Who so low score?

Full clips, champion pro gamer. Just two dead? I mean, I know it’s madden and not an FPS, but after a billion hours of playing, shouldn’t you have better hand eye coordination? It’s like vidya is just a lie or something.....

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stopped reading there, I suppose one can't expect better from memeflag trash

>It’s like vidya is just a lie or something.....

*Rises up*

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Professional gaming doesn't exist.

Skyking knew how to fly already

Someone dropped a nickel and he panicked.

Professional sports don't exist. See, I said it therefore the thousands or millions who engage in such endeavours all cease to exist. No more NFL! It's not real man!


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Maybe the guys he shot were playing dirty...

It's a cover-up. The government were using a directed energy weapon to kill those gamers, the gunshots were blanks there to fool people into thinking it was a normal gun. This man was brainwashed by MKULTRA into killing those gamers. This is part of a government scheme to genocide gamers because they know we are superior beings, and they are afraid of us rising up. DRUMPF ordered those gamers dead, they were too good. When the gamers rise up they could have been soldiers, commanders, and other types of warriors, so they are thinning our ranks before they commit the genocide. This is also going to be used to show that "gamers are dangerous" another way for them to persecute us and claim we need to be killed. This is just another act in a long line of gamer oppression leading up to an ultimate event where gamers will be killed en masse.

Video games make you worse at using weapons. They trick you into thinking it's an easy and effortless thing to kill. You actually have to put your sights where they need to be to hit a person. You can't just flick your thumb and lock on. You also have to stabilize the the gun well when shooting at a distance, whereas this happens automatically in a game which he probably thought was happening when it wasn't so it threw his aim. You're also dealing with recoil and reloads that don't happen at the press of a button.

The platforms of gaming and real life don't connect as well as you'd like them to. They're actually detrimental to real life activities.

>Who so low score?
Because he's low energy and anti-Trump. The Trump curse got his ass

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opinion discarded

You're not athletes. You aren't "professionals". You're faggots who play video games an inordinate amount of time and think you're achieving something of value. Anyone except a blind person or a person without fingers can do what you do they just realize its cringe and unproductive. The world is laughing at you.

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If they do it for money full time then that makes them professionals. Doesn't matter what you think, user. They get money for playing video games and there is nothing you can do about it.

He should have just added a rail and bought an aimbot attachment.

t. mad boomer who played college ball then failed to make it pro.