Were there any warning signs? Was Matt trying to reach out and tell us anything? It's just so sad.
What causes a white male to become a shooter?
Other urls found in this thread:
You non-whites better watch out.
The last false flag I bought into was Boston Marathon.
What about you OP?
>Were there any warning signs?
He was white
Anti-trump hysteria in the media
what did he do? did jim push him over an edge?
Last false flag I bought was the Mollie Tibbetts "murder"
He was a Jew. Jews are more likely to have mental diseases.
I am sure his victims deserved it. Matt follows a code of honor similar to the Samurai.
Dumb fucks like you who apologize for white shooters and use non white murderers as anti immigrant propaganda. At least be reasonable here.
Matt is afraid of guns. The only thing he's killing is a cheesecake and his wife's daughter
1) Mental disease/history of psychological issues
2) Psych meds
3) 10+ years of constant social, emotional, and mental turmoil and abuse in school
4) Increased feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and haplessness
5) Inciting incident
"We were just looking for boulders I swear!"
I actually liked matt when he was just a talking skull.
Fuck these assholes piling on Matt. They're worse than the SJW mobs they like to bitch about. Dude is just trying to make a living making YouTube content and these assholes are trying to destroy his livelihood.
Who knows. We'll just have to wait and see.
lol finally someone who got the reference
shut up Matt
>White guy just shot up a football game tournament in jacksonville florida lets see if it gets politici..........
Key takeaway from article....
nobodie's perfect
I'm....I'm sure its just a coincidence, right goys?
What causes whites to cause mass shootings?? Reading the talmud
>(((white male)))
Try again you Nigger-Kike
they are all jewish psyops. I'm fucking black man and i even know this. cant wait till semitic so called jew-ish" devils get a ncklace for ruining my home SA with communist bolshevism tho
You can trust the fundies to reach that conclusion. One fundie fuck was claiming that since a white guy took a commercial aircraft for a suicidal joyride, we need to keep Muslims from working as ground crew.
>What causes a white male to become a shooter?
Being a Jew, judging by the statistics.
i hate when jew semitic devils play black vs white. and they themself claim white when its convenient and semitic when it is. SO CALLED JEWS WILL PERISH SOON ENOUGH AND WELL RETURN ISRAEL TO RIGHTFUL PEOPLES
Legalizing Homosexual "Marriage"
This is the root cause.
careful, he's probably gonna report your post
I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel.
What're the statistics at now anyways, overrepresented as usual of course. Like (((40%))) or higher now?
Do yall ever get tired of repeating the same BS over and over again?