Was he the greatest example of everything a White Man ought to be?

Was he the greatest example of everything a White Man ought to be?

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If white people disappeared from the USA right now, crime would be cut by half, wages would skyrocket, healthcare costs would plummet, jobs would open en masse and home prices would absolutely plummet.
Everyone would be living in a utopia.


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No, he's a fucking coward who shot innocent people.

If the whites disappears from the US, you country would into a gigantic Liberia in about 10 years. Also remove "United" from "united states of America" because blacks will just split into clans because it's in their roots.

As long as the Jewish media covers up nigger crimes against whites while blowing up the few white crimes against niggers, people like Dylan Roof will exist

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>Bowl head

Hell no

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And if they keep pushing their luck then there will be a lot more Dylan Roofs

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Muh United states of the 52%

>can’t find a night club to shoot up
Why show a coward?

No. You're wrong, Tyrone. Niggers should have an internet curfew.

No, dumbass. He killed innocent Christian folks.
If you seriously support this faggot, pls kill yourself.

killed a bunch of old black people in a church instead of gangbangers and thugs; the epitome of pussy

Black people kill innocent white people everyday in the US and he did something about it. He got revenge while you are a pussy counter-signalling him.

He is a great example of what an atomized man will become.

A pasty faced faggot with a gay-as-a-three-dollar-bill haircut?

I like him a lot, he might have been an incel, but luckily his mass shooting had a racial angle, so incels weren't blamed, but I like and support him, seems like a nice guy, I hope his stay in prison isn't too hard.

No. He can’t be a racist POS and wear a Rhodie patch. That’s stricly anti-communist. The SA Pre-Arpeithied is fine though.

For an idiot on Jow Forums, yes. Ryan Faulk is the ideal white man in reality.

Ryan is gay


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>If white people disappeared from the USA right now, crime would be cut by half,
So you're saying the other 50% is caused by 6% of the population ?

Srsly Does anyone know where to buy this jacket?

Or did he just sew them on?

And securing existence for white people by leading the far right away from Richard Spencer to practical civic nationalism. He's the most important person alive right now.

you realize blacks are like 12% of the US right? Spics are literally 20%+ if anything the spics will rule

no, but he was fucking cool

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Yeah I guess so

I just uncovered his Deviantart page. It still holds up.



a wigger that got cucked and turned racist ?

I believe he sewed it or got an embroidery company to sew it on

he's a pussy
this retard should have shot up a corner full of dealers, instead he kills a bunch of church-going women

yes, minus the haircut

Doesn't matter, minds are changing. Coalitions are forming.

Wow almost like removing any race would have the exact same effect you listed.

You know he's some black guys little prison bitch right now....

Another Triangle face little punk... If only he'd blew his own head off... oh well, life goes on...

If he's a shit for killing "church niggers" instead of killing some "gang niggers" or othersuch, then what does that make you for doing nothing?

Why do shills get so triggered over Tactical Bowlcut threads? It's like holy water to the shills.

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Would turn into a huge race war between niggers and spics.

shut up nigger.

it's only shills that try and glorify this faggot manlet retard. leafs have got to go, fuck this thread and fuck Canada.

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>muh kike on a stick makes blacks equal to whites
unironically kys

One eye peers into this reality the other the dark recesses of his own mind