Do you guys think hitting children is ok...

Do you guys think hitting children is ok? My daughter recently turned 6 and she has been so bad lately its making my life hell. I have tried talking to her, have tried time outs, the whole 9 yards but its getting to the point where her behavior is so bad that its making my wife cry because of the inevitability.

We have discussed this and my wife thinks its a bad idea and I used to at first but now I'm not so sure. We haven't laid a finger on her thus far but I'm starting to think that my daughter sees us as soft and that's why she thinks she can do whatever she wants. What do you guys think about physical discipline?

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You're asking Jow Forums for parenting advice, think about that for a second.

Agreed, take this to >>Jow Forums and have a real discusion.

They didnt seem to like it much when i did it at the local school
They did shut the fuck up though, so i say go for it

No. What can hitting your children do that words can’t? If your child is doing something you don’t like, tell it to stop doing it and tell them the reason why. Simple as. There is no reason to resort to a cane or a bum slap every time your child does something wrong

Yes, your children need to know that you’re the boss. That said, you don’t need to hit a child very hard to do this, so you shouldn’t be giving them black eyes etc. but if you don’t hit them then they won’t respect you as a man, which if you have a boy this will lead to him being a söybòy/leftist sjw type, and if you have a girl will cause her to be a tatooed/pierced slut who wants to suck nigger dick because she’s never seen a real man in her life

responsible spanking that doesn't happen out of rage is completely fine if inevitable

Spankings are fine if you've exhausted other options. Some kids just don't respond well to "time out". Remember you're not out to do physical harm; some parents go overboard with the physical discipline.

>You're asking Jow Forums for advice, think about that for a second.


If you choose to spank do it calmly and assertively. Don’t be a spaz about it and take out your anger.

i will confess here: i accidentaly smacked a 3yr old upside the top of his head with my fill hand/palm. it was total accident. poor kid cried and asked why i did it. i feel so goddamn bad... is he gonna be ok? he did not pass out, but seem a little dazed sid he get a concussion?

Smack her on the arse and send her to her room until you say she can come out. No internet either.

Cmon buddy, it’s not fucking hard. She has to know that she’s being naughty.

Usually after once or twice they behave themselves.

>haven't laid a finger on her thus far

There's your problem m8.
You don't beat kids, just give them a slap or put a belt to their butts when they do some serious shit.

I got slaps and measures such as that and Im not one bit sorry. It taught me respect.

Yes but I've fucking tried this for months now. And she wans't always this terrible, this behavior started a few months ago so I figured it would pass or that something was up with her in school so I went and talked to her teacher and she said everything seemed normal. It looks like this behavior is ONLY at home when she is with us. Its so frustrating because I feel like a terrible parent because sometimes I just get this urge to spank her really hard because I would feel much better but I never have the balls to do it.

If it's too young to reason, it can't be physically punished.

If it's old enough to reason, then use reason.

Your stress and lack of intelligence and effort shouldn't be offset by beating your kid. Reserve hitting a son for when he crashes your car drunk

What does she even do that's so bad?

This is also the proper way to rape your woman.

She’s probably bored and wants attention.

>Asking Jow Forumsacks for parental advice

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6 years is too young for a slapping imo
grab them sternly by the arm, make it hurt a little, stern voice, most kids that age will shit their pants unless you're a total beta, in that case you're not fit to raise or take care of anything in the first place
slapping ~10 years old and onward

Just admit it.
Ur a cuck.
u consult ur wife for decisions (aka permission) u faggot.
Ur daughters gonna grow into a cock-devouring slut just to spite you for being a weak contemptible effigy of a manlet.
U don't have it in you to discipline her.
I bet ur wife dreams of fucking more masculine men than you.
U are not fit to raise children.

1. Slapping is temporary. I'd avoid it.

2. Sit down and explain to your child that she is going to follow your instructions, or you will BOTH do PT.

Your child is 6 years old. Perfect time to start making them do push ups, crunches and sit ups every time they step out of line.

YOU MUST do the exercise with your child.

You will raise your voice when they slacken off as you continue to do your reps.

Do not change the punishment, only increase the reps.

Also enroll your child into Jiu Jitsu and once they're 12+ enroll them into a kicking/striking sport.

Do not allow your child to take any blows to the head whilst training until at least 21 years old to ensure full brain development.

Also if your wife does not follow your instructions, how can you expect your daughter to?

Of your wife questions you, EVER in front of your child you MUST TAKE ACTION, but not in front of the child.
I'd talk to your wife before you do this, explain that she must always follow your instructions and if she ever objects, the objection must be made in private.

Sieg Heil.

> justifying urself to subordinates
Hahahaha faggot
U have no clue how authority works.

Beat the shit out of her. Kids are like animals, you need to show them who is the dominant one.

Beat the shit out of her once, and you will see she will never bother you again.

There are kids that understand with words, unfortunately yours is the type that only learns the hard way

Have you given any lasting punishments? As in, not just a timeout, but take away all of her prized shit for a full week?

try to be:
>not dealing out unpredictable or capricious punishment/reward
>let her see that you are doing this out of some sense of justice, not just you losing your temper
>WHY has she done wrong? HOW should she do right?
-call her behaviour bad,not her
>THAT'S naughty/annoying don't do it, not YOU'RE naughty/annoying
-don't play good cop/bad cop
>try to agree with the missus and both calmly explain

don't hit her.
your timeouts are shit
also spankings can help in moderation


Why are Australians so great shitposters?

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When My son was 3-5, I would raise my voice and it would make my son run off like a lil bitch, crying.

It was hilarious, used to do it for fun.


Just make the little cunt do 100s of sit ups until she is crying in pain cause her abdominal muscles hurt.

You sick fuck

This, i smacked my sisters 5 year old son the other week for hitting my daughter, he's a little shit and i'd had enough, his dad is a faggot and wouldn't so u had to, the family was pretty pissed off but i stood my ground and ten mins later my nephew accidently called me dad lol

It’s very easy to spot the kids that never got spanked, they’re always cunts.

My dad never once hit me. He used to verbally abuse me because he's a narcissist but he never hit me. I have 4 year old half brother. He's so fucking naughty, my dad hits him a lot. Little shit deserves it. I personally wouldn't hit a kid though.

Yes, no matter what anyone's opinion is the fact that children's mentality is closer to animals than humans simply remains so good ol' sugar and whip work best.If you do overdo it with sugar you get spoiled commie, if you overdo it with whip you get psychopath with daddy's issues. Use it when situations call for it and it'll turn okay. But if you never hit your kid once in all those 6 years it might be too late.

>but i stood my ground and ten mins later my nephew accidently called me dad lol
Unironically based. He now respects you far more than either of his biological parents. You could probably convince your sister to leave your brother-in-law for you if you wanted.

Whenever I was doing something fucky and wouldn't cut it out, getting hit made me immediately stop and never do it again.

>accidentally called you dad

You just cucked your brother


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No matter what, don't hit your child. Exhaust every single tactic you can other than physical abuse. Just a protip

Do what my parents did when me and my brother were naughty.

Drive into the forest with them and leave them on the side of the road in the middle of no where.

Leave them to cry and have a panic attack.

Come back 10 mins later.

Children don't give a shit about words unless there's action behind them because they're impulsive, not rational.


lock her away with her math books and nothing else.
And for meals only give her healthy food she doesn't like until she behaves like a good girl again.

and by the way read this:

Just get it over with and adopt him.
It's inevitable.

Fuck off Malcolm Turnbull

>T.homo with no kids.

This is the only thing that works.

> cucktip

I wonder what exactly do you feed your daughter.
Does she get the "she was bad, so its only bread with butter and half an apple" thing?
Does she get the "you where bad and thats the breakfast: wheat slime and off brand chocolate milk"
You control the tv and the toys she has? Don't you?
Kids like rules. You don't live by any. If I told mine they have two hours to cleanup their room or we discuss weekend camps, they where laughing.
After I dropped them the brochures, both cleaned their rooms within 20 minutes, including wetwiping their floors.
You need to use physical force, because your psychological is weak sauce and you have no posture to work with.

I think it is ok as long as it is under control and actually clear what the boundaries are.

When I got the belt as a kid, my dad did it out of anger, reactively. All that does is make your kid afraid, not knowing when their parents will be sane or crazy.

It has to be about boundaries, and it has to be about consequences for crossing boundaries that she knows she shouldn't cross.

In my mind, that is the distinction that makes it punishment, rather than abuse.

Hitting children is never a good idea.

There are two problems with it. The less serious one is that it doesn't teach children not to misbehave, it just teaches them not to get caught. The more serious one is that it teaches them, by your own direct example, that if someone who is weaker than you won't do what you want them to, it is acceptable to use physical force (or the threat if it) to make them comply.

There was a study done some years ago where there was an almost straight line relationship between how often men were physically chastised as children, and how likely they were to use force to obtain sex as adults.

Yes, continue to engage in rational discourse with your rational 6-year old. Surely she will recognize your points

My dad was the funniest.

He’d act like he was dropping us off at a Orphanage, putting us up adoption, leaving us on the side of road.

Tried to hit us with frypans and shovels. Chased me with an axe once.

Taking toys away is weak asf.
It's passive punishment for passive parents.
You must beat ur kid and show them who's alpha of the family.
They will love you in the long term.
anything else is just beta bribery

any form of violence beyond grabbing/restraining will make things worse in the long run

hitting her especially will put a lasting mark on your relationship
you will end being her father she trusts and sees as her protector and start seeing you as a regular man with everythig associated with that
this is where a lot of daddy issues come from
women start to hit puberty and have a man around them who is not just an asexual protector, but an aggressor who used physical violence against her
violence and sexuality are intertwined for women and no good comes from this when a girl can get from one thing to the other in her father

also, you risk her trying to get revenge in later years
subconciously a lot of women try to gain revenge on their parents and are even willing to go down on Jamal and his friends for such purposes
the other risk is her getting traumatized and ending up with some fucked up cry-for-help stuff like taking drugs or cutting

>so what should I do?
assert dominance in non violent ways
be clever and show her how modern men handle these things
use your authority where you have it

this means, you are in charge, so act accordingly
this also means, like some other user wrote, you should always be 100% on line with your wife

you need to show your daughter that
A why is she acting like that as of lately? school problems? problems with friends? did something happen? try to be an adult and look beyond her acting - part of being a parent is being two steps ahead in thinking
B you and your wife are a team ready to work together, even against her - this will show her, that you and your wife are loyal to each other and that she can't play you against each other
C you are in charge so take action - if there is a reason for her behaviour, take actions - talk to teachers - talk to parents of friends - talk to her!! - change circumstances - apply punishments - do something!
D keep an eye on your own stress - let her visit her grandparents


>having a family
>visiting this childlike site fit for only kids and schizophrenics
Nice chappy here we got goise.

Are you seriously asking Jow Forums for parenting advice? It's time to log off my friend.

No one needs parenting advice from cuck island.
You are the place of Rotherhams and Telfords.
Wtf would u cucks know of raising children?
If I want my daughter to be a hooker I will ask u for advice.

My kid was like this. She was being bullied at school and bringing the stress and anger home where she would lash out at us with explosive anger. We moved school and her behavior changed overnight. We now find out she has adhd though so she’s happy, but still unproductive. If her behavior improves during school holidays you’ll know it’s the school. Don’t trust the teacher saying she hasn’t noticed anything to upset your kid at school, that’s what they told me. The positive behavior model of discipline is being introduced throughout schools which means bad behavior isn’t punished, but good behavior praised. It’s turning schools into jungles and screwing up a generation of kids

> I'm starting to think that my daughter sees us as soft and that's why she thinks she can do whatever she wants
If this is unironic, you are fucking completely retarded and should not have had a kid to begin with.
6 year old kids dont think, you utter nigger, let alone think shit like this. When was the last time a 6 year old thought any thing other than
>I want x
>I dont want y
The fuck

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>The less serious one is that it doesn't teach children not to misbehave, it just teaches them not to get caught.
Imagine being this much of a faggot. It teaches actions have consequences, and you might avoid some things by not getting caught. There's still a risk-reward matrix involved and being generally shitty and uncontrollable would stop instantly.

My girlfriend's nephew said fuck you to me after I asked him to pick up his shoes from the middle of the room. I immediately grabbed him by the back of the neck and threw him down next to his shoes then calmly asked him to pick up his shoes again. Not hard, just enough to throw him off balance, but it rocked his world and he never did that again. You just have to show them that there is consequences for their actions, and you as the adult have to be ready to show them you will not back down on your word.

Spare the rod, spoil the child.

No, not taking away the toys. Giving them away.
If you beat your kids you are using your superior strenght on someone who can't defend themselves.
You lost, because you can't take someone elses free will.
When your son becomes a psychopathic chad, he will kill you in your sleep.
Also, when you beat your kids this can get out of hand and then you go to jail.
Do you want respect or do you want fear? There is no middle line.
The best fights are those not fought, because you win by default.

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>find a Giggs nigga
>call him nigger
No? So why hit someone who is physically smaller and weaker? If you can't control a six year old with words you need a parenting class or two. Or several.

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Adhd isn't real you fucking cretin, are you pumping her full of dodgy drugs now then?

You don't hit her. You don't educate her with fear. You don't make her have respect for domination. You don't make her feel helpless. This is weakness in you and your wife. You need to communicate with your child, set boundaries and find a way to live but you don't use violence on her.

I know, I know, she's a brat, you're not going to hit her hard, but why not hit her hard if hitting her is the answer? Why not lashes? The point is you and your child are supposed to love each other, it's supposed to function in some sort of harmonious way. If you can use your intelligence to manage this you will end up raising a human being and saving the white race inshallah, if you beat her to make her easier to manage she's just going to be easy pickings for niggers and psychos when she reaches a certain age. So don't be a fucking retard.

Rule of thumb: You can get angry but the anger has to make sense, and no you never get to lose control, you are a man.

Spanking is a waste of time and teaches them nothing. If you must hit a child use something that will leave a lasting impression... an old Cadillac works great.

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D cont.
maybe your parents know what to do, maybe it lies in any of the families to have such phases
but as I wrote: keep an eye on you and your wife - don't let this damage your relationship, because your daughter needs two strong parents
E stop asking for advice on Jow Forums - I get the paradox but seriously, there are people here who still insist on spanking or even using a belt - do your own research and you will see, this was never a good idea
you have paternal instincts so use them - your child made it to 6 and you are still married to your wife - there has to be something you three have been doing right: find out what it was!
children change and since you are on Jow Forums you should know how this world can look sometimes
remember, she is your flesh and you love her
same goes for your wife - even more to be honest since after your daughter leaves the house you will spend your life with her

tl;dr: don't spank - look after your wife and your relationship - take action - be clever

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>The best fights are those not fought, because you win by default

Why did you hide your flag, leaf?

Children act up and what she is doing is a direct reflection on how you and wife operate your household and the amount of quality time you spend with the child. My guess is your marriage is chaotic, your home is unkempt, probably party a bit, and expect television the preschool and grandparents to raise your daughter. Poor thing never had a chance and will grow up a nigger loving whore. You failed as a man and father. KYS for the greater good of your little future slut.

>that if someone who is weaker than you won't do what you want them to, it is acceptable to use physical force (or the threat if it) to make them comply.

There literally nothing wrong about that

>just get this urge to spank her really hard because I would feel much better but I never have the balls to do it.
You want to physically hurt your child because yo're frustrated with her . Men often want to HULK SMASH because thats the way our caveman ancestors handled things . Try rhetoric . Get this book : The Gentle Art of Communicating with Kids by Suzette Haden Elgin . Heres a link to PDF , but you have to sign up to borrow it because its still under copyright .

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It's not supposed to be a fair fight.
Ur not dueling ur kids.
Ur punishing them.
Pacifist parents are the cucks raising a generation of sterile sluts and impotent neets.
Give me the occasional serial killer any day.

You can use "force" without hitting. Like in the real world when adults break the law the police use minimum force to get compliance. So you are preparing her for real world if you use minimum force needed

You have to have a rapport with the kids. Mostly they don't know what they do when they are youngest. If you set the rules and live by them (not let it slide because you are tired) then they will follow you.
My best friend got angry at his kid and told her that he will refuse to let her go to the school trip she was talking about for week. Now he was in a bind, couldn't sleep. And when they day come he said to her that he got angry, and said something and now he will stand by his word. She will not go.
5 years later she is still having minutes with him about that. But their relationship got much better and she was MUCH tamer after that.

>beating child because it makes wife cry
Tell her to grow up, the wife not the children

I bet ur daughter belongs to some paki rape gang u weak cuck.

> Hits daugher
> "Harder daddy!"

Oh well.

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I am sorry if this pathetic place is your perceived best place for parenting advice, but my wife is a developmental psychologist and she always recommends, "Children, the Challenge" to desperate parents in the check-out line.

I have seen this 1000 times.
Its never "i punish" you for this kind of rules.
It always end up YOU liking, hoping for being able to punish, and the kids are starting to tease the bear. This is an unhealthy relationship, and it stays that way until the kid leaves. And you spend your Christmas alone with a bottle of cheap drinks, clinging to the idea that fear is the same as respect.

The mom should spank girls not the dad otherwise it's too sexual because people spank in the bedroom.

>6 year old
I did the same as I do to my dogs.
Bang something down on a hard surface, >raise voice and lower tone
>Show displeasure
>Explain displeasure (obviously not with dog)
>Wait for apology
>Immediately go back to happy daddy
The minute you hit them you've lost control or lost 'the nuclear option'.
Implying something worse could/might happen is okay but actually hitting them is shit tier parenting.

>The more serious one is that it teaches them, by your own direct example, that if someone who is weaker than you won't do what you want them to, it is acceptable to use physical force (or the threat if it) to make them comply.
And that's how do you turn an world wide empire into a cuckland Japan turned by 180° (drowning in niggers, muslims, degeneracy, etc.). Being weaker doesn't permit you to behave like an asshat, it's marvelous when women pull up ' You can't hit me, I'm woman!' card and slaps you and then get one in return.

Don't do it.

All she has to do is whine to one of her friends at school that "daddy hit me" and you're ass is in jail.

You're fucked, along with every other parent in the USA.

t. divorced cuck leaf

if the dad spanks a son the son will like it and turn into a faggot

Are you jewish?

>I beat my weak kids ten times just to prove my chadness.
At least you didn't get a hard one, didn't you mate

>What can hitting your children do that words can’t?

nah m8 she's married an emu innit

Spotted the pedo.

>set rapport with the kids

He obviously hasn't done this, probably because he's been fucking lazy. Had they spent the time early on to train the child to have an ounce of discipline, then this wouldn't have happened.

That's what happens when you allow millenials to breed.

you are brainlet with inferiority complex if you can't manipulate 6yo to do what is right without spanking.
sure there are times when you need her to do something quickly and when she keeps refusing it may seem like a little spank is a way to go, but it will bite you in the ass later on.your daughter needs to respect and love can accomplish this by being lovable - emotionaly stable human being who is always there for her.spanking will put unnecessary preasure on your healthy bond with your daughters.

>t. father of 3&6yo