Redpill me on the Jews

Is it truly over for the goyim? Asking for a friend.

Attached: aaaa.jpg (1640x1510, 254K)

all coal burners

Attached: Shoe Blacked.webm (480x360, 356K)

Fuuuck. Will go get a tan and cut my penis for her then.

*blocks your fridge*

Attached: armored skeptic.jpg (599x1114, 99K)

She's like 155cm?

after the black dude broke up with her, this fat Canadian douche became her sloppy seconds (or ninths)

dont know

is that Poppy on the top right?


her beta orbiters are in for a bumpy ride

Attached: 1491031703133.png (353x344, 267K)

It is truly over.

Attached: poppy2.png (971x805, 834K)

it sure is

Attached: 1490928499751.jpg (1064x986, 425K)

So you use the picture I post which specifically proves Poppy isn't a Jew.
Kys you dirty gyppo

Attached: aXcZY3J.jpg (1159x749, 172K)


it scares me to say yeah it's over

just look at this photo, it's over

Sloppy seconds or not,looks better now then before.

Isn't that guy a cert. homo?

US education btw


Attached: 3.webm (1772x992, 2.99M)

after he saw this in the morning

Attached: puke.jpg (1200x600, 499K)

She likes that gun because of the way it looks...

black and small?

I thought it was because it is black, but small too I guess. BTW, your webm sound doesn't work. I had to use jewtube.

>Tfw no Army issued 9mm Beretta to shoot myself with.

Faggot Jow Forums blocks any webm that has sound just like any webm that isn't encoded exclusively with VP8, the old YouTube codec.

>your webm sound doesn't work. I had to use jewtube
newfag detected