>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

>Moral Panic 8/24/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania Land @JBAndrews 8/24/18
>Pres Trump @GOP Dinner in Columbus OH 8/24/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania Visit Children's Hospital 8/24/18 pt1 pt2
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania Arrive in Columbus OH 8/24/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania Depart DC 8/24/18
>VP Pence @RNLA Summer Luncheon 8/24/18
>UNAmb Haley @UNSC on Terrorist Threats 8/24/18
>USTransComm CoC Ceremony 8/24/18
>USAF Commemorate MoH Recipient AFTechSgt Chapman 8/24/18
>TrumpTweet: Our Economy is the Strongest It's Ever Been 8/24/18
>NASAVid: Spitzer Telescope 15 Years in Space 8/24/18
>This Week @State 8/24/18
>VP Pence/Rep Scalise in New Orleans 8/23/18
>Pres Trump Roundtable on Foreign Inv Bank Risk 8/23/18
>Pres Trump on F&F 8/23/18 pt1 pt2
>VP Pence @NASA Johnson Space Center 8/23/18

OP pastebin:

Attached: monsterkill.png (608x538, 79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw Jerry Brown is going to keep fucking us for the next 30 years

Attached: california hsr.png (508x556, 344K)

new baker needed

Attached: 1517498152008.png (1920x1080, 1005K)

Gotcha from last thread m8

lazy nigger

Attached: squeezed baka tour.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

Cant believe we truly found the shooter reddit profile


Attached: 1534473888507.png (900x1200, 1.07M)

Median household income vs. Income needed to afford median-priced house

Attached: file.png (1024x579, 823K)


Attached: 1529721591280.jpg (466x600, 111K)

>It is. Genuine, passionate, intimate love.
I miss it a lot, God I was so pathetically ungrateful for what I had-as much as I've found faith in God since, and tried to amend for my ways and improve my character, I've always got that lingering thought that I'm not good enough to get it back, or to earn it. At the very least I should be grateful for all the wonderful memories I have.

Attached: 1533685088584.png (1200x476, 330K)

I love Kellyanne.

Attached: 1472109053974.jpg (400x400, 31K)

What would Trump's team be?

Attached: August 2019.jpg (2048x1536, 284K)

is /ptg/ really eating fucking tacos for dinner tonight? This is unacceptable.

Attached: FUCK.gif (300x300, 3.77M)

Attached: the_donald1.png (917x97, 9K)

Attached: the_donald2.jpg (513x78, 10K)

Kellyanne is very pretty!

Attached: 1534598443144.jpg (900x1200, 166K)

Attached: poll.png (745x815, 460K)

_______ __ ______

Attached: seriously faggot.jpg (776x726, 55K)

-Last words from Songbird

Attached: __inubashiri_momiji_touhou_drawn_by_yuzuha_yuzutime__sample-93d55c4545ee1367efde6cf712a08dce.jpg (850x725, 355K)

Inflation? are states' economies that different than the national?

Attached: 1522507797649.png (630x583, 339K)

IS that real? Can I get a link or did they delete it?

What was the deleted tweet?

Even with all that rigging, this is their best.

Attached: WALL MIGHT 2.png (750x1000, 1.07M)


just lift heavy faggot

do it long enough and the women will find you

I believe it's because everyone's minds have already been made up. There is no more room for persuasion.

not today. maybe some other time.

Attached: ripped awoo.jpg (945x630, 416K)

It's almost like no one actually believes any of the Russia bullshit anymore.

Attached: 1489076773244.jpg (1115x1000, 197K)

Caliniggers ought to be put to the sword.

Attached: 1533620746722.png (344x135, 56K)

Heather fists assholes?

Attached: 1528807370242.png (1280x1000, 846K)

Rural retards win again

Attached: FaceApp_1515165243688.jpg (1280x1280, 831K)

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Attached: 1445824134525.gif (325x244, 1.84M)

Post more, I want to laugh.
>people still believing they are safe on the Internet
>the same Internet the asked private companies to data mine and regulate

For some reason it's extremely funny to me watching Jow Forums troll the local cops/news in my city. There's so much anti-Jew posting going on on Twitter. Jaxfag btw

Attached: more.jpg (344x563, 92K)

MS isn't that bad.

>rural retards win

Attached: 1533113917321.png (460x596, 425K)

Wrong until the very end.
Awoos can't die. They aren't a being of this mortal realm.

Attached: 1453583026461.jpg (480x678, 332K)

It's real, but they deleted it. It was on /v/.
The Monster Kill sound effect.

>this sandnigger

Attached: 1437848084351.jpg (380x380, 94K)

Love will come to you again, user.


Attached: 20161491.png (548x768, 493K)

Jewish tricks are getting exposed like never before

>2 letter word in the middle
your horny mind has blinded you, did you have fun celebrating Mccain going to hell last night?

Attached: Slutty neck.png (1920x1080, 1.44M)

Trump 2020!

Attached: 1535142209776.jpg (472x461, 52K)

Kek, this is the only screenshots I found here. There are probably more floating around in other threads.
Spread them. A lot of people out there are probably already saying this guy was a Trump fan or "alt-right".

that means state and federal politicians who green lighted the light rail are taking so much fucking kickbacks and bribes that the budget is busted

Attached: 1521555953524.gif (375x206, 812K)

>accuse others of being mentally challenged
>shoot up a madden tournament because you lost

People got shot?

I was looking up mature futas. Nothing exists.

thanks KACPirate, to think it's already been more than a year of posting Heather-crazy to think about

Attached: I'm autistic.png (1920x1080, 1.63M)

This is basically a population density map.

If Trump disavowed Awoos, I would be off the Trump train.

You hear that kikes?
Somehow get Trump to disavow Awoos and you at least separated one voter from him.
But if he ever embraces Awoos, then watch out. Because then nothing would make me dislike him then.

I know what you did

Attached: pelican loves squab rare.webm (250x187, 1.05M)

Trump needs to give all the refugee spots for next year to white farmers. It would be the funniest thing ever, and liberals would probably start civil war over it (especially if he settles them in Minneapolis, Cleveland, Philadelphia, and other left/swing areas).

>David Hogg in a wig

why are these people attacking fps culture?
it's like attacking football players because of this shooting.. it makes no sense.


Attached: CEFBB9C7-D7B8-4AF4-9157-29614EEA1F3A.jpg (1037x1241, 834K)

-.- . .-.. .-.. -.-- .- -. -. . / .. ... / -... . - - . .-.

>Out of all the e-sport games that could have a shooting it's a fucking madden tourny

she is so beautiful..

This. It could come out that Trump killed a man and no one who supports Trump would believe it. To be in a constant outrage cycle for the past two years in the ((MSM)), no one cares anymore.

What kind of medical techniques exist today to prolong a brain cancer patient for 8 months? Is that commercially available?

Why hasn't a US citizen jew tried to run for president? Wouldn't that be a quicker way to destroy the goy

I would punch that bird in the face if it stole my fish

well madden is for niggers anyway

they have but they don't win

Excuse me for bad English. I visit cousin next month in USA. Is it customary to shoot people as greet? I thought bring chocolate, but should I just bring gun and shoot him?
Is it recommended to bring Bulletproof Vest when visit USA?

If she can make a coherent sentence she's probably better than David Hogg.

They still haven't said what Trump has lied about.

It's being flooded with caliniggers driving up real estate prices.

Bernie ran last election, but Hillary wasn't having it. Bloomberg may run in 2020.

>why don't people trust the media?!

Because Jews want to control things behind the scenes, not make themselves a target. That's like asking why Jews don't grab rifles and try to kill all of us manually.

Attached: 1229588818761.png (660x900, 455K)

Reminder that the Californians are psychotic.

Attached: Cali is psychopath.png (606x515, 147K)

I-is it finally over for Drumpf?

Attached: its over guys.jpg (370x136, 13K)

Goldwater was a jew too

I'm so mad /ptg/


sorry, we never intended for "madden" to be a part of e-sports when we dreamed it up.

Also no John McCain to block senate votes.

Jews prefer to be sneaky. Also there's no way someone who doesn't at least claim to be Christian or some variation of it will win for at least the next few decades.

Attached: 1489305256659.jpg (984x1200, 117K)

Coincidentally, I have also passed a year in my Kellyanne posting. I hope all is well in your life, my friend.

Attached: 1534942249393.webm (1422x1080, 814K)

I would be too if I had to live near New Zealand.

Commiefornia wins again

Attached: 1478749029282.jpg (402x402, 73K)

stop being mad

Attached: 1533626180531.jpg (679x569, 81K)

>"create a conclusion and find information to support it"
>disprove a negative


in America, the exchange of low-caliber gunfire is an acceptable greeting - please research Hunter S Thompson for more information

any gun that fires .22 caliber rounds should be appropriate

You'd think it would happen at a fighting game tourney.

Attached: gsl.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

>any gun that fires .22 caliber rounds should be appropriate
Like 5.56 NATO?


Attached: Business-tycoon-Donald-Trump-with-his-girlfriend-model-Melania-Knauss.jpg (615x759, 74K)

>I hope all is well in your life, my friend.
at the very least I've proven a solid willpower that a few years ago I really didn't have, sometimes it's better to focus on how you've improved rather than the plight of the day. I hope you're okay too, mate

Attached: Life.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

did an emu cuck you again

Why should they? The Jew can just buy off and blackmail pretty much ever politician and it save them the trouble of having campaign for an election.

oh James

Attached: gt.png (482x630, 469K)

Until the spot is just given to another McCain.

Attached: 1491122026487.jpg (1024x1024, 94K)

Goldwater in 64 but he ran on decent platform. He lost so bad because the RINOs of the party like Nelson Rockefeller and George Romney, Mitt's dad, endorsed LBJ.

At least he wouldn't have signed the 1965 Immigration Act.

A LoL shooting would've been accepted, people already complain about the user base.

>Like 5.56 NATO
similar but not identical

Is .223 the same as 5.56 NATO?
>Just because a gun has .223/5.56 scribed on the barrel, does not mean it can handle either type of ammunition equally. From the outside both cartridges look the same. However, looks can be deceiving. The .223 Remington is a sporting cartridge with the same external dimensions as the 5.56x45mm NATO military cartridge.Jan 24, 2013

Surely McCain's mom can't be that bad.

its quite toxic

Attached: singed_dance.gif (500x240, 998K)






How fucking surprising. Honestly, and i am as right wing as they cime, this shit makes me want to become a far leftist and make sure yall lose all youe guns.
And this time...
Im going to. Im voting ALL democrat in these upcoming primaries and midterms. Fuck guns, and fuck head in the sand right wingers.