Ausfag asks a question on gun control:

Why the fuck are there so many people in the US and the UK that are adamant on gun control? Literally every stat surrounding the issue has proved that gun control doesn't help. In Australia, we may have less gun-related homicides, but the homicide rate is definitely still the same, burglaries haven't noticeably decreased, knife crime has increased... Even in the UK, it's atrocious at how much knife crime has raised since their gun ban, not to mention the 1000+ acid attacks and the few odd terrorist attacks they have to go through.

As an aussie home owner, i'm absolutely dumbfounded that we aren't allowed a gun to protect ourselves from murderers and break ins. Our best bet is just yelling really loudly and saying we will call the police, because if you fuck them up with a bat or something, there's a chance you can get arrested for it (yes really, I know it sounds absolutely fucked).

I would do almost anything for Australia to get a constitution that guarantees this fundamental tool of protection. Why do some of you yanks want to throw it away so badly?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw Florida allows use of deadly force to protect property
>because fuck you, it’s mine
pew pew

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I'm so fucking jealous, i'd move there if Australia wasn't so much better in every other aspect

Because we live in clown world, duh. Suburban whites don’t understand why anyone would want to own a gun, because they have never felt unsafe. City whites are specifically groomed to be retarded enough to believe that banning guns will somehow make blacks safe to be around.

Because mate, guns are scary fucking things despite how rad they are.
It's a portable explosion machine that makes things die, to the average joe that's some fucked up shit, it's that simple.
People are, rightly, scared of something that can kill them which isn't helped by mass spread of misinformation.

I really like straya, but what specifically is better? USA is pretty comfy lad.

An information campaign on gun safety would be ridiculously cheaper than a gun ban

Surf, sun, predominantly conservative, hot chicks, beautiful nature, interesting and dangerous animals, insane camping and 4WDing, genuinely friendly people, low population, good beer, propaganda machine isn't as bad

there was recently a gun protest with those school kids where they destroyed a bunch of ar15's.
it was powerful symbolism and ego masturbation but they couldve sold those guns to someone who wanted them and actually done something to actually help apart from virtue signal.

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sell one to me ffs
i'm actually considering moving to the states

Jews have programmed various groups of white people to literally instinctively recoil at the sight of a firearm that's not in the holster of a police officer.

Yeah but the kikes don't want people to have guns, safe or otherwise. Gun control isn't about safety.

yes, but the thing is that Jews are almost non existent in australia. Do the US juice have effect on us?

bump for another perspective on the issue

We would have to reinstate the death penalty. That would change people's attitude.

The issue is that your average NPC (~80% of the population) and further 99% of the population know nothing about the arguments against gun control. Most people don't want to contend a non-mainstream and unpopular position. Also gun control is something non-Americans use to compare themselves to Americans and cast themselves as superior. I have even seen it done by Latin Americans which is fucking ironic.

People are seriously brainwashed on the matter and think we will descend to daily shootouts and have 50k gun homicides a year. Normies will only ever change their opinion if they mugged, broken into while at home or assaulted/raped at gunpoint.

1) Low population
2) Few africans
3) Abos are too drunk to be a problem
4) Interesting landscape and beasts
5) Just enough socialised healthcare, but not too much

>Normies will only ever change their opinion if they mugged, broken into while at home or assaulted/raped at gunpoint.
even that is a bit of a reach in todays day and age m8

What's more it never occurs to them that NZ has much more lax gun laws and they don't have shootings really at all. You can just buy a silencer over the counter there.

WTF I didn't know that
I think Australia 2.0 is going to be a better move than the USA, time to do some research

US Juice are pretty good at convincing the gov to strong arm bad goys worldwide
Don't know if they ever have with Australia though. The first place I would guess is the ending of the White Australia policy if anywhere.

Gun control is always pushed by people whove barely handled firearms. The UK is so cucked they need tv licenses so im never surprised with them
Liberals in the US are too soft bc they either are A. A minority and blame guns or B. Sheltered. They dont understand fear of break ins bc they have neighborhood watches and gates. I domt live in a super bad area, but theres some crime, and if someone breaks in, I "feared for my life" and "feared he was armed" and thats why i put a full tube of #00 Buck in his chest

Knives can't kill 30 people in 90 seconds

America is fucking retarded and so are you.
One of the several gun shops in Auckland.

it's not about what time it takes to murder people, it's about how many people are murdered each year.
Not only did the murder rates not decrease in Australia after the gun banning, the incidence of knife or blunt weapon homicide *increased*.

>When your prisoners have a higher standard of life than you do
Anglo feels

just move to your colony mate, i'm sure you're not gonna miss mohammed screaming at his wife next door every night.

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Yeah its not a guarantee that they wouldnt just spin it and virtual signal even harder

> I was raped at gunpoint but at least I didnt kill the perpetrator that would be barbaric

That's easy. Liberals rely solely on state coercion to get their policies across. If the people have guns then there are limits to how far they can go with their policies and they have trouble abiding by the idea they shouldn't have control over someone else.

No, do not immigrate. Stay where you are Brit and die with the people you invited into your home. Keep that mind disease quarantined.

I would rather drop dead without realising it by someone shooting me in the head, than be chopped up into pieces for five minutes and feeling every second of it.

well Australia never had much of a 'gun culture' like the US, the idea that a firearm is necessary for self defence was never really a mainstream notion here. Not that I'm defending gun control, but that's why there has never been a huge pushback on gun control here.

I'm glad I live in New Hampshire where I have the best gun laws in the country and don't have to deal with shitskins.

I agree with that. there's pretty much no way you could just wipe guns from America.

That AR 15 looks pretty sexy m8

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You sheep fuckers are alright.

ty emu cucks

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I live in California. The laws are so fucked here Im actually better off, legally, if I kill the home invader than if I wound them.
A cop buddy of mine recommended I hit an intruder in the pelvis with 00 buck. No one survives that and I can claim I was aiming for his legs to "disable"
Not even a nog on pcp can keep moving with a shattered pelvis and there are two primary arteries in there

Because the communist kikes installed themselves in the media and academia and they want to take our guns so we can be put into gulags like they did to tens of millions of Russians.

Attached: 22without-jews-there-would-never-have-been-bolshevism.jpg (1280x720, 745K)

because brainlets still think you can legislate societal issues away

Gonna need a source on that pic, mate.

we've already loosened our gun regulations too much. stories of dudes shooting their entire families keep popping up in the news.
at this rate it's only a matter of time until the next autismo revenge massacre.

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The picture was taken by some faggot called Ryan McGinley where he made people pose naked beside animals. It will be difficult to find out who that woman was in the photograph, however.

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>who that woman was
I was more interested in the bird. The one with feathers. Thanks anyway!

>but the thing is that Jews are almost non existent in australia
caulfield and malvern in pozzbourne are absolutely crawling with kikes

>I would do almost anything for Australia to get a constitution that guarantees this fundamental tool of protection. Why do some of you yanks want to throw it away so badly?
this this this.
This country is cucked out beyond belief, it has to be against fundamental human rights to rob people of their ability to defend themselves. If you take MMA classes or boxing classes and use it in self-defense then you're going to have a bad time at the courts here.

We have loads of kikes what are you talking about cunt

lol yw

Attached: emu defending his home.webm (404x720, 2.53M)

Wrong we had a massive gun culture you fuckwit, decades ago we had one of the most highly armed populations with the most miltia movements per capita