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You're just now figuring this out?

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It basically is.
Everything the least bit influential gets co-opted and subverted.
We're all on lists.
Probably to be visited by death squads someday.

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You don't say

Then they lost control of their operation a long time ago.

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ever since the mootening this place has been a mossad psyop

Th-those digies though.
What do you gain from this?

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Well, there’s only like 20 people who post here... so that’s sorta lame

Everyone knows /po/ is the centralized location of recruitment to various political ideals. This place is a breeding ground for young men to be transitioned into faithful warriors in whichever group they fall into.

Or it's just a bunch of LARPing faggots lol

>You don't say
>surely not

Pol is like 17 psych ops
Anyone who hasnt realized this already is bot bait

>i am not a robot

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Did you ever question why it’s allowed to exist???

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>>i am not *an* robot

Calling everything a psyop is a psyop.

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Beep bop beep

We’ve been raided by stormcucks since last year and they’ve been shitting up this board attempting to subvert otherwise decent shitposters who want to take our country back away from the Deep State and nefarious interests.

Any popular internet forum for discussing politics eventually becomes overrun by various state and private psyops and "influence campaigns."


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>Deep State

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>being this new

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Nice image. Did the media gag ever come off prominent UK moralists openly inciting hatred against citizens to the point of soliciting murder?

Is the cockroach defence still holding strong?

What if it isn't? Take comfort in knowing that it is and that the scum on here is paid to try and tell you you're wrong.

It wouldn't surprise me.
This is a publicly notorious forum which is trawled by impressionable, expectant and despoiled right-wingers in an age of an Overton Window so far left that people fight a meme war with the amount of heinous reactions to simple cartoon frogs.

There are flat earther shills, complete climate change denial shills (yes, I know it's menial compared to alarmist claims, but it's still occurring), holocaust/holohoax shills (that are mostly irrelevant hogwash to modern issues, unless you take your Holocaust class like a good American), communism and socialism shills, bait abundant of a wide range of topics besides this.

Ever since Trump's victory there has been non-stop disinformation, truth suppression and campaigns across Jow Forums to make Jow Forums users into some kind of boogeyman. Hell, even the /SIG/ thread regulars in Jow Forums think Jow Forumsacks are retarded but believe in the same regime of bodily care.

This is becoming a sandpit for shills and fire-stokers because it's full of newfags and cognitive dissonance. And you can forget for one second that it's all private.
The right wing will continue splintering like it always does, be shilled at into oblivion, and then the average Jow Forumsack will be mindfucked into giving up their views because Schlomo brought up DA SHOAH again.

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Of course it is.

>Each of us are offered different topics.
>We pick the ones we are interested in.
>Whether we post or not, we add to our psychological profile.
>If we do post, those go into our dossier.
>Over time, we can be used by deep state as patsies for various ops big and small using our histories as blackmail

Ever notice how, quite often, threads will be pruned or archived with your post being the final one?

It’s an infinite, fractal, choose-your-own-adventure and the ride never fucking ends, man! The Matrix ain’t got shit on Jow Forums

Ok you guys are fucking with my head.


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>Russians PSYOP
>Israel PSYOP
>Turkish PSYOP
>University project PSYOP
>Shareblue PSYOP

The list is long and for to long, like from 2012.

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You would have to be a complete moron to think that most of the worlds intel agencies would be here because of some autistic nerds on the internet painted a jew on a sidewalk. They didn't spend all that advertising money for nothing.

And the rumor about MSM journalists lurking here was proven true. I remember reading a WaPo article and there were screenshots of threads here

Jow Forums are the Jews ..
Kicked out of other communities because they won't be like us or believe our shit or except it..
Finding the other communities weakness through the use of a mirror..
Use of comedy normalisation to raise the mirror..
Subversion of symbols and psychology into other communities. .
Give Jow Forums enough time to convince everyone we can all live together peacefully .
In a nutshell .

Who cares. I’m here for the banter of it all.

Jow Forums is a psyop. Most of the threads are pre-written or generated by bots and delivered only to you or maybe a select few to control narratives and sway opinions.

You have to wake up. Everybody's worried about you. Please wake up. We all miss you so much. I wish you could wake up.

But how am I wrong specifically.


So that means... you're doing a psyop now?

no, that's GLP

You're not wrong. You're in a coma, and we can't afford to keep you breathing for much longer. I've been here with you night and day just wishing you would wake up. Whatever life is like in there, it's better out here, I promise. Please wake up.

God dammit it's over isn't it guys? They must have all of our IPs and emails by now. Are we getting fired?

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the final redpill
we are the jews

Shitposting is a psyop?

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>make a post in an israeli thread
>5 min later i get a tinder match with a big ass milf and an israeli flag in her profile
Mossad if you try to seduce me my answer is: not good enough. Give me shekels not cheap ass

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Can't fire us if we're unemployed bucko

>Jow Forums

plebbit is down the hall and to the left. You will know you are getting close when your free speech meter goes down to zero.

Most people in my life already hate me, what leverage do """they""" really have by exposing my kikeposting

I'm saying concern trolling over psyops is its own thing to be taken in stride.

>We’ve been raided by stormcucks since last year

o rly? Here's a protip. There was never any stormcuck 'invasion'. We started using swastikas here back when we were /n/ but we aren't from stormfront and never have been. Many of us, such as myself, began in usenet long ago. We came to /b/ because it was fun back before you even graduated from AOL. The swastikas were all in the spirit of trolling, but don't let this make you think that we are not white or nationalists. I, for one, became more of a white nationalist as time went on, as I saw the negative influence that Jews and niggers had on my day to day mundane life. If anything, anons migrated from Jow Forums to stormfagville.

Fucking newfags.

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>not giving a shit who knows what.
This is step one.

>shills and spooks here on the daily
>everyone else autistic or trolling, often both
>normies forever too horrified to ever come here

Maybe it's a real psyop guys?