what are your honest thoughts on this country?
What are your honest thoughts on this country?
stay the fuck out
Stagnant economy, odd culture
Fucked up Imperial history
get the fuck in
Country that got cocky after BTFO of China and thought they could take on the great eagle. Pretty nice country though.
Japanese is for the Japanese.
>t. English teacher
Excellent preservation of tradition and the culture of the past. Not to mention the level of dedication that some people have to their work.
Not businessmen per say, but craftsmen. People that devote their whole lives to making the perfect mosaic of wood for covering decorative boxes. That I find incredible.
Good place. Good people. Lets just hope they don't turn their population crisis into a demographics crisis.
You can bounce back from a fallen population, you can't bounce back from a bunch of foreigners taking over your country as easily.
A methodical people.
Interesting history.
Long-term thinkers.
They are in the top 3 countries in which I would choose to live.
Worked in Tokyo for a couple weeks and it was pretty nice. Good food, great weather, safe neighborhoods, and locals willing to put up with my idiot American faux pas in exchange for gaijin dollars.
The only reason I don't hate them is because they got what they deserved after WW2. I've never been to Japan but I wouldn't mind visiting someday, though.
it's all so tiring.
Produces the best and most kino entertainment media on the fucking planet. Extremely smart and kind. Fuckton of respect for them.
The image is from recent Japanese TV, explaining the newly adopted word ポリコレ (politically correct) to the Japanese public.
The ride never ends.
Home to some of the loneliest people on the planet
Why are they letting cheap chinese plastic garbage flood the world instead of their grade-A products?
>nationalist ethnostate
>long history of war and conquest
Kyoto is the most beautiful city on the globe and I wouldn't mind living out the rest of my days and being burried there if given a chance.
Tojo did nothing wrong.
Delicious Sushi. Strong martial tradition, valuable codified combat forms. Possibly most extreme honour code planetwide. Admirably made the leap from secluded ancient kingdom to modern nation, excelling at electronics. Hot women with a nice demeanour. Nice powerful mafia to keep government in check. Nazi bros. Beautiful landscape. Have made some awesome good vidya games and cartoon. Don't regularly talk shit and start problems internationally like most other nations. Clean culture. Decent philosophy and religion, Zen, Shinto. Have learned many valuable things from Japanese culture over the years. Society dislikes brown sub-humans. Sideways vagina is a novel change.
Ear-destroying karaoke. Tentacle porn and used-panty dispensers. Gave up their martial nature too easily after getting nuked. Some odd sex habits and dysfunctional relationship dynamic may make them easy prey for the SJW plague soon, but that's a problem we all face. The way they use a longbow will never look right to a Welshman. Sushi is great but not encountered many good Japanese hot foods.
holy shit does japan have enough of a feminist infestation now that they have to put that on TV?
Wow the world really is fucked.
Japan no. Commit cultural seppuku or you will lose your honor.
ez pussy
If they play it smart and keep foreigners at bay (except for highly skilled workers) they'll continue being the only sane, orderly place on earth in a long time to come.
Cute women and traps.
Anime is cool too I guess.
People work themselves to death. Wierd culture. People are not very happy. Not as hi life quality as people think. Here's some stats: Indequality adjusted HDI.
I unironically love anime.
I hope Japan stays an ethnostate, but I'd love to visit someday desu senpai.
All of the Nigerians running around Tokyo might be the final red pill.
I’ve lived in both Sweden and japan. Swedes are more depressed by FAR
Anime makes me vomit. Stupid, cruel, childish cartoons for kidults.
Sushi is not even a food.
And Kurils are Russian, just stay away.
Will go extinct
Last hope for the future.
Anyone have advice for people trying to visit japan?
They need to protect themselves from kikes, muslims and niggers or the upcoming Olympics will fuck their country up forever.
>HDI meme
I will say their work culture can be pretty brutal though.
japan is my home girl youtu.be
If you visit Tokyo and visit the seedier side of town it's filled with Nigerian scammers.
Pay attention to places and if it's nothing but Japanese inside you are not welcome. Most of the time they put a sign in English out front to let you know you aren't welcome.
Because Japanese people don't want to export their good shit, they just want to keep it all for themselves. There's a serious sense of "Japan is for the Japanese" in which companies refuse to export their finest products as they believe it should belong to Japanese consumers first and foremost.
In Tokyo, a city with a population greater than my entire country, this is all they could scrounge up for some retarded gay-rights/jewish bullshit. This shit is everywhere, but Japan does a good job of keeping it under control because bullying people into adhering to social norms is still acceptable and widely practiced over there. Seriously, look at these damaged goods pieces of shit. No country is perfect so get over the idea that there aren't going to be some insufferable cunts there too.
Modern Japan, the perfect example of how a nuclear holocaust would of have been a better option than submission to the (((USA)))
Always preferable to any nigger or brown country.
Sketchy past, but they make all the anime and games i love.
Decent people with a strong code of law. Great work ethic. Blew my mind to see people drinking casually on the street. Insane regulations on demonstrations and meetups.
A population of 132 million on that island puts notions of a declining birthrate to stupidity. The cities are so damn dense, and noisy, it's a goddamn hive everywhere you go.
2 nukes weren't enough. We need to nuke the gooks again because anime is causing white genocide. Say no to anime.
You sound buttmad that Japan conquered your eastern territories
An odd number of nukes probably would have made them normal
It's time the United States stop paying their defense budget, and let them fall to North Korea and China, not like we're getting much from them anyway.
Anime is redpilling whites you boring cuckhold
Based and bluepilled (also redpilled).
>Pay attention to places and if it's nothing but Japanese inside you are not welcome.
I wouldn't say that. But maybe it's more that way in Tokyo. Last time I was there I was mostly in small towns, so generally there wasn't a single non-Japanese person around, and people still seams receptive. Some of the tourist places were filled with very loud Chinese people though. That was very annoying, I saw some annoyed looks toward Chinese. I didn't notice it towards me but maybe I missed it.
>getting nuked vs submitting
In reality Japan both got nuked and then submitted. They got forced into an unconditional surrender and then we occupied them. We still have our base there to this day.
They're good people though and have really built their country up to an amazing thing.
No it's not, you degenerate weebnigger.
Your country brings all the degenracy in this world, mutt.
That looks pretty comfy. I've only been to Tokyo, and downtown at that, so maybe it's different elsewhere.
They are more based than the rest of the East Asian fags.
Virtuous degenerates
Whom in 2 generations will be just virtuous.
Why are there fucking nigger scammers in Japan? God fucking niggers will nig everywhere they can.
Honestly though if I ever go to Japan I'll try to go with a friend. Going alone sounds daunting .
Aren't you supposed to be hiding from ISIS? Tyrone, please, they don't do anything to you.
I wasn't even on Honshu last time I was there. I was in Hokkaido.
Big cities are shit. Why got to Tokyo if you want to see Japan. Most of the foreign influence in the country is in Tokyo! It's the least Japanese place in Japan.
It's like if someone told me they wanted to see the Midwest so they planned a trip to Chicago, or see the West so they planned a trip just in Denver. These cities are watered down versions of the real thing.
Next time I go to Japan, I was thinking Shikoku and the surrounding islands. Or Kyushu.
Going to have to agree with this.
The eastern aryans must be allowed to fluorish, it's what the fuhrer would have wanted.
Nah, I want to go visit some time.
Well according to "Happiness report" Sweden ranks 9th and japan 54 in the world.
I've only been with a work group, but sometimes I just went out on my own to get away from my coworkers. Tokyo is incredibly accessible to foreigners, it's a pretty international city.
No clue, but there are Nigerian hawkers and scammers and bouncers all over the place in Roppongi.
These reports suck.
> The rest of the East Asian fags.
Including those who kicked you fat ass out of their jungle ?
Pretty fucking surprised that people actually idolize that degenerate, xenophobic declining country. They are only good for Vidya, and nothing else.
Fucking rumanians rank themeselves happier than japanese people.
Alternatingly frighteningly advanced and frighteningly autistic.
Great argument
What are your thoughts on enslaving them once the right-wing revolution occurs? Seem doable?
I don't bother them.
They don't bother me.
ISIS died with McCain.
Vietnam is Southeast Asia, not East Asia... Your autism is showing boy.
I don't want to overload your phone with a wall of text.
That's good to hear.
Thank you for Shampoo Japs
Elaborate more
Colonial concept. Means nothing. Asia will be your tomb.
As long as the security business exists, so will Nigerians being in obscure countries. Hell you can go to Shanghai and see chinks everywhere. The moment you hit up a nightclub/bar, Nigerian security at the door.
Bigot what's wrong with poor refugees you need some cultural enrichment.
Honest question
Do you gookgoys have tiny dicks that can't satisfy your women?
Do jap women like white men because of their larger cocks and still high IQ?
I only ask because my university was full of Asians and it seems to be like a pre-graduation bucket list for the asian girls to get a white bf and all the Asian guys seemed to be really hostile towards white guys.
When I was in Shanghai I stuck to an English Pub. Nothing but a bunch of fat drunk expats. My kind of crowd.
I said security
Nigerians aren't good for security like complicated shit, using communication systems to coordinate protecting someone as they move thru an area. They're more like guard dogs.
There wasn't any security there, not necessary. I know what you're talking about though.
Think bouncer, that's what they're good at doing.
> Still high IQ
Amerocan spotted
The Jew fears the Samurai.
>asking a westerner of his Chinese penis is small
U do realize you're on a Pacific islander water skiing forum, right?
That may be. But they'll always be in security and internet scams. Its like their designated industries.
get your slurs right yusuf
If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life.