I have Russian tv channels and Putin is on the media CONSTANTLY. And it's ALWAYS in a positive light about how great he is, etc.
Meanwhile on UK channels, the prime minister is lampooned on a daily basis. How do Russians live with such blatant progapanda and brainwashing?
I have Russian tv channels and Putin is on the media CONSTANTLY...
Other urls found in this thread:
>How do Russians live with such blatant progapanda and brainwashing?
bretty bad and bluepilled
>there exist a law of nature saying a leader can not be good
>if a leader is good, then it is propaganda
>>>all'aaaah damnit, proper politics is parliamentary bickering over gay toilets and how many genders there are or whatever the fuck eu politics are!
beady eyed eternal bongoloid
Do you still shiver in fear when you hear the word "NATO"?
>How do Russians live with such blatant progapanda and brainwashing?
Putin has journalists killed for criticism. Shut the fuck up, retard.
He sounds pretty based. Journalists are the enemies of the people, senpai
It's basically Nazi Germany-lite
Except switch Hitler's personality cult with Putin's.
typical kraut bootlicker, always submits himself to the authority with no critical thinking of his own
>lemme tell everyone about your country
i hardly see any putler on tv
These but unironically.
Based and red pilled!
The Russian propaganda is interesting.
North Corean's and yours are boring.
That's where you belong, incel.
Very easily.
I don't watch TV.
You're that Russian living in Germany, aren't you?
You do realize that Latvia has access to the same Russian channels?
RTR Planeta
LMAO, triggered leftards. Enjoy Sadiq and your religion of peace, you cucks! I am sure the kebab and vibrant diversity is worth the grooming gangs and getting reverse colonized by countries you literally made up!
i think russia is a pretty cool guy
he kills journalist and doesnt afraid of nothing
t. Russian diaspora Jow Forumstard in germany
They talk about him all the time, and they talk all the time, how ebani hohli are worse than russia, and how amerifats are stupid
They are most certainly right about that last one.
>NTV Mir
>RTR Planeta
> how ebani hohli are worse than russia, and how amerifats are stupid
it's true tho
no thats me you worthless british sack of filth.
btw i upgraded my collage if you missed it
Not really, amerifats are not as stupid as russian bydlo tho.
Not an argument, Sadiq. How is Rotherham this time of year?
>this person takes Jow Forums memes literally
Literally a mouth breather.
Ivan, next time together against Eternal Anglo and Yankee?
low iq but expected from a britshit
>Poootin stronk, weez strokn cuntry, not like does british with all those gays on the street!
daily reminder that this ""chilean"" is ukrainian diaspora.
Russia is a circus.
who the fuck are you quoting you low iq inbred bastard?
all i posted is the collage about british subhumans
Russia could indeed level and nuke your country into oblivion. Especially none in your shithole are ready to fight for it. Which, of course, is not surprising.
whatever you say hohol.
every fucking time it's the volga german or russian in switzerland
I'm caricaturing you Jow Forums retards. But you're too dumb to get it.
Youngsters don't watch tv. They get news from alternative media.
UMA DELICIA youtube.com
7 - 1
you still dont understand that youre talking with two different persons you utterly retarded moron
You're only embarrassing yourself, cuck. But that won't save your sorry excuse of a country, of course. Now even your "royalty" got BLACKED. But that's only fair, because it knighted MUGABE!
>it's the volga german
Has a German stepfather.
>russian in switzerland
Has a Brazilian stepfather.
The absolute state of Russian """men""".
The comedians and journalists that talk shit about our government would be killed if they did the equivalent in Russia. Russia is a mafia state.
They probably just ignore it, and keep their doubts to themselves.
Daily reminder that there are at least two russian chilean shitposter, and one ukranian.
And I'm not ukranian. If I was I'd kill myself
Russia sounds pretty based, senpai. No tolerance for degenerate AIDS ridden homosexuals either :^)
>being with black people is bad
This is not Jow Forums. Your assumptions are not taken for granted here, you dumb racist. Russia is so terrible that you live in Germany.
Russia is literally an AIDS ridden shithole lol
Both of you are most likely diaspora, I don't care.
>Russia sounds pretty based, senpai. No tolerance for degenerate AIDS ridden homosexuals either :^)
Pic related, that's you.
Good. I suggest you move to Russia immediately. After all, it's so much more based than those wimpy free countries.
brilliant pic, saved
Thanks for the (you)s /leftypol/. I hope you didn't menstruate into your panties while getting so triggered!
russia gets more immigrants than literally any western country bar usa
most russians hold liberal views of multicultiralism
The blood is 'cause of all your edge.
Yeah, ugly brown short goblin and orc looking immigrants from Central Asia. Not handsome Scandinavians and German engineers, these are the immigrants that everyone wants.
I'm not left-wing. It's funny how deluded and insane Jow Forumstards are that they believe everyone who disagrees with them is some crazy communist.
I would beat you into a coma if I wanted to, you dyel incel.
go back to
if you're not on a payroll i really feel bad for you mate
Not after Brest-Litovsk. Anglo and Yankee are disgusting, but they are safer and generally harmless.
>I would beat you into a coma if I wanted to
Seriously you look more like Putin troll. Instead of admiring Russians for their redpill-ness you praise them for embracing diversity. Your role is not consistent.
pro-russian sentiment is not exclusive to Jow Forumstards you nato shill
in fact most right-wingers suck nato cock
>itt: butthurtbelters vs pro-russia shills
every time. just a never ending cycle of shitting on each other
>roleplaying a nazi
>sucking russian cock
my ancestors are smiling at me imperial, can you say the same?
the "shills" are actually providing infographs and statistics while raging butthurtbelters threaten to beat them up lmaooo
fuck you polish nazi
>i hardly see any putler on tv
I bet you never heard of him...
Let me guess, that's not tvrain?
The guy's got an approval rating of 70%+. What the fuck did you expect, we're not going through brexit and messing it up, we've got countries that comprise 50% of global economy and 90% of military power sanctioning and pressuring is and the country's basically alright. Why the fuck would we be angry with the guy? And the media just typically panders to popular opinion
Is there anything more pathetic than a German worshipping Russia? I mean, if at least it's a diaspora or a proxy shill it isn't as pathetic.
>The guy's got an approval rating of 70%+.
Fake approval rating cultivated by a propaganda system based on deceit and manipulation.
im a german that means im an authority
you are a raging butthurt autist from an irrelevant third world shithole, totally worthless as a human being
If you've ever taken a basic stats class (I know you haven't), the first thing you learn is that stats are easy to manipulate for whatever purpose you desire.
>let me tell you about your country
>im a german that means im an authority
Rofl. It means you're an incel autist of the highest calibre. Total LOSER.
Nope, he has enough media under his thumb and popular support to just ridicule and go for character assassination, no point in killing people it only damages his standing at home and abroad you're a victim of obvious propaganda
Nope, they'd be pushed off prime time, and only if they're not too tier stars, then he'd make a deal with them they can't refuse. Not because it's dangerous, but because it's lucrative enough. You're a victim of obvious propagamda
Guy is far from perfect but he's not a cartoon villian you are led to believe
How do you explain his rating being 80 in the early 00s when he was shat on by the media, and dipping down to 60 in early 10s when the "deceit and manipulation" machine set in and was fully operational?
>worshipping people that you ancestors considered as subhuman and who raped your women 70 years ago
top fucking cuck
>statistics are fake!!!!!1
nice counter you low iq faggot
And who has brought you to the point of being sanctioned and having your economy in shit ? And what have you or the country received in return? What is the result of the activity of this guy?
Sure, I'll tell you. Journalists are gunned down in the street after talking bad (with valid reasons) about the manlet POOtin.
i will never understand why balts are such nazi fans considering hitler tried to genocide you subhumans
>Nope, he has enough media under his thumb and popular support to just ridicule and go for character assassination, no point in killing people it only damages his standing at home and abroad you're a victim of obvious propaganda
Yeah, it's just propaganda bro
Statistics can prove literally anything you want if you use the right tools for what you want. Go take stats 101, brainlet.
Is based on huge economic progress and recently from huge international pressure
Read up on Iran to understand how repulsion to foreign interference can make ugly domestic figures much more preferable
>Nope, he has enough media under his thumb and popular support to just ridicule and go for character assassination, no point in killing people it only damages his standing at home and abroad you're a victim of obvious propaganda
Yeah, bro, the journalists who talk bad about putin are shot and fall out of windows by accident! Mouthbreather.
Who said I'm a fucking nazi?
I hate krauts even more than Russians, at least Russians are somewhat reasonable compared to you genocidal cunt with inferiority complexes.
17 deaths in a decade is literally nothing in a country of 150 million people
>huge economic progress
Are you retarded?
>statistics are fake!!!!!1
still not an argument you dumb retard.
Don't know which of the journalists it is that researched violent gangs, mafia, Chechen crime lords and Putin it is, but she's had far from just Putin angry with her
I explained why I think Putin is the least likely killer. Explain why you think it's not the Chechen drug traffikers
There's a whole lot more than 17 you miserable faggot
he is as pathetic as the butthurtbelters who make these threads on a daily basis. you all have to go back to Jow Forums
russia's gdp increased by 800% since putin became president
why are nato shills so afraid of statistics?
See Nope. 13% flat tax alone
North Korea is the greatest country on earth according to North Korean statistics.
We have times more Russians than Ukrainians here.
t. Russian immigrant
i did not post a single statistic that is based on numbers provided russia itself. try harder.
Nobody forces you to use Russian statistics