"What is the preference of Polish girls these days?"

The male instructors of euro week, a camp for Polish schoolkids, answer this question

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Other urls found in this thread:


I can tell you without watching it - be swarthy but not visibly Asiatic(think Mediterranean or white Hispanic) and you can grab 10 different girls every day and have orgy with them in Poland. Hope you'll kill them afterwards because they're whores and gave you AIDS.

Mehh...don't pay much attention. What do you expected them to say? "They are ugly, weak, stupid and hate niggers"??? Of course they are going to give us the standard, predictable, diplomatic crap.

That appears to be a video of some shitskin talking about all the positive qualities of Polish girls. But the English is bad so it's confusing.

You're obsessed, dude. Just how many threads about it you want to create? As I said, worry about state of things in your country first.

>bongs have 1000s of families having their daughters go to foreign stranger houses and do nothing about it.
>absent bong fatherhoods more kek-bad than in us gangridden slums
>grooming youth now legal religious practice in bongland
>gets triggered by some braindead polish girls dancing around with brownskins, while some chav girl on coke is just now making her rounds in some Paki house in Leeds


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and nothing of value was lost

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>As I said, worry about state of things in your country first.
Yes, I am worried about numbers of polak plungers and coal burner polkas

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>English camp in a city that i didnt know exist until now
We blacked now guys shit

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I don't get it. This chick is not even Polish.

Threat theme

Those are shitskins discussing as how they are received by polkas, what do they thing of them

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how about worrying about your slags burning coal, my dude? Think about it. It's in your interest that Poles lose their national identiy in UK.
this shit looks like grooming teenagers to foreigners. Someone should let Jaro know about it.

I mean euro week

Black guy here

What's the best polish city to pick up polish girls in?

>Polish girls
>Really active
What did they mean by this?

No, they are saying of their experience with polkas, they see it, as very receptive to BBC

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They spread the legs quickly, they initiate relations with shitskins perhaps?

they're pretty fit

Ths gook bitch works with them at the kids camp for Polish teens.
She is enabling her brown and yellow brothers to have sex with Polish teens. She is an evil bitch.

Warsaw, make sure you don't go to Praga though, unless you enjoy getting shanked

Any- just go there, be open-minded, democratic "English"
You'll father many mutts in no time
Just sign up to the program, you'll get free stay and food and pale underage pussies harem to chose from

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15-year-old Polish girls at euro week camp

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can you stop spamming weird threads about euroweek bongbro

if you wanna talk about it just make a thread about it no need to be weird about it

terrible idea user

>get macheted

>get fined for breathing

>get shat on for coming yet 3city is only worthwile place connected to sea

Legal age in Poland is 15.
They are definitely fucking and deflowering all these Polish nubiles

>how about worrying about your slags burning coal, my dude?
Not a bit, even our slags, they are not that interested in shagging 3rd workers, including polaks

>Thinkt it.
I did.
>It's in your interest that Poles lose their national identiy in UK.
In our interests is to get rid of all shitskins and niggers, including slav-niggers

>can you stop spamming weird threads about euroweek bongbro
>if you wanna talk about it just make a thread about it no need to be weird about it
That's weak (((polak)))!
You got to up the game or
Or go right fuck off back?

I know that OP is trolling but why is the "Euroweek" featuring African baboons, Arab neanderthals and Mongolian bandits? Obviously the organization behind this is "softening up" this youths to DIEversity by creating a deceitful artificial "diverse" environment that has no relation to how diversity works in real life.

PiS cucks should worry about such organizations and initiatives instead of sucking Jew cock by babbling about the fictional Russian threat.

They look like a bunch of spics and chinks. What sort of kikery is this?

Its honestly simple, I said before i didnt know what Bystrrzyca is up until now, turns out its shithole with very small population so yeah
PiS electorate is built on foctional russian threat like democrars in usa so theyre you go

there you go* lul

Those filthy whores. Can't they smell shit from him?!

>get macheted
>get gassed from smok

>duck off, is full

lol I guarantee all of them had sex before this trip

then fucking do it instead of loicensing mundane things and harassing foreigners, like a spiteful goblin creature. This does nothing apart from showing how powerless you are. You can't do shit of any significance, you impotent fuck. Your own government cucked you out of your minds

>"Euroweek" featuring African baboons, Arab neanderthals and Mongolian bandits?
It is euro pussy introduction for them, to get the taste etc.
Let's say, they manage to impregnate one- that's it- visa-passport guaranteed, withing two years, arab will be selling kebabs in London, talking to couple of the mutts in pooland... No, scratch that out. He'll be talking to fresh (((white))) polkas here, impregnating more of those, bringing he's other wife's over...


>What every jihadi is meant to do in order, to conquer Europe, short of exploding himself up.

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>then fucking do it instead of loicensing mundane things and harassing foreigners, like a spiteful goblin creature.
So salty, so typical...
Poolan' was mistake

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Why are you giving him advise?

Pick a black one, Africa has tonns.

Salty? I'm not even mad. I would gladly see you uncucked, but it's not gonna happen, because you guys are pathetic and destined to perish. Only thing you can do is harass some Poles, while Pakis rape your daughters.

>Legal age in Poland is 15.
>They are definitely fucking and deflowering all these Polish nubiles

Legal rage for shitskins is 1.
They are definitely fucking and deflowering all these Polish whores, dare I say?

>Why are you giving him advise?
Because poolan' is stronk!1!1!

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That shemale in the middle is pretty hot. Does she peg Vinh in the end of video, or does the Muslim do it?

just make a thread about it schizoid

>>Legal age in Poland is 15.
>>They are definitely fucking and deflowering all these Polish nubiles

>Legal raPe age for shitskins is 1.
>They are definitely fucking and deflowering all these Polish whores, dare I say?

Polak kids are easier to fuck, than niglets, >also ProTip- it is legal, encouraged and paid for
Niglet production on industrial scale

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Nah, she's just soliciting polkas out

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Why so much hate for Poland?

>Why so much love for slaveniggers?
Muh based, muh white world saviours, you mong

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As we're fucked beyond belief, you still believe that you have some obligation to shill on about other nations.

Cheers you fucking nob.

Oh fuck, never mind I though there was only one cunt in here.

Ehh... Aye! Sealing our jobs and shit! Fucking polacks!

Birkenau for the Israeli girls

Why do you call Danzig 3city?

Oh shit, I have to correct myself in case I become the filthy polack!!

End us already.

So simple, so obvious
So toilet clear tier
>Oh fuck, never mind I though there was only one cunt in here.
>Ehh... Aye! Sealing our jobs and shit! Fucking polacks!
You have to go back (((polak)))

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Oh here we go.
I'm a polack now. Just in time.

Thank you.

Beacuse bong is trying his hardest to trigger Mireks while being culturally enriched by Abdul at the same time
seriously though calling us poor would be better since its really hard for me to be mad where there are no niggers and poos in closest 100km to me

Did 'sealing' also gave it away by any chance?
That's a pure polack thing isn't it?

Three cities are very close to eachother and theyre administrated as one

This is really sinister.
Why is this tranny looking gook soliticing innocent white Polish girls and trying to match them up with shitskin males who work with her at the kid's camp?
Polacks, are you sending all this evidence to the relevant people/organisations in Poland?
You have a duty to spread this far and wide.
What is your equivalent of the Daily Mail? Let them know about it. We need "scandal" and "outrage" headlines.
Force these creeps to shut their sinister operations. Don't be apathetic, you have a 98% white country to save.
Protect your children.

Being typical screeching polak is giveaway.
Yes, you will finish yourselves alright, by not getting none pussy, whilst cleaning toilets and polka's, that didn't make it here get impregnated by shitskins and niggas

K, if one day I decide to go out in style I got the exact walkthrough here. Thanks a lot, user.

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Brits are too scared to attack brown people so they take it out on Poles

Pako, it's almost harvest time. Get picking boy!

Danzig + Gdinden + Zoppot = Dreistadt


>the UK is fucked beyond belief and if shitting on other nations makes him feel better so be it
>the Dutch guy is LARPing
>the only Polish woman who'd settle for or even fuck a nigger is a worthless skank who's already had at least 50 dicks in her, so nothing of value was lost

Contact these newspapers:

Fakt — 596,726
Gazeta Wyborcza — 437,013
Super Express — 312,656
Rzeczpospolita — 194,123
Dziennik Gazeta Prawna — 148,867
Przegląd Sportowy — 92,771
Puls Biznesu — 21,776

Also TV networks
TVP channel
Local media/tv

We only need one of these to pick up the story for it to spread. Polish people need to know the environment their children are put in.

Aye keep whinning.

Would you ever think that maybe some of us are sick of cunts like you on this board.
You're fucking embarrassing to me. Pricks like you are the reason we are getting ripped the shit out of on this board. No fucking sympathy what so ever, posting funny XDDD replies as a result making us fucking hated.

Fucking kill yourself.
And also, any money you are a skinny fat prick who never touched nor even smelled a fanny in your worthless life

Like I said, do us a favour and end yourself. Cheers.

Go back and do it ownself!

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Why so salty (((polak)))?

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When I was a degenerate and had dating media accounts, most of the responses I got were from northern Europe, central Europe and east Asia, with that order.

Im fully Med Greek, and the many of these girls called me a Greek god.

Greek and Italian girls(which I messaged more) were extremely difficult to respond and even more to meet.

Now im with a full Greek girl, thank god.

How tall are you?

I'm not a Pole.
All this shit makes me think you might be a pole using a VPN to start shit.

The bait is just too obvious.

Or maybe you're the polack living in this nation larping to start shit.

That's actually plausible.

Every girl has her fetish. I'm Western European and I got a thing for Slavs.

Majority of Polish girls go out with majority of Polish men.
Case closed.

I bet he's tall enough for a 11 year old waifu, he should go

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>multiple threads about Polish women every day
>interracial cuckolding fetish
>hatred of Polish men

Either a self-hating Pole or a Paki who got rejected by a Polish woman

I hate seeing other white European countries get the multicult treatment.
Demographically Poland is like the UK was in the 1960s. They can still nip this thing in the bud and make the EU lefties think twice about starting a scheme like this again.
It's the perfect opportunity for Poles to show their strength and unity and resist this indoctrination program.
Most ordinary people would find the sight of adults of any race touching and hugging kids completely inappropriate. Add to it the fact that those same adults are seen boasting in a video about what Polish girls like etc.
The Daily Mail would go mad for this if it was happening the UK. Don't see why Polish newspapers wouldn't do so as well.

>I'm not a Pole.
Hmhmh (you might as well be Ahmed, then you are in the game)
>All this shit makes me think you might be a pole using a VPN to start shit.
>The bait is just too obvious.
Implying, I fuck polkas?
I did few in the past, but found them utterly discusting dirty sluts and one of them was telling me about a heartbreak of other Brits being racists, not dating polkas. The last thing she said, hers boyfriend broke up with her few months ago and his name was Ibrahim.
>Penny dropped, and i remain forever greatful to Durex for manufacturing quality, but polkas I wouldn't touch with a barge stick ever again.

Nah no hatred from me mate. Just concern and frustration at the apathy shown in this thread

but polish women are whores thats true. Some of them could compete even with czechs. I dont know man staying in Poland for holidays and not fucking your women.

>but polish women are whores thats true.

However, in this thread, ever so telling signs as why
>Literally it is their culture of coal burning from the age, they are kids. Some sort of prestige, I figure, to fuck every other nigger, but polak.

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You should do something about this

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Nah lad, they are just LARPers, lost cause from the start.

Why are you letting niggers in your country?

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>lithuanian half russian
am i suppoused to throw tantrum right now?

Looking at her face. Her mother did same with her.

ok, wrong pic, but still. Eastern European whores are slowly fucking up this part of Europe as well.

She looks lot like Agnieszka I fucked, good looking, but dumb as a lamppost, although she was only 21 and had no kids (to the best of my knowledge).

Im a dark-haired muscly chad Polak at 188 cm,
some say I almost look s American, but im a Slav. I get hot Slavic girls here no problem, blonde blue eyed Polkas and Russian models. In Poland I'd have no issues getting hotties. Stay away from the race-mixers

this, basically. They take their frustration on us, because their gov won't retaliate on them. It's pathetic really.

because he's cuck in making