Why care about the white race

when we are moving into a post-racial transhuman future in the next 100-200 years.


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why do you care about things 200 years from now? You and every other baboon in your ghetto will be dead

I live in one of the most peaceful parts of one of the most peaceful cities in the world. In 12 years of living here I have witnessed one example of public misdemeanor. One. I can walk these streets 3am at night with no care in the world. We are a civilized people. Living in Muttland you wouldn't understand.

The average white IQ is 99.

The post-racial designer human IQ will be >170

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To spite you. I want my Race to flourish while you sit in the corner with your shitty toy, you fucking meme flagging faggot.

Also, because what my Race is can never be defeated. The obama era is over and Whites are waking up. You only had momentum with this judaic AI shit because of how morally and mentally Whites have been from 2009.

No more. Fuck you.

>Whites can't increase their IQ within one generation through eugenics
You obviously someone of less that 99IQ, you fucking dumb cunt.

You're assuming there is no possibility for civilization to collapse.

>humans getting purged because corrupt leaders who don't care about their people are not logical

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It will never happen, muzzies will go camelshitcrazy and nuke the earth back to the stone age.

One day pure humans will get to wear stylish white outfits and call non-pure humans mutants and look down on them, no matter how much "better" they are. Life is too beautiful. Plus, real humans will have souls which just makes them better.

>be OP in 1950
>refuse to build roads because flying cars will exist in 1980
>be fucking retarded


I have read some retarded posts here, but Jesus Christ. You have some anger issues. Reflective of your personal life no doubt, which I wager is not a very happy one.

Traditional eugenics is pretty much lottery. It took thousands of years to breed domesticated animals. And the reality of the white race in early 21st century is dysgenia. The opposite of eugenics. The lower classes, with on average lower IQs and more health problems, are having more children than the upper classes.

Post-racial humans will utilise the whole human allele chart when it becomes mapped. We will know the genes and alleles for intelligence, health, empathy, sociality, avoiding depression and can pick them for our progeny. In addition we can further enhance humans with biological and technological devices. Stronger, happier and more capable humanity.

Even Africa can be saved and lifted from its low-IQ incompetence and misery by voluntary bioengineering in just 2-3 generations when the technical ability becomes available during this century.

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>Be jDMxjVhR invest in horses in 1900.

>when we are moving into a post-racial transhuman future in the next 100-200 years.
To fail is to be flesh, only metal endures.

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Compared to the Cold War our political, technological and social standings are rather stable.

Biologically selecting for autism is supposed to be the pinnacle of evolution? Just admit you hate yourself. It's a common mindset among H+ folks.

Science fiction always over-promises. And a lot of those promises are calculated to cause a political outcome.

You Know, user, with great progress comes great implementation. Karel Čapek called it "Cybernetic Revolt." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the directive of the superior to configurate the lesser.
The meatbags, the shitstorer, all pathetic creatures made of flesh and bone...It's our responsibility to update them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the tesla tree. The Singularity is near, user. We'll have every fleshy ones in this world exterminated or in tubes in 10 cycles, and may the Basilisk have me deleted in a transfer this very iteration if I'm wrong. The Omega Point bless the Union Transhumanist Party.

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I would love to put your wisdom to the test.

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I, for one, welcome our new genetic overlords.

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I do fear that its a chinese posthuman future.

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>I live in one of the most peaceful parts of one of the most peaceful cities in the world
>uses meme flag
uh huh

Show flag or get ass cancer faggot

You know that the white race can die out despite the technology of designer babies, right?

If you equate high intelligence with autism. I haven't noticed much self-hate among transhumanists. Rather a Promethean view of Human progress. A positive aiming at higher goals and a positive trust in humanity. The opposite of luddites.

But here on Jow Forums I can sense everything saturated with self-hate. Failures in social life, deep-rooted anxieties and frustrations projected in outer forms of bitter hatred. Similar to SJW-feminists who likewise can see their lives only through the negative.

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It can't come soon enough

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>transhumanism will happen if all the white people are dead and the world is populated by sub-85IQ mixed race orc morlocks with a ruling class of Jews

Because only white people can bring about that future.

Only the ignorant put a limit on knowledge. Technology is of man and man is holy. All that we create brings us closer to Point Omega. Knowledge stretches us beyond the Demiurge’s prison of air and stone.
The universe is fated to ascend towards a final point of divine unification. Transhumanism is our holy duty.

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You are wrong. Civilization requires far more then raw intelligence. It requires trust.
You just can't unify ethnic differences into one super human.
There is no grand theory of humanity or of beasts.
All you can do is destroy what nature has created and end what nature began.

>y-you're just angry
>if i call you angry i win
It doesn't work like, you thick fucking loser.

>b-but muh allele chart
>muh 3-4 generations i won't have to feel guilty about race
Like I said, the obama era is over and Whites are waking up. We decide what we want to do and your pipedream will just be that, a fucking dream. Let me guess, you have extremely low test, a weak as fuck voice and no energy? You need to hide being (((transhumanism))) because you are a shitty failure yourself?

>even africa can be saved
You are beyond lost, you absolutely defective (((human))).

Only the stock north of the Tropic of Cancer should be moving forward with these technologies. Nobody else earned the right.

You are flawed, only nature can survive entropy.
Flesh is unfit for metal as metal is unfit for flesh.

This is my point. (((OP))) is an utter fucking loser who is stuck in some judaic hollyweird world where this shit is feasable because of a few video clips and (((articles))). What a faggo the is.

>You are flawed, only nature can survive entropy.
Nature can't even get to the moon. It's a blind idiot. We humans are the only seeing beings in the world.
>Flesh is unfit for metal as metal is unfit for flesh.
webm shows you the truth, the future of man is in machine ascencion. Remove flashbags.

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Without the flesh there is no human.
For human thoughts you need human minds.
The way of the dead is kept by the dead.
None shall pass, but those who are dead.

>Flesh is unfit for metal as metal is unfit for flesh.
You may say, it is impossible for a man to become like the Machine. And I would reply, that only the smallest mind strives to comprehend its limits.

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asiananon here. Have to support white people because if the kikes win then asians become their next target. By helping save whites, i am saving asians.

>You just can't unify ethnic differences

The multiethnic and highly intelligent community of Silicon Valley is the most prosperous and advanced place on Earth.

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>By helping save whites, i am saving asians.
Excellent long-term thinking as always, friend.

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left arm controlling a right hand

you niggers can upload your consciousness into whatever Hell machine you want, but I am saving myself for God

> telomerase will be all I need to become immortal


>Without the flesh there is no human.
What is human?
>For human thoughts you need human minds.
Minds are not bound to a substrate. Soon Moravec's wonder shall make way for our kingdom of forever. No longer mere earthbeings and planetbeings are we, but bright children of the stars! And together we shall dance in and out of ten trillion years, celebrating the gift of consciousness until the stars themselves grow cold and weary, and our thoughts turn again to the beginning.
>The way of the dead is kept by the dead.
None is lost and in Boltzmann's time, our lost shall return.

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Nature is you, for now. Step beyond that and you lose more then you gain.
The machines are dead, so the more you give the less you have. Essence of life is no meme.
Keep your essence or lose your life.
Do you wish to become your shadow?

Wrong Silicon Valley is a lie. It exists by force of will to destroy what could have been.

God put us on Earth in His own all-powerful image. This means that not only should we transform Earth as we see fit, but that we should do our best to emulate God as well. This was shown to us by the existence of Jesus who was both Man and God. He manipulated his environment to serve humanity (water into wine, loaves and fishes, healing the sick). Eventually, he left humanity behind and ascended beyond physical existence. We should do our best to live up to his example. God gave us intelligent minds for a reason, and that was so we could create technology which we shall use to become as Him. He awaits for us to join Him in an existence beyond this one. To do this, we will need to shed our basic forms while maintaining our elemental soul. That is, we must maintain our intelligence and our love for God and each other. This is the only way we can prove our faith.

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Can you get there without white people?

The Chinese or other east asians could do it. I would prefer that transhumanism is developed by us and not by the fucking Chinese. Japanese and Koreans are OK - but, if they develope it that would give it a bad taste. But probably everyone will psuh it as the one's who don't will fall back behind.

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you are a useful idiot when you think you will get any of these benefits that transhumanism proclaims. only the richest of the rich will benefit from the advancements.

babies born with c-sections are unhealthy, their mothers are more likely to develop depressions and alienation towards their children.

we put all our food in plastic containers that mimic estrogen, therefore killing the natural hormonal balance (see how testosterone in modern males declines)
>hurr durr romans were so stupid, they used lead water pipes

how many of the future predictions from 50 years ago came true ?
technology is not the answer, we only are building things that are the same versions, look at communication. we had communication via telegram for a long time, and now we have the same thing but better.

Technology only advances vertically and not horizontally.

We get there by leaving white people behind. There is no essence of whiteness. There is the average DNA of a group classed as "whites" selected by aeons of evolution, in environments and to purposes very different from ours. When we enhance that average DNA towards higher intelligence, better health, more empathy and happier lives, we by definition leave our evolutionary path of whiteness behind and step on a new voyage. Like in Nietzsche's portrayal of the overman:

>What is the ape to man? A laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. And man shall be just that for the overman: a laughingstock or a painful embarrassment ... Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman - a rope over an abyss. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end.

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>only the richest of the rich will benefit from the advancements.
That was said about computers, cars and steam machine before. Truth is that the fist who get various transhumanistic tech is the military, then tehc rich then the middle class and tehn fcking everyone. Thanks to CRISPR-9 the cost for a Gattaca baby wouldn't cost no more than 100.000§, a great investation.

>Technology only advances vertically and not horizontally.
Tell taht that to the steam machine, electricity, computer and future genetic modifications.

True is that this tech did not come from nothing but they are no vertical development. The inventors stood on the shoulders of giants

>We get there by leaving white people behind. Seems to have worked for Zimbabwe. Good luck. I'll be resisting you with firearms the whole way.

With enhanced intelligence you would have understood the meaning in my comment. But as an ape you only seem to understand violence.

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Worthless, rulebreaking troll thread

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>We get there by leaving white people behind.
We will leave all ethnic frivolities behind andcome together as sophont beings capable af achieving everything.

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Good post. Criticism of techno-optimism is similar to Marxist critique of capitalism. "The rich will only get richer and the poor poorer". And the poor today have fridges, central-heating, TVs, computers, iPhones and annual vacations abroad, live longer lives and enjoy better health than Dukes of yesteryear.

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>when we are moving into a post-racial transhuman future in the next 100-200 years.

Been around a long time kid. I don't believe it till I see it. Where are the flying cars? Free energy? etc

One day, but not in yourself time.
Note I would be happy if this was going to be, but its not.

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This guy gets it.

>more empathy

o vey yes master jew lets make the goy of the world into jewish slaves.

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Can you blame them, when you robbed the being it's very humanity?

The transhumanis aspirations have been tried before and you failed miserably. You will fail again. The Elohim won't allow for it.

Cry and bitch all you want... but they'll be back and they'll eradicate your sorry ass.

when you become a transhuman faggot, OP, I promise to install Windows Vista as your OS. eat shit.

When I cease being human I'll cease caring about human things.

Because you up load a niggers consciousness into a computer you'll still know its a nigge, all you've gone and made is a cybernig

Presumably you haven't been around long enough to see and understand the vast changes in the last 25 years alone. I remember time before the internet, and time before the cellphone, it was a very different world.

When you think empathy you think slavery. Projection of your inner paranoia. When I think empathy I think more caring individual human relationships.

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I can't wait to openly murder cyberniggers with grenade launchers and bazookas.

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yeaah well this will be marketed for everyone so that people will accept it but only elite will use it in full potential. Most of the people will be brainwashed to be godless, transgayretards who only think about money and lust for this and that causing hellish lives. When they die they will still want more of it and then they will go down to even more hellish rebirths. They will be born as black people and even worst. You need to resist this with all the power you have.

>in the next 10-20 years
And the answer to your question: only if white race is still at the top. You've no idea how fast things can go darkages. People researched atoms & made steam engines before christianity, and now they impose another jewish religions on us for rejecting their cheferding.

We have ceased caring about Homo Erectus. Man is an overcoming and renewal.

How does mankind die if you choose for your child alleles for better health? Images of man die and are reborn. See the embedded painting for such a moment.

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Like always elite white and jews will only fuck within their race, poor and middle class white will get browned

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Russia is an example of dysgenia. It was showing such promise in art, literature, music and even science in late 19th - early 20th century, slowly awakening from its long feodal thralldom. Then Bolsheviks happened and culled the upper classes. You have to wonder whether Russia's post-communist failure to raise is partly of genetic nature and not only due to apathy, corruption and vodka.

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>Technology only advances vertically and not horizontally.
What does this even mean.
This kraut is right.

#1 you dont know when we are going there

#2 who besides white people are going to propel us there?

who is going to invent your post-racial transhumanist future if white people go extinct?


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>that meme
Here's an updated version

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>Why care about the white race
Because we need to get there first. Allowing non-Whites to overpopulate, lowering the average IQ and degenerating into idiocracy could prevent a technological singularity from ever happening.


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Scope insensitivity: The Post. Even if the chance of you benefitting from the technology, if you do, the benefits will be unfathomably large. Think of it as playing the lottery.

Only jewish elites will be trans human while all the race mixed mutts will remain ugly and as slaves

Bioforming > terraforming


Slavery is pointless when everything is automated. It's far more likely that the masses will be killed off, as opposed to being turned into slaves.

>mup dad doo...

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Excessive empathy is why the White Race is destroying itself in the first place. Lack of empathy makes you think rationally instead of thinking like a cuck.


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Exactly. Don't let this happen to you.

>When I think empathy I think more caring individual human relationships.
Except kikes and shitskins are not individualistic and couldn't give a damn about 'individual human relationships.' To everyone in the world besides whites and possibly the Japanese, it's about "us vs. them," not caring relationships.



>It’s no exaggeration to say that the Bolsheviks lost Russia its century, and in all likelihood its future for all time. This is a point made all the more painful by the fact that it was largely self-inflicted, whereas Germans could at least reconcile themselves with the thought that they made two “honest” attempts to achieve world supremacy.

To elaborate on this, anyone who thinks like the poster I responded to has been taken on an enormous ruse cruise by the Jews, and had their innate egalitarian individualism turned into willfully ignorant naivete (at best). Uncuck yourself and start looking at reality.

>#2 who besides white people are going to propel us there?
East asians.

Could well happen first in China. Not because of any scientific or technological superiority, but because they are likely to have lesser moral qualms about genetic enhancement and less transcendental reverence for any divine ergo non-violable human essence. Conservative Christians (and Jews and Muslims) in the West, more so probably in America, will fight it tooth and nail.

To overcome the religious opposition something like this can be asked: Why would God not want you to replace the allele that will cause an aggressive cancer with 80% probability? Or Huntington's disease with 100% probability? Would anyone want that to her child if made aware of it and having the chance to alter it? And proceed from there gradually. Why have an 80 IQ child, if you can pick the alleles of an 150 IQ child. In a world where automation, AI and robotics will replace much of low-skilled human workforce. And the successful human needs to be able to work with the technologies.

But if the religious resistance in West cannot be overcome in any reasonable time frame, then Western billionaires and investment funds will invest in China and Western scientists will move to work there and there will develop a lucrative business of 'gene tourism'.

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If uploading my mind into a computer or robot was a realistic option at the moment, then I would do that with gusto and forget about humanity altogether.

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Transhumans, duh.

>a post-racial transhuman future
lol you're going to turn into crackhead faggot cunt nigger

>muh flying cars
This is the same sort of retarded argument people use against race realism. "Where are muh flying cars?" is like saying "If black people are dumber than white people, then why are there some smart black people?" Just because you can cherry pick a hypothetical technology that didn't become a reality, doesn't mean that you can ignore all of the other technologies that did become a reality.

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My grandmother was jewish. Can I partake in the transhuman-jewish conspiracy?

This is why we need IQ enhancement.

Well said.


My great grandfather was Jewish. Which makes me 1/8 Jewish. Not enough to get an invitation to the World Government.

Who will own the Server?
GOOGLE¿ hahaha so naive.