What all is known about this guy? Any sketchy shit about it or was he just a shizo basement dweller?

What all is known about this guy? Any sketchy shit about it or was he just a shizo basement dweller?

Attached: david-katz-ftr.jpg (620x349, 178K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Given his family name and comments he is self hating ukraininan jew from Odessa.

posted anti trump shit on reddit ("trumptards are mentally ill" was one quote)
obsessed with madden and the nfl (ravens fan)

the reddit account


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>Der Juden

Says it all

dude wtf they shoah'd the comment, but here it is

Attached: 1535333275315.png (645x170, 13K)

Or a distraction?

That's a stretch dude...

My last name is Katz and my family has been practicing Judaism back before we chose our favorite fungible mineral for sir names

He looks like a regular user of ADHD (((medication)))

I dont have a way to check for validity. Reddit unironically does shit like this but I doubt it in this case.

How old was he? He has the body of a 15yr old and the face of a 40yr old.

antidrumpf hater brainwashed by the media thrown to distract from mueller and hillary emails

I like his smug expression

Sort it by top, it appears, but it's deleted when you click on it

www. plebbit.dynu.net/r/The_Donald/comments/7er41a/-/dq72vnq?context=3

www. informationliberation.com/?id=58947

He looks half dead in that pic.


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Have you people never played an ea sports game? Its infuriating and makes you want to strangle people with their umbilical cord.

EA should be punished imo.

cant be worse than soloq dota

>tfw you realize there's no respawn in Madden 2019

Attached: oh.png (398x387, 122K)

>shizo basement dweller

Attached: gaming.png (426x541, 212K)

>live life playing and mastering video game
>videogame is not real life
>unable to develop stable coping mechanisms
>always play game
>bad thing happen
>can't cope
>lose self control

he was just depressive af, look at his eyes.
If he didn't play vidya he would have annihilated a ping pong club.
I bet he had that gun with him and told himself if he didn't win this tourney it's over and if he had won he would have given it another year or something.

with jews, you lose

or if you win they kill you

What a bazaar line of work, trying to turn video games into a career, and traveling to other cities to engage in these "tournaments" with other losers, while other guys in their 20s are traveling to Florida this time of year to attend college and medical school and go on beach vacations with their wives/girlfriends, he was flying down to Florida to play "Madden" against some other clowns, he must have realized inside that he was in a dead-end career and probably lacked the skill to do anything else in life

i'm coming across this more often in life, seeing guys in their 20s and 30s who just can't get their act together, can't seem to graduate school, can't seem to find meaningful employment, and they turn to "childhood obsessions" such as video games and sports to numb themselves as they latch on to any shreds of youth they still have, and of course no woman their age wants them so they become obsessed with much younger females, they'll be in their early 30s and checking out high school girls

He's a Jew rat. What else do you need to know?

>Any cod oldschool

>old school
>bioshock infinite

Turn off the computer, only special education centre staff are permitted its use, not retaded patients.

>Duck Hunt Old School
>Some fuck with internet connection is calling himself old school.
Fuck off, kiddie.

its almost like its so stupid that it provokes 30 year old boomers into giving him a (you) for posting it.

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>I made this

:))))))) thanks for saving Germanon

Ignore him, he's definitey retarded or prepubescent.

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>Earlier in the day, while Katz was competing, an announcer introduced Katz in an almost-eerie fashion.
>“You are not going to see much emotion,” the announcer said. “David Katz keeps to himself. He’s a man of business. He’s not here to make friends.”
top kek

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he's some "Drumpf is finished" spouting kike, end of story

I don't know any of those faggot games. Tfw never played Descent.

Just a Jew suffering from Jew mental illness
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Image 2

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>What all is known about this guy?

He did not like losing

David "deny my finish line and I'll be a bad kike" Katz
David "do a touchdown, you will bleed out" Katz
David "beat me in game, die in pain" Katz

You know if USA simply banned Jews from buying and owning guns there would be next to no mass shootings. Jews are like the (((white))) niggers

The weirdest thing about this case is the story never appeared in my Google news feed and my brother said it never went into his Apple one

Everyone that uses this nonword should be banned from the internet.

Even the times of fucking Israel are saying he is Jewish. This is no longer a conspiracy/ theory, even the Kikes are acknowledging he is one of the tribe.


a rich kid who lived with his rich dad. his parents got divorced when he was younger and it apparently fucked him up a bit. he was known in the tourney scene for being "quiet and weird", and 110% competitive, he wasn't very friendly.


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Shut it down GOY

i thought people were just meming

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Lmao, same here so I had to validate it because Jow Forums claims that even fucking hispanic shooters are jewish. I didn't have to look hard at all to find it.

Last one was alright, I think the point is they have to rhyme in english as well as dolphin

This is the fuckin reason you dont screen watch and cheat like a nigger

Holy fuck these suck

Why has the death count gone down from four to two since he was officially identified as a Kike?

Well its definitely real, is it definitely him though?

Not defending, I just really want this to be real.

2 - Almost as if they want it to officially not be declared a mass shooting/murder

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I love mass shootings. It keeps pissing liberals off and reminding them they can't touch our guns no matter how much they cry. And if they did succeed in convincing the government to ban them, it'd be all out war. It's a win win.

>information gets rushed so inaccuracies happen

The fuck is wrong with his arms

Attached: katz-2.jpg (900x506, 73K)

>lose self control

He went with a gun, it isn't like he was planning to take the loss graciously.

Could just be a dude who carries all the time.

Obviously he is a right-handed fapper

The Police were the ones that announced four deaths. The fucking police on the scene making an announcement.

You can't undo casualties like that

This. Nofap could have saved him.

>that fap arm size differential

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Fair enough I guess. Not a fan of gun control but I don't think people like him should be able to CC anywhere.

Obviously difficult to figure out who shouldn't be allowed to though.

Terrible form, Pekka.
>David "Go For The Field Goal and I'll Give You A Bullet Hole" Katz
>David "90 Yard Return? This Room's Gonna Burn" Katz
>David "Pass Interference and They'll Be Investigating Your Disappearance" Katz

& I thought Baltimore had strict CC laws? (I'm not entirely sure on that, I just know the laws in east of Maryland are pretty strict got CC)

How are the Bogdanoffs connected to this?

I feel like we know eachother.
I swear to god I am not glowing in the dark here, but are you in the southeast?

They tried to warn us

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I bet he was on antidepressants

Someone should have told him it was illegal. And shooting people with it.

Rise up gamer

These are better but not great

Gonna cracks a bangs and standby

First off they are counting the shooter as one of the bodies in the “4.” I think it would be possible that someone on the scene said 3 dead including shooter and someone took that as 3 dead plus the shooter. Seems a lot more likely than “oh my god, he’s Jewish?! We got to knock a couple of these kills off!”

I am in the southeast. Brighton to be exact (If that helps you, I'm hoping you don't know me)

They're raping your mother to death to false flag the false flag

I bet the rich father he lived with was 110% competitive and all business 24/7 and his madden autism was a desperate subconcious attempt to be as successful as he was at least at something.

When he suddenly lost the tournament all those times when his father was yelling at him how he will never amount to anything came crashing back on him, so he took matters to his own hands. Now he will be immortalized in a very small footnote of history, and his father remains unknown.

Eh, I am up around Crawley/Gatwick airport.
Spend quite a bit of time in Brighton, though.

As long as your name isn't Aidan, we are good.

His legacy will be losing a Madden tourney, raging out, shooting 11 people.

Ahh, planning to move closer to there soon. Brighton is way too expensive. Pretty sure I don't know you though. Maybe we'll cross paths at some point

he also killed himself, so it was more than just losing self control. reports say he had a hard time handling his parents divorce. maybe he was just looking for an excuse.

i believe this was his old twitter account, not confirmed i think. lots of hate to the world and suicidal, that's a bad combo.

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>Any sketchy shit
al quaida training camp grad

He's a kike, that is all you need to know really. Should of gassed them all while we had the chance.

I had no idea competitive Madden was a thing.

>EA should be punished imo.
they should pay for rifle training for high school students across the nation

enough is enough

Jews can, the six gorillion proved that.

For real though, any proof that his motive was screen looking? Anything about him planning this in advance? What happened to him after the shooting?


Those dead eyes remind me of CWC.


Attached: zerowingkatz.png (396x396, 112K)

Deep cover Mossad operative
