Whites aren’t human?

I just watched a YouTube video of what sounded like a black male with the title “Are Caucasians human or Neanderthal”. What struck me as odd is that a lot of what he sounded like what’s said on Jow Forums. Is there anyone here who knows a bit about anthropology who can confirm what he says? Is it true that 100% Africans are the only 100% homo-sapien/modern humans? Also does that mean that when we talk about humans as a species, whether it be asian, Black, white etc. They’re all effectively a ‘sub-human’ branch (I hope that makes sense lol)? I’ve always believed in the ‘Out Of Africa’ theory but I think I’m reconsidering now, any additional red pills are welcome too.

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Shameless self-bump. This is not an anti white thread.



A fucking snowflake bitchboy.

Keep bumping your own thread as you suck your own dick.

What was that porch-monkey? Keep being a little mooncricket nigger

aaah non racist here, basicallyyou could still find some etnicies of "pure" sapien genus but aggain wouldn't that add even more salt to the wound that a species technically extinc due to the sapiens expanding ended pulling the definitive karma move and became the guys that industralized black slavery?

Maybe explains why we are better at killing, building and maintaining things.

That's jews

Yeah, black Africans don't carry dna from any other species like neanderthal or denisovan (there's one other group that hasn't been identified but the dna is unique).

Black Africans have non-sapiens admixture (10%) from an unidentified African hominid.

Neanderthals and Denisovans were already practically Sapiens; in many waya more evolved. That's probably why the transmission of genes was from male Neanderthals and Denisovans to sapiena females. Kind of like how it was from European males to African American slaves.


>. Using this method, we find that ~7.97±0.6% of the genetic ancestry from the West African Yoruba population traces its origin to an unidentified, archaic population (FDR ≤20%). We find several loci that harbor archaic ancestry at elevated frequencies and that the archaic ancestry in the Yoruba is reduced near selectively constrained regions of the genome suggesting that archaic admixture has had a systematic impact on the fitness of modern human populations both within and outside of Africa.


>became the guys that industralized black slavery?
Are you talking about Jews?

I have come to accept that we the three races have one common ancestors but themselves are three sub races that can interbred. Hispanics are hapas btw as Native Americans are proto-mongoloid.

No, Native Americans are mixed Caucasoid (Haplogroup R1/Q1/C) with East Eurasian mtDNA.

Native Americans are Eestern European Hunter gatherera mixed with East Asian females. Hispanics would be quapas.

>East Eurasian
>Not proto-mongoloid

Even still they are 75% hapas then.

Hispanic inst a race, They can be anything from blonde hair blue eyed whites to full blown native Americans

Thats what I am saying is that they are a mixed race group of pure white to beans which are basically hapas. It also explains why they can take being a weeboo to an extreme.

So much for that 100% human bs then.

"Proto Mongoloid" is a bullshit anthropological word for Caucasoid. NAs have Caucasoid features.

Neanderthal DNA is what separates whites from Africans. Europeans have some Neanderthal DNA because when early humans migrated out of Africa they mixed with the Neanderthals that were already living there. Supposedly thats why Europeans are smarter because Neanderthals actually had fairly large brains, about the size if not larger than humans, and they also had advanced tools for their time. Also Neanderthals would have to have had better planning skills and foresight due to the harshness of their environment, especially when planning for winters. Jews tend to have slightly more Neanderthal DNA which would explain the higher average IQ. Asians also have some need thats not homo saipen. I forget what the species was called, there was homo species living in Asia before humans showed up and the same thing happened there as with whites and Neanderthals in Europe.

You are more Neanderthal than you've been led to believe

Denisovan user is the Asian ancestor.

Yea thats the name. Thanks

Homo Africanus are not human like everyone else. All other people outside of sub-Saharan Africa have Neanderthal DNA admixture. Since all the great civilizations arose out side of sub-Saharan Africa, we can deduce that it was this Neanderthal admixture that turned Homo Africanus into Homo Sapiens.

tl:dr: Niggers aren't human.

Also its amazing how much Neanderthals looks like kikes.

Attached: Neandertal-museum-reconstruction.jpg (640x427, 72K)

Jews might not look great, but you can't deny that they're clever as fuck.

I think maybe Neanderthals were god chosen people and he tried killing them off with the flood as kikes are going kike and whites are the Chosen 2.0

Not to mention that picture 100% looks like a Jew I had conversation with about a couple months ago.

Mostly the inbred Ashkenazis. I am a Georgian Sephardic Jew. Sephardics tend to be a lot less inbred and tend to assimilate better. So my family looks pretty damn white. I personally am whiter than paper. Possible due to the fact the Georgians are the first white people/ Europeans.

Recent trends in Anthropology combine neanderthal and homo sapien both under the Homo Sapien species (Homo Sapien Sapien and Homo Neanderthal Sapien).

Either way Africans don't have that piece of DNA which is a huge distinction between whites and blacks. I think Europeans have something like 4-5% Neanderthal DNA, which is a lot of DNA when thinking that we share 98% DNA with chimps. If 2% separates us from literal monkeys image what a difference 4% makes.

No our genome expression difference is 8%

From chimps? or 8% Neanderthals? Either way a few percentage points in DNA makes a huge difference.

from the human part of DNA. So the 2% that makes us "Human". 8% is different and from an unknown hominid.

So Africans are almost 1% out of 2 closer to chimps? Makes sense to me.


Damn niggers. Just got back from spending two months in Kenya. I can safely say that they act more like animals than humans.

I think it's an interesting subject. Blacks likely bred with an outside unidentified race like other races did with Neanderthals we just haven't identified the outside race yet. Possibly that's how they acquired such dark skin and other things. I hope we find out what they were like one day. It's also another point in how our races are so different from each other if we all bred with other proto human species.

So technically speaking, what subtribe of hominid are current day Africans?

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Whats your opinion on the Jews as a Jew? Jews always found me curious as I tend to not fall for their conversation tricks and railroad them and tend to beat them in arguments. I find most of them have pilpul genetically ingrained in them.

YEs, whites are genetically superior to humans.

Define humans first.

I see it as this

Pre-Human + Neanderthal = White
Pre-Human + Denisovan = SE Asia
Pre-Human + Denisovan + Neanderthal = NE Asia
Pre-Human + ?? = African

What were you doing there? Going on safari?

Nah I was working there. If you just go to visit you wont get the full affect. You'll just think its a 3rd world shithole, but if you have to get something done and interact with them on a daily basis you'll see what im talking about.

From my experience Jews fall into one of two categories. They are either the nicest, most honest people you'll meet or the biggest fucking scum bags ever that will try to fuck you over in anyway they can. I think a big probelm for this second category is that they've really taken the whole chosen people thing to heart and feel as though they are entitled and do not need to improve in anyway. I think every race needs to work on self-improvement Jews included obviously.

I think the races are better separate and stuff like this just proves we are completely different from one another. I hate that these interesting topics are so taboo because you can actually learn a lot from them. Deep down I think everyone knows this as well, it’s just like race and iq. Hell I used race and IQ graphs to predict the amount of blacks there would be in my engineering class and I was right lol. Maybe the blacks have some secret alien admixture that makes them live for the gibs lol

it's arguing semantics, it's all about what you define as 'human.' Biology says if males and females produce viable children, it's the same species. As a fairly steadfast rule.

I think some mixing of race and culture is fine. If you look at history some of the biggest advancements in knowledge and technology happened during war and trading when different race would be interacting with each other. The problem arises when its mass amounts of people coming from one country to a completely different one and are either unable or unwilling to assimilate and adapt.

Africans are unevolved humans.

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Lol a Wolf and a German Shepard can mate but they are two different species.

good job falling for disinfo, retard

Would you mind linking me a source for this? I've been trying to find this out for months now. It would be much appreciated. I've got to get to bed so thanks in advance, will check this thread in the morning, but I know I'm not the only one.

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