

Attached: 1518924806856.png (1698x730, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1518924900315.png (1733x600, 67K)

Attached: GUNS-IN-OTHER-COUNTRIES-Firearm-Ownership-and-Homicides-Rates-per-Country.png (1558x1006, 105K)

Attached: OECD-and-Small-Arms-Survey.png (741x430, 51K)

Attached: 1523764500173.png (1704x1145, 232K)

delet this goy


Attached: 1534698714871.jpg (947x1192, 209K)

Delet now

Attached: 1534816610827.jpg (720x960, 31K)

Now show gun homicides vs. black % population

bamp for accurate statistics

Attached: 1728F18D-64E1-4889-9A50-60FA76C6EF0D.jpg (528x249, 25K)

Attached: fhr-vs-race-16.png (597x441, 36K)

Attached: cdc-fhr-race-16.png (597x441, 24K)

Attached: cdc-fd-type-16.png (441x441, 28K)

You're making the libtards cry, you monster! Stop assaulting them with facts!

Attached: fhr-vs-gunc-16b.png (597x441, 26K)

Attached: fbi-mwt-16.png (597x441, 41K)

reminder that when you get bored of doing this your job will not be done

Attached: listen here nigger.jpg (461x307, 21K)

E..economics! Poor housing! Lack of education!

these are racist please remove them immidiately

Attached: 1504579698959.jpg (632x675, 102K)

>tops out at 45acp
this pic needs moar cartridges in there like 460 magnum, .308, and everybody's favorite the 50bmg.

Stop posting facts and statistics. Reeeeeeeeeee.

Attached: 1524450108931.png (530x454, 56K)

>liberals absent from this thread
>they will still deny the correlation between blacks and gun violence
>they will still claim there is correlation between guns and crime
>they will still post intentionally misleading or biased statistics that cherrypick countries
>they will still plug their ears and drive their heads under the dirt because they just KNOW guns are bad, even if the actual data doesn't support them

Attached: Poverty and black crime.png (530x461, 45K)

Here's a regression model with both race and poverty (I've tested education before and it never made a difference).

Attached: fhr-regression.png (597x441, 31K)

Facts don't matter

Attached: 1535322055023.jpg (371x284, 125K)




Attached: 1534900025676.jpg (600x450, 72K)

Niggers ruin everything confirmed.

Attached: Democrats are NIGGER THUGS.gif (905x723, 486K)

Attached: 1526191064412.png (430x379, 26K)

Attached: 1526933447693.png (999x949, 95K)

I bet the attempted murder graph is even worse

Attached: 3487309874.png (1693x1108, 203K)

>When I don't understand population density.

Attached: heatmap.png (500x542, 81K)


Can you imagine if this was the correlation between homicides and % gun ownership? This graph would have more airtime on CNN than their logo.

>niggers only survive in dense environments
this isn't a pertinent point to make?

None of these facts matter to the "if it will stop just one mass shooting, you should give up your guns" cucks.

>Amount of Gunz n no Peeps Being Shot, ThEy R nOt ReLaTeD I HAZ HERE PROOFS!

Attached: gun death rates by age and race - w and blacks.png (1169x821, 56K)

None of these facts matter to the "if we just keep making it easier to own guns we will bring down crime" cucks.

yeah, good point it's primarily young black men in their late teens early 20's.

P-value on that sucks.

Yeah Einstein, that's the point. Gun control does not reduce firearm homicides. (Hence unsig p-value).

We get it, you don't understand population density. You are clueless as to why areas with more people might have more people related events.

This is Menachem Goldman, a pro bono lawyer for the Southern Poverty Law Center and I'm just letting you know it's illegal to possess this image. Delete it from your hard drive.

Good thing it's on my flash stick and not my hard drive. Guess I'm good, thank you Mr Goldman.