Meet the next Potus of the United States

Long live the revolution comrades!

Attached: 180626-arciga-cortez-hero_moqxdy_1_mdrlsk.jpg (1480x833, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>next potus
>she isn't even close to 35

fake & gay

Based and redpilled.

Attached: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 9.jpg (1200x800, 50K)

More goddamn spam. You niggers could at least be original and creative with your spam.

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>Still in her 20s
>not even eligible to run in 2024

>Potus of the United States
>President of the United States of the United States

You're living trash.

>be legal adult
>can't run for president
Land of the free home of the brave

probably not desu

Being a president is more than just being able to drink alcohol and eligible for porn star.

Inform yourself, sunday commie:


The Democratic incumbent is going to be on the ballot alongside the Republican candidate. She's not going to win.

i dunno

Isn't even a transsexual jewish muslim convert.

>Potus of the United States
>President of the United States of the United States

fuck you beat me to it lol
also fuck this crazy eyed monster dipshit spic

It's almost as if commies are sheltered trust fund kids.... oh wait.

is this the next evolution of australian shitposting?

Potus of the United States...
Really makes you think

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She wont bend the knee for the jews so this will blow over quick

>not a female comedian
>not a female prowrestler


>tfw there will be a national-bolshevik republic of north american goblins in your lifetime

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OP I will bet you every penny and every asset I have vs. every penny and asset you have whatever that may be that she will not be the next POTUS. Let me know if you are serious and we get a lawyer to draw up a contract to avoid loop holes like giving away your money before I can collect.
If not then confess you are a fucking retard.

Attached: OP faggot cant read req for POTUS.jpg (566x480, 54K)

It's like Mike Judge is a time traveller & combined Obama/Drumpf/and this dumb cunt into one character as a warning from the future.

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There’s a reason why we don’t let 20 year olds become president. Just look at ocasio Cortez, she’s the perfect example of why

She might get elected in 40 years or so, once America had truly turned to shit with a gazillion shitskinned people as the majority.

But you're dreaming if you think this dumb as rocks commie cunt will get elected before then.

I'm a funny guy:


Let the bodies hit the floor

Will not happen. Her modification of US lifestyle and inner workings is so broad that it will not work. She will end up being some sort of token commie annoying the House reps never ending, but finally sitting in a comfy position of gov gibs never doing anything.
She will get rid of some homeless and shit, and thats good, but thats not what she envisions.

Right gender, wrong person. Nikki Haley is crafty and does not give interviews where she shows any lack of intelligence. Nobody wants President Pence. Haley is secretly angling to succeed Reagan 2.0 as we speak...

Attached: Nikki_Haley_official_photo.jpg (966x1200, 77K)