Society is slowly becoming a singularity. It happens so incrementally that the normies don't notice it

Society is slowly becoming a singularity. It happens so incrementally that the normies don't notice it.
They have no original thoughts or opinions, and they only care about whatever is mainstream or trendy and mainstream.
They all type, act, think the same and they don't realize it. If you spend enough time on Twitter and Leddit then you realize how same-y it all is.
The normies would rather go with the flow and have someone else do all the "hard stuff" for them, (((Hollywood))) vilifies AI but I think normies would gladly accept an AI overlord if it wasn't incredibly blatant.
What can we do? It seems inevitable but I don't want to be a part of a fucking hive mind.

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I'm gonna make that AI.
Then whoever paid me gets the remote.

I think they are trying to rebel against "you are special" by being all the same. It's stupid. It's like they are all making themselves bland and unable to tolerate different opinions just to rebel against a phrase.

I don't agree with that, I think they genuinely believe in "you are special" but they don't realize that they're all the same anyway.

Moores law shows we're done for. When the first computer that can design a better one on its own is created, that is it.

If so why do they call you a special snowflake if you have a different opinion? They must be rebelling against it somehow.

We live in an incredibly bland and boring age. The roles that people used to have are completely melted, it is the age of non-defined middle class. Nobody wants to achieve anything anymore because it all looks like everything has already been reached.
You want to discover new lands? All been discovered already! Go to space? Too expensive and imppssible with current technology. Fight for workers rights? Been there done that, does not work. Women rights, minority rights? Everybody has the same rights already. Want to be a scientist? Nobody understands science anymore. We have all the impprtant technology and nobody invests in the new ones anymore. Being a war hero, conquer new territories? War sucks, we know that already.
All that remains one can achieve is being a succesful pop-star or a sportsmen. Those are the only roles left.
Even the super rich people are currently showing us, that at some point having more and more money actually does not get you to some super fantasy land anymore. It just gets you more drugs and depression. There is no more posh rich class anymore, the rich culture was hijacked by pop-culture with no manners.

All the current kids want to achieve is a popularity achieved by looks and drug overdosing.

Nothing does not matter anymore. The society is dying, the culture is dying, we got to the saturation point. The only big discovery left is progressing so much in AI that humans will become finally obsolete.

Is this why the normies are against doing anything interesting? They decide to make things boring and bitch at the people who wanna do things.

That's true. People are starting to move away from being "unique and special" and becoming more tribal. They don't even try to hide the groupthink anymore and it's disturbing.
On point. There's this girl I really like but every day it seems more and more like she's just a depressed druggie thot like everyone else. Fucking depressing.

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>Society is slowly becoming a singularity. It happens so incrementally that the normies don't notice it.
Damn right.
Wanna know something funny? Lately I've been harnessing the ability to interact with my wi-fi and project my will into the internet. By recently I mean 6 years of random OBE-like experiences which I can describe as lying in bed with electrical currents "jacked in" to my chakras. Like legit it's like they weren't in my body anymore, replaced by a sea of electrical information while my mind was somewhere else doing what it likes. Like split personality man only i was my body yet I wasn't. I can see behind cameras or people's eyes.
It was a coo coo crazy experience the first time around and i always felt like I was gonna shit my pants from fear, took me awhile to find out what I was doing.
It could be just kundalini but idk this feels artificial because I rarely meditate in fact i don't even lead a healthy life. Sometimes I can predict A.I movement in games or make them do stuff(like jump off ledges) if I concentrate on making my spine feel like that but it wears me out.

I upgraded to win10 recently and it increased in frequency. I saw a thread here about a hidden wifi network emmiting signals in win10 which was the precursor to 5G

So can we safely assume that 5G = Cyberspace?

Are deckers real?

Can we jack in the internet2.0 prototype without any hardware or is it a glitch?

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No need. I think I came into contact with one a few weeks ago if it wasn't just some decker projecting him/herself to see what's all the hubbub coming from my location

It touched my face in a soothing way even though I wasn't stressed or anything. Didn't see it though.

i sleep right next to my wi-fi router and it's been on for years

I admit to being a special snowflake just to shut them up. Then they call me edgy. Then I say yeah I am so what. Then they accuse me of trying to be cool. Then I say if I was trying to be cool I'd just parrot your views.

Shoutout to sean ranklin

interesting, when did you start experiencing this?

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Define interesting. Hobbies are great of course however it is just a way of spending your free time in a manner that suits you the best. For normies hobby is just a way of showing themselfs to the rest of society, in a world where not a reality, but the internet created pocture of you, is more important.
I have my hobbies and I used to like them a lot, however I matured since then and I have a young family now. And you know what I find the most interesting? To be able to, or at least have a chance to, provide my family or the whole society a better life. To move them somewhere, get somewhere, to invest in the world get on a society ladder higher etc. However I got to the realisation that such things are merely a matter of luck these days. Where do you want to move in a society ladder? There is no point. We just want to get by in life somehow, that is all. We are slaves of our jobs, wageslaving to be able to pay our horendous rents for shitty small apartments. Careering in an anonymous companies that does not give anything to society. Making business with virtual money, living our virtual social network lives and putting our children in the same world. Nothing is developing.
My last naive idea about the "old" society rules still working was that I invested my best 6 years in a hard university studies. I thought it will guarantee me better life than my parents had. What a naive idea it was. Diploma does not guarantee nothing. I live in a mexico of europe where manual workers have better wages than research workers or junior management. If I want at least an avarage life standard in this country I have to forget about career or a nice job and some social status.

This society is ill. We need social roles and social status defined by something that is more real and what requires an actual social credit. Not a society of virtual bullshit.

the term edgy pisses me off to no end, it lost its original meaning and now it just means "contrarian opinion i don't like"

We need aliens now, to break us out of this matrix. Make everyone realize we are not alone in this universe. A new false god.

People in masse are not original and attempts to be original only prove how stupid/dull they are. Chase for originality on it's own is a carrot before the mule, so economy can produce and sell to millions of people another few million pairs of "original" snickers and shirts.
When your thoughts are pretty much dictated by the daily dise of media and entertaiment you consume, even a thought of being original us laughable.
That was dull and unproductive concept, and it is abandoned for good.

I wish... there is a whole huge universe out there indeed. However humans are showing they have no idea how to deal with it. We stopped looking to stars. We need someone to appear and make us look there again.

Even if ayys did appear, aren't most people too stupid and simple minded to have even a slightly complex thought about what that means?

Stupid people have already been around, however the point is to seperate stupid from smarter ones and to define their society roles.
Making a contact with ayys may fuel the power and will of the smarter class to invest into more complex universe exploration or creating new technologies while the stupids might finally serve as the working force. All would make sense again.

google the big other lacan

Perhaps when you stop thinking in terms of "humans" you will realise it doesn't exist. This is a global term that you need to break away from, pal. You seem also to be pretty naive in your view that all things are lost. We are just waking back up again to reclaim what we have lost. A Racial war of sorts will be the thing to spice Whites up again.

I am not a regular poltard to be excited with the idea of a racewar. It is not the different races if the people that make me worried. It is the culture that make me worried. I find the early beginning of the 20th century as the peak time of the western euro-american culture with its ideas and values. The time of a great development, technological progress, discoveries, but also with keeping up the great art, construction skills, society of real men and real women.

You now realise all normies are NPCs thats sole purpose is to mearly populate our delusion of existence