Why has obesity risen across the western world? Is it truly a matter of self-control...

Why has obesity risen across the western world? Is it truly a matter of self-control, or are there other factors preventing people from losing weight?

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Lol that pic

There is sugar in every piece of food and soda drinks are everywhere.

Both pics look like they could pop like a balloon

Ask yourself first what factors make it difficult for a person to have self-control.

One word, sugar. Two words carbon hydrates. But even worse now, high fructose corn syrup. They're trying to introduce it now in europe as well.

Dont buy processed shit? its not hard. Cooking isnt hard either, and can be quite enjoyable.

Pretty much this. Refined carbs in everything and little fiber. We're living on refined grains, refined sugar and plant oil.

You dont get fat eating vegetables and meat. What do people eat other than vege and meat? That is your answer to the obesity crisis

Cheaper foods. Food is extremely cheap. You can be a poorfag and still be fatter than the fattest person 100 years ago.
Less activity. People spend more time in-doors because of computers and TV. Most people live in crowded cities where they have everything they need a few meters from their apartment. If they have to get somewhere further away they use a car.

Its grain. It turns people literally feed cattle.


The right one looks disgusting

berries and fruit

cant say who of the two is more unhealthy and whos organs are more damaged by his lifestyle!

>Why has obesity risen across the western world?
Because pressure makes diamonds, and the West hasn't been under [survival] pressure for centuries.

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We are designed to live off animal fat, not sugar.

They are feeding people the same thing they feed farm animals to fatten them up. Its cheaper than feeding them real food. If they die before retirement its a bonus.

Average diet has been in the shitter for years now.
Bit of self discipline, paying attention to what's on the back of a packet and you can avoid most of the pitfalls the majority stumble into.
If you eat healthy almost all the time you can afford to have dumb unhealthy shit every once in a while without becoming a blimp.

Sedentary lifestyles, plenty of food and drink. Cheapest foods are more fattening, or rather, healthier foods are more expensive, hence more obesity among the lower economic classes.

Large amounts of sugar and fat in the food combined with lack of exercise. Too much just like too little sugar might turn you diabetic. Same applies to too much and too little fat consumption. High fructose corn syrup is also an issue just like the endocrine disruptive plastics.

>no extra skin that got cut away scars

I've seen obesity in all social classes here.

Mushrooms cause cancer so maybe


A lot of meat and veg is lacking in nutrients these days due to intensive farming. It really is absurd the point we've gotten to.

Because people are addicted to food. They eat when they're bored, upset, or just out of habit. If you inserted alcohol instead of food they'd all be in rehab.

>no exercise blah blah

Come on you'd need to be a professional to work off the calories consumed in your average happy meal. If the fat asses could run, then they wouldn't be fat.

Stop eating for three or four days. Drink salt water and nothing else. Thank me when you can live happily and drug-free.

That's because the cause of obesity (excessive carbohydrates) is available to all social classes.
It's not like the poor can't afford crisps or cookies. It's that they can't afford anything more when they buy that.

They are stupid as well as poor, the two seem to go hand in hand

>healthy food is expensive

Oh this shit again.

If you're fasting then you are saving a fuckton of money. People just need to stop eating.

>salt water
U wot m8

I will agree that having high quality water is critical though. I'm a big Evian fan.

Not the cheapest, but cheapest prepared foods.

>Why has obesity risen across the western world?
It has risen everywhere.

Sugar doesn't make you fat. Can't, in fact. De novo lipogenesis doesn't work in humans.

All other populations with high carb and sugar consumption are the thinnest in the world.

Everyone does.

You can absolutely get fat on veggies and meat.

heh hehe

>Sedentary lifestyles
We have the same average caloric consumption as literal savage tribes.

Source needed.

>Because people are addicted to food
Food isn't addictive. Coffee may be (MAY).

>excessive carbohydrates
Isn't the cause of obesity, never has been, never will be.

It's kinda interesting that we didn't invent a 'cure' a fatness. It's like we have defeated almost every other life threatening stuff we faced. A hundred 100 years ago people were dying from a cut wound or a simple cold. Now you just take in a few pills and you are fine. Could the same genetic engineering be achieved in regards of fatness?

Show me a picture of someone who only eats exclusivly meat and veg and is fat

>A hundred 100 years ago people were dying from a cut wound or a simple cold.

Most keto gurus.

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A lot of estrogen mimickers, and sedentary lifestyle.

It's the jews man. They fill everything with corn syrup to make you fat, so they can milk your man titties.

jews poison all the food

all the food is poison

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see pic

Sedentary lifestyle is a red herring. Same caloric consumption between modern sedentary Euros and savage.

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Insulin increases fatty acid synthesis and fat storage, glucagon inhibits fatty acid synthesis and promotes fatty acid catabolism. High levels of carbohydrates that keep insulin elevated promotes fat storage.

>Insulin increases fatty acid synthesis and fat storage, glucagon inhibits fatty acid synthesis and promotes fatty acid catabolism. High levels of carbohydrates that keep insulin elevated promotes fat storage.
All of that is completely wrong and just voodoo science. It sells the books, I won't argue that,. but insulin will not make you fat (even though bodybuilder sbelieve this) and carbs will not especially raise your insulin anyway.

Do your research, ffs.

Hol up
So you be sayin that's the same person?

I have never met a fat person that had much self respect, and the ones that do have a fake kind of self-respect that you can see through.

I think the problem is that, people just lack true self respect and don't treat their body properly.

No Aussie has self-respect.

Im a mtf and my estrogen levels were 20x a normal woman's and I got stones like a pregnant woman and had to get my gallbladder removed.

Yet I still be purposely gained 100lbs to get female fat redistribution and I lost it all in about two years.
Year three I spent juggling up and fown about 20 lbs.
Now im trying to lose more weight and get back down to like 150 which is about 40 more lbs away.
I haven't exercised a single day.
Due to getting extremely sick with my gallbladder I couldn't work and we couldn't figure out was wrong, I've been on foodstamps and with $200 a month I've stocked an entire house with every spice and about 50 different sauces and rice and noodles and oatmeal like a bunker.
I eat veggie stirfrys, oatmeal,farina, fruit shakes, popsicles, tea,almond milk, kombucha, selzter water, pancakes, baked potato chips, fish, chicken, lamb, baked beans, etc.
I've literally had everything possible stacked against me hormonally, monetarily, and didn't even exercise as if I was handicapped, and lost all that weight.
If they can't lose weight it means they aren't eating healthy choices and making their own food if they can't do that.
They are eating chemical laced garbage, stuffed with fat and sugar.
Pic related poptarts are less than 2% flour

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Germans have no respect of themselves hence the reason your country if full of shitskins


That's one fat person problem. Food is like crack cocaine to them. But it's legal crack that everyone has to consume a little bit. Fatties are basically surrounded by crack and have to do at least some crack out of basic need so it's difficult for a crack fatty to stay on a healthy diet because every day they're close to hitting that crackpipe hard again. The pipe is inviting them from all directions. It's easy to say self-control when food is not like crack to me, but if I'm in a crack fatty's shoes I'm sure I'd be irritated to hear about it from people who don't have the same problems just as I'm irritated when people dismiss a problem I have and that they have no clue about on a personal level.

>Germans have no respect of themselves hence the reason your country if full of shitskins
Your countrymen who visit the Oktoberfest every year suggest otherweise.

That's bullshit. Everyone loves to eat. Caloric intake and output don't correlate IN THE SLIGHTEST with obesity statistics. Neither does activity.

You have to do your research and stop believing in memes created to make a quick buck.


“Increased fat synthesis – insulin forces fat cells to take in blood glucose, which is converted into triglycerides; decrease of insulin causes the reverse”

“Increased esterification of fatty acids – forces adipose tissue to make neutral fats (i.e., triglycerides) from fatty acids; decrease of insulin causes the reverse.”

“Decreased lipolysis – forces reduction in conversion of fat cell lipid stores into blood fatty acids and glycerol; decrease of insulin causes the reverse.”


“Glucagon also regulates the rate of glucose production through lipolysis. Glucagon induces lipolysis in humans under conditions of insulin suppression”

So why are we all getting rounder?

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We have a class divide and most posts ITT are spot on but a huge part of it is only a portion of the population can be fucked supplementing a sedentary lifestyle with exercise and not stuff their face full of shit all day everyday.

There are millions of people that wakeup eat a wholesome clean breakfast, hit the gym or walk their dog etc. The rest of you fat fucks just spend too many hours doing nothing, not even leaving the house for days at a time.

>Ease of High Calorie foods
>Processed sugar everywhere
>Low activity work and lifestyle
>High Stress
>Lack of societial importance of being fit and healthy
>Laziness in general

But it's not bullshit at all. There's a reason why some people are addicted to food and some people are not. Pretending everyone is the same is what's bullshit. If everyone was the same, I'd be fat as fuck and have all other possible problems as well including all eating disorders. But I don't because we're not all the same individual. It's stupid as fuck to pretend it's the same for everybody. Sure, everyone likes to eat (and drink) to the point they're liable to gaining excess weight, but that's not the same as the problem of an addict.

We use your country as a piss up once a year and muslims rape your women on a daily basis. Yeah I'd still say you have no pride or respect for yourselves you autistic cunts or you wouldn't let it happen Hans

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Gym and diet freaks will grimace a bit at me mentioning this, but I honestly believe stress and sleep deprivation is almost if not as muh at fault as eating and exercise habits.

Not going to bed early and not getting enough sleep both spike stress hormone levels and result in weight gain.

I’ve experimented with this personally, and whenever I make a habit of religiously go to bed early and regularly and getting 8+ hours as a iron-clad rule the weight just starts falling off. It even works when I don’t watch what I eat or get enough exercise (granted the older I get the less effective stress reduction as a weight loss and weight maintainance strategy is likely to be). But I think it’s underestimated as a factor by many many people, especially marriedcucks and other hardcore wagecucks that can’t even remember what it was like to even be trying to keep their bad habits under control including neglecting their sleep hygiene.

the flip side to this is that if you actually do manage to get fit, you are lightyears ahead of 90% of the population

Which also means you are more likely to get a gf too, if you are in the top 10% of non obese breeding stock

Because people have forgotten how to cook real wholesome food, think its too hard and rely on fast food etc to sustain themselves. They then dont have the energy to live properly because of all the shit chemicals in said fast food

Exactly. Which is why i've always said that our generation (1980s-2000s) will be the generation where inequality gets really unequal really fast in all aspects

Exercise is not the problem, it's food.

There have been studies done already, the average TDEE of a african in a hunter/gather tribe in the middle of assfuck nowhere have almost identical TDEEs to the average person in a urban modern city.

The problem is the access to endless calories.

The body is extremely good at adapting to consistent energy output, the more exercise you do, the more often you do it, the more energy efficient your body becomes, its why hunter/gatherer people dont have insanely high TDEE, their bodies have adapted to a life of constant exercise.

The only true way to fix being overweight is 100% related to calorie intake, reducing that is all that is needed, it is the only surefire way to have permanent fatloss occur with no adaption other than the adaptions that come from reduced total bodyweight.
This goes for every kind of exercise by the way, the more often you do the exercise the more efficient your body becomes. Its why gym-noobs will shed fat like crazy for the first 3-6 months of lifting, but after that the body will become efficient at lifting weights consistently, and it will no longer be burning up insane amounts of calories off your body. Same shit happens for cardio. You may be 1000 calories running 10km now, but if you do that everyday your body will adapt, and that 10km run will slowly go from 1000 cals, to 950, to 900, to 850, to 800, and after 6 months that 10km run might only be burning 300-400 calories now.

It was just an example, you mong.

Television, EBT, Section 8. Stir. Cook for 5 generations. Presto! 300 pound niggers. It’s easy.

Is that...thing on the right even real?

Two reasons, sugar and stress/depression

What's the incentive to lose weight?

being fat is easy when you're a slave to advertising. most food is poison these days

Unfortunately given how much fatter the average woman is than the average man and how the dynamics of dating work in today’s Tinder/MeToo era of one woman selecting from thousands of virtual beta orbiters, you’re always dating down unless you are literally Chad of Chads with no one or almost no one higher than you on the totem pole. Being a basic bitch Chad with muscles, a confident demeanor and even good looks only entitled you to a 6.5 cute almost Stacy gf

What people don't realize is that the number of fit and athletic people had also risen.

Thanks to the ultra high production and consumption in modern society, we have more lifestyle choices we can pursue (like working out, crossfit, jiujitsu) or let ourselves fall into it (snacking, sitting in front of the computer all day, extreme laziness).

We have goofy bullshit like government dietary recommendations (carbs to the gills and sugars for breakfast while cutting out healthy fats and proteins fucking with our diet because we thought that was healthy), but we're better informed at what can make us better more so now than ever before. Starvation is near impossible, so we've become the fat kids 19th century parents would have wanted us to become.

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The muscular guy? Yeah it is, but he most likely take something to help.

Hormones are a huge factor in fat gain and fat loss, the right food promote one set of chemical reactions the wrong food promote the other with calories being the deciding factor. Exercise and even sunlight also help produce the hormones that help with using fat for energy and raising metabolism etc. It's pretty hard to know what the calorie count ought to be though except "less" only ask someone who's had a gastric bypass done how hard it is to lose weight when your metabolism has tanked and you're eating a shake and a me each day, they reach that fine line between starving where they wither away vs the bodies starvation response to conserve as much as possible. It's surprisingly difficult for someone without mental issues to willfully starve themselves which is why the alternative is to actually eat right and exercise.

Dead in 40 years from Diabetus
Dead in 20 from Roids

I don't like that I can see spiderweb veins in his left thigh. That can't possibly be healthy.

It's real, but is is achieved with steroids, albeit that still needs extreme dedication both in training and dieting to achieve, at least 5 years.

How reeee reee can you be be my krautfag

Hormones haven't really effected me biologically.
Switching dosages causing my hormones to change levels mostly did psychological work on me that made me use comfort food or made me irrationally angry and then id overeat without realizing it because of the added stress.

at first I was like
>Hormones haven't really effected me biologically.
but then
>Switching dosages causing my hormones to change levels mostly did psychological work on me that made me use comfort food or made me irrationally angry and then id overeat without realizing it because of the added stress.

Thats not the same guy, right?

American style of processed food. In the USA 70-80% of products in a supermarket are processed garbage. When travelling in some parts of the US my only choice to eat in a restaurant was between different fast food companies. We can't really blame personal responsability when dozen billions of $ are spent to make you consume shit through advertising and lobbying.
Check Fed Up documentary: youtube.com/watch?v=aCUbvOwwfWM

I think it is in the water. I make my own bread and pretty much eat only vegetables and grass-fed beef and wild caught fish. It is still damn hard to lose weight, even with exercising and watching my calories.
Something is different today. People were not this fat in the 70's and 80's.

Yeah I wasnt gaining weight because of chemical process changes, it was because I was moving larger quantities of food into my system.

Like smoking weed doesn't make you gain weight, it makes you eat more food?


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totally not mentally ill

So the real problem here is that Americans are completely fucked by huge corporations. The sugar industry is at war against the people and the State is too corrupt to protect its citizens adequately.

because they cant let us have roids, fuck we dont want to go to gym then. Give us roiiidss

I get what you mean and that's a large part of it. People just forget that the body is complex and has been slowly built over thousands or millions of years and we have a genetic heritage based on survival.

Not only does a starvation response make people crave junk food and get hungrier but tanked metabolism is a crazy thing to watch, like I mentioned go live with someone that had gastric bypass surgery 3-6 months ago. Insulin, Leptin it's all serious shit, even things like how omega-3 fatty acids making the coating of a fat cell more malleable and accessible to the body for energy or how people at that starvation threshold can conserve fat and if they can somehow tip over the threshold the body starts to wither away like an African....or conserve like an eskimo. Fascinating stuff desu.

Is that why avocado so expensive? hmmm

>tfw no ehonda keg abs

Attached: cbb fake abs.jpg (630x420, 47K)

In sorry you don't understand the difference between something causing weight gain vs something causing a psychological reaction that increases likelihood of eating behavior.

We’ve fucked our food supply. It used to be populations got taller when there was an abundance of food now they just get fatter.

Fat acceptance is worse than cancer. It literally says its ok to be a walking dead faggot in a week or so and be proud of it.

Sugar and carbs

The big problem is that most of the nutrition has been removed from our food and replaced with toxic (sometimes addictive) high calorie, high carb bullshit. Since our food does not give our bodies the nutrition we need, our body stays hungry no matter how much we eat. Most people don't even read the ingredients of the food that they eat and feed to their children. Besides, that hot chick in that commercial will fuck me if I eat that stuff in the cool package

>Most keto gurus.
Yeah right.

A friend of mine has a catering business, they had a sect once, all of the followers had to eat vegan while the guru ate a fat piece of pork with dumplings.

Those "gurus" are just in for the money.

Yes. The fda and regulation agencies are completely self regulatedand almost all of the studies are paid for or inhouse by the very companies they are testing.

Just look at the WHO that published that all processed meat gives you cancer based on the evidence gathered by some 80ish studies and classify it in the same hazardous materials category as asbestos. Do you think they look into that it or warn people or put CARCINOGENIC labels on the products or completely halt production?
Fuck no the industry would collapse snd the goyim must never know.
They feed biological waste to children with a smile and a discount.

Wikipedia is a credible source. Congratz.

Yes. It really is a matter of self control. I work with a guy who lost 80 lbs in like five months. A little bit of working out and a strict diet. Nigger also quit smoking during the same period. Must have insane willpower.