Why do blacks insist everything is racist?

Seriously what is wrong with this girls dorm room? Is it because it just looks white? Basically, she just said "this looks racist, objectively due to the fact that you can tell a white girl (maybe, this could literally be any sorority girls room) lives there" and people seemed to agree. Wtf? Also read the comments theyre leaving. Apparently the fact that she has a cotton plant as decoration proves shes racist as well. twitter.com/hxlina/status/1033474127108042752
I feel bad for the poor girl whos room this is, she did nothing wrong and people are making fun of her

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slide thread

shut up

the solution to this shit is to just be like, okay. sure. it's racist. whatever. and move on with your life.

That's not a black woman

fucking white people

Your post is too racist

I said this from all snow nigers.

>Why do blacks insist everything is racist?
For the same reason women insist everything is sexist: It's a powerful tool to get what they want.

>>no blue checkmark

literally means nothing

Because niggers and leftists hate people who are successful. White people have an image of being successful and powerful, which is why they hate them. However, they can't admit they hate them because they resent success, so they call them racist to justify it. There you go.


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Becuase she lives in a single room apartment with her momma, mommas third baby daddy and 5 half steps siblings. Blacks are just envious cuz their life suxs.

Intelligence is linked to race on average.
When you're the dumbest race on the planet you're going to look for reasons why you're marginalized. The problem is that in any race the only way you stop that is by looking at yourself, not others.

Real answer: because their entire culture is based on racism and how to take advantage of it.

it's twitter bro. twitter is for retarded niggers and faggy liberals. nobody of any value actually uses it except for Trump and that's to troll the retarded niggers and the faggy libs

They have been raised being constantly told they are victims and da ebil white world is against them.

Because they're insecure about their own race, and they've been taught that they're victims all their lives. These blacks can't be reasoned with or appeased. They will give you no benefit of the doubt. Once they think you're racist, you're racist. Best course of action is to just ignore and avoid these kinds of people. They're sick in the head.


evil people project evil onto everyone

is it racist to not want to be around evil and bad people?

This. It's the same thing with jews.

jews are down to earth. the jew doesn't open his mouth every chance they get to be negative. yet that is what the black man does when not surrounded by other black men. they are evil. they only want the world to be for black men

Alright kike. Blacks may be primal about it but jews are subversive and use their hatred and malice in far wider and top down reaching evil.

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According to the comments that's the joke. It's not racist at all.

I think the modern negro believes the definition of racist is "things that only white people are capable of doing" or "things that black people are unable to do." The idea that these things are "racist" are that they are exclusionary by ability.

The room in the picture is neat, well furnished, and follows a beautiful color pattern. The person who designed it clearly spent a great deal of time, money, and creative energy in designing it. Anti-women memes aside, it looks like a haven. Anyone would love to live there. The black woman, however, knows that no matter what she does, even with the very picture and the list of items used to furnish the room in her hand, she can never create something like that. So her answer is to call it racist.

If you apply this definition to their usage of the term, it makes a lot more sense and seems to be more evocative of the sentiment they are trying to express.

The charge of racism is to deny white people anything the nonwhites would like to have, but are incapable of creating, the most consequential of which is a nice, low-crime, high-trust society.

Because niggers

imagine having a culture where people care enough about each other enough that the question "are you doing ok?" is so common people have come up with a hand gesture to respond "yes, I am ok"...
now imagine another culture where people don't care about each other, and where they hate the hand gesture because it reminds them that their own people will never truly give a damn about them...