Alcoholics belong in Gulags

Attached: alcoholic-slumped-next-to-glass-of-alcohol.jpg (1100x734, 108K)

Yeah I agree alcohol is a degenerate vice that destroys people.

Jews belong in concentration camps.

There is literally nothing positive about it and should be avoided all together.

temporarily :)

nah, i have been killing a fifth every other day or two day for at least 5 years. git gud.


Alcoholics are subhuman. I will never understand becoming addicted to shit like this and substance abuse in general.

But I guess subhumans will always have a low willpower and act on impulse.

Then youre not an alcoholic. If you can go 24 hours without a withdrawal attack then by medical definition you're not an alcoholic.

i get all shaky and shit does that count? at this point i drink to nor shake

Ok make it forced labor camps then.

Fucking poofs, harden up cunts

It's easy as shit. It only takes 3 months of drinking 1.5 liters of 35% abv every week. You dont even need to have a psychological dependency to become physically addicted and thereby an alcoholic.

We like to call it Australia

what is an alcoholic by Jow Forums standards?
i've come to realize that Jow Forums much like leftists have no idea what words mean

It makes you soft.
Drink water, or non-caffeinated shit like rooibos.

And what exactly is "and shit"? Do you drink at night before you go to bed? Do you wake up feeling fine? But then you get a delayed hangover a few hours after you're awake? Do you get stomach cramps?

Well, then just don't drink for 3 full fucking months.

How fucking difficult is that?

It just seems surreal to me. Alcohol is nice in small quantities, but it actually tastes like shit and makes you feel like shit.

I can understand becoming addicted to Adderal, Ritalin, because that actually improves your life in such a quick fashion that you want to get it more and more.

But alcohol? Tastes like piss, makes you feel like shit.

Don't fucking get it man.

Why would you not drink? Do you not like things being fun?

You're not a doctor stop larping.

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That's like the average weekly alcohol intake of a 17 year old
Harden the fuck up dawg

in moderation alcohol increases dopamine in the brain and eases socializing. There is nothing wrong with having a few drinks with your friends and relaxing watching the big game or whatever.

I'm fine with hangovers as long as i don't have to work.

you sound like an underage

I drink 2-3 beers 3x a week with coworkers and friends as a social activity. I will probably live just as long as a non-drinker.

Why quit?