed
Colton Diaz
4.5 million ccw permits
Oliver Brown
What a load of shit faggot op
Anthony Sanders
This doesn't happen as much in Europe because people have a safety net. Gaming was probably all he had, and when he lost he had nothing (and no money). In Europe these fucks would get gibs and smoke weed.
Jack Turner
6% of the men in the US commit 50% of all murders. Should all black males be on a watch list?
Thomas Lopez
>implying we arent already on a watch list
Brody Bailey
it would be a long fucking list
Liam Kelly
Luke Ward
Yeah but he's a jew transplant and not an actual floridian. How many miami kikes have CCWs?
Jordan Turner
(((David Katz)))
Logan Torres
Good it wasn't a shooting game though...
Jack Baker
that guy looks jewish
Grayson Brown
It proves that there should probably be more regulations set up by people who host video game tournaments to keep people from getting violent. Not sure what, metal detectors, character references, required uniforms, social media screening, maybe. However, a lot of people who play video games would probably be really upset about any changes since as far as I know anyone can enter these things with the only rules being the game itself.
Dylan Brooks
its interesting how often training is happening near shootings like this
Oliver Russell
Vides games dying would be the absolute best thing for white people, especially white men.
But that said video games and general echnology addiction ain’t going anywhere
Perhaps they don’t see them as being competent enough to be a threat.
Austin Hill
It proves we are living in a sick, and degenerate society with no ethical backbone.
If you want to say Vidya is a part of that society, then you may have a point. But to blame gaming entirely is foolish.
Samuel Lee
>let's base policy decisions on anecdotes
OP go get a job at a MSM outlet if you haven't already. You'll fit in perfectly.
Landon Lee
Angel Moore
>tourniquet below the wound
John Wilson
Dylan Garcia
Luke Brown
They're not extremely dangerous or extremely fatal. They only appear so because the (((media))) plays up every instance of gun injury/death. More people are killed in America from texting while driving PER MONTH than have been killed in mass-shootings for the last ten years. But (((they))) don't play this up so it's a non-issue. We have to be smarter than (((them))).
Logan Wilson
Incels should be institutionalized and completely removed from society. They shouldn't be allowed to reintegrate, because they are literally people who have failed to integrate, and refuse to better themselves through personal effort.
If you're an incel, you should be exterminated.
Benjamin Adams
No, it proves something else entirely.
Owen Ortiz
Samuel Bailey
Nope, he was Jewish and had a gf at some point in his past
Noah Powell
That already exists you ignorant fool
Luis Hughes
Incels can be people who have had relationships at some point, but through every action of their own, have severed themselves from these attachments because they are completely unlikeable garbage.
Basically, Jow Forums and Jow Forums should get watched regularly by the FBI, in order to start profiling individuals who are clearly a threat to everyone around them.
Sebastian Thomas
Here (You) go buddy
Mason Butler
>video games are the problem
>not the guns
Isaac Taylor
Dylan Carter
Blake Clark
Black separatists is listed.
Jordan Ross
>General Hate and Captain Misogyny
Finally, some capeshit I can be proud of.
Andrew Cook
I really think you people have Jew derangement syndrome, everything is dah joos with you
Wyatt Lewis
t. foreskin sucker
Ryan Lee
>Jews smell like wet dogs
Guess those big noses are good for something.
Nathaniel Cooper
Was that McSkillet.guy jewish also?
Jason Edwards
>My people
Wyatt Jackson
Between stabbings at starcraft tournaments, SWATting of streamers, or just getting into fistfights, there are quite a lot of incidents of sore losers doing really terrible things to those who manage to beat them at the game.
There are defenses against these things but most of them don't work at tournaments in public space. You can carry a gun, but it probably won't work against sore loser opponents because your eyes will be glued to the screen. But that just means its up to the event organizers to keep things under control. Somehow. There's a bunch of things they could do but none of it's pleasant.
Michael Bell
he wasn't there to make friends
Nolan Rivera
Eli Morris
Fresh meme
Luke Moore
It's Okay To Be White is happening again this Halloween: