Lawmakers are considering the idea of internet I.D., which would make your legal identity known wherever you go on the internet. The benefits are obvious:
>no more trolling
>no more bullying
>less toxicity
>help law enforcement
>reduce cyber crime
Internet I.D
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which lawmakers? where?
Link to source amerimutt
How can I pretend to be a loli for the purposes of trolling pedos now?
obviously the purpose of this is to ban people from the internet if they break rules. it's not to eliminate anonymity, because there are plenty of people who don't give a fuck about being known.
good luck trying to make every site use this.
Even when they manage to enforce this just use a vpn and use a meme flag
they already know where we all go on the internet anyway.... it's just currently illegal.
They just want the internet ID so they can find dissidents and kill them, using the LAW's money, instead of their own.
they are already tracking us down and destroying our lives for dissenting.... it's just not legal.
>they are already tracking us down and destroying our lives for dissenting.... it's just not legal.
and they have to pay for it all themselves.
your IP is your ID and your fake IP is your fake ID. what's the problem?
and also these niggers glow in the dark making it incredibly easy to neutralize them with motor vehicles.
I doubt a 27 year old man taking estrogen would trick even the most unobservant nonce.
Sweet - let’s get a voter ID at the same time - should be easy, right?
i dont have to go to the DMV to get a new IP address
a feminine penis is a feminine penis, user. you'd be surprised what tricks the camera can play
This. The AIPAC and other lobbies are very influential both in the US and abroad. Criticize Israel publicly, and you're pretty much done away with.
They built up a huge apparatus to put pressure on dissidents. They use both illegal and legal means to do so.
Would infringe on free market too much and therefore would not be allowed to happen.
this may come sooner than you think
So uh. Your saying we will have the names and addresses of Blue Checkmarks, SJW's, hardcore commies, members of the ADL, SPLC etc? Hmm.
Interesting prospect OP. However, may I inquire as to where your motherfucking goddamn link to this information is, you GRIDs infested front hole?
It'll probably come disguised from the private sector as well before it does from legislation.
Based Taiwan gets it.
>reduce cyber crime
What is a VPN?
The first 3 can be stopped by ignoring them, and the last 2 literally aren't enough reason to infringe on our rights.
Jow Forums mentioned around 40min onwards
yep, they wont even complain.
not a fucking chance, "lawmakers"
>no source
>1 post by this id
>What is a VPN?
basically this, if they really introduce this shit VPN will boom even more.
Lawmakers where? In the Unites Slaves of the Jews maybe. Not in based Europe for shure...
It would just make it easier for the FBI/CIA to find and kill those who go against (((their))) agenda.
Is that really what you want?
They'll false flag this into reality when there is a huge terrorist attack where all the stuff used for it was procured on the dark web.
A lot of idiot normies will support it:
>everyone should have ID to get on the internet
>requiring ID to vote is racist
Leftists have no problem holding both of those positions
>Lawmakers are considering the idea of internet I.D.
OMG how to enforce this when anybody who knows anything can get on there anyway
Easily a system for the government to manipulate in their favor. If they control this, they'll be the faggot LARPers false flagging to control whatever narrative they want, which will of course be whatever the filthy kikes want.
GS has been a proponent for this for a long time
AIDS Moby seems a little redundant
haha, Georgetown, the jesuits hate Jow Forums
they don't even need laws, look at the recent sm purge
Our ruling cuckservatives seem to be much more worried about the terrible hate speech than any leftist has ever been.
K. Thanks.
Wouldn’t that stop elderly blacks from using the internet.... seems sorta racist, seeing how poor people can’t even get an Id to vote... now they have to get an Id to use the internet.
My name is Ali and so is my wife's.
the same people who gave you no driving in the left lane except to pass ( at the speed limit of course ).
>thats not an authorized fact citizen.
>voting will now happen over the internet
>leftists head will explode
you are about 40 years too late my zionist friend.
my bad Jow Forums mentioned 55 min
people will just find away around it
You are shadowbanned. Incase you didn't know, Google use captcha as a tool to control how people use the internet. If you use a site they don't like, or say stuff they do not like, captcha becomes harder and harder to solve.
>no more toxicity
>no more bullying
You'll probably just wind up with only neets and other people who don't have to work being the ones who are able to shitpost freely while average joe is forced to watch what he says
Lawmakers are so out of touch. this is literally already in effect in the private sector.
I can live with that
and as a proud NEET why would this stop me from doing any of those things?
Based Sapphire Tech Ltd.
And then SCOTUS says it is unconstitutional and everyone hates congress and POTUS even more
i consider it tyranny, anyone who supports it is a evil fuck
Except who?
Except the same people who don’t need a passport. You think you’ll be able to see Soros’ online trail? What retard timeline are we in where this is a good thing?
You call those benefits? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Nah, it'll happen in the long term with arguments stressing the benefit to the free market itself. It'll be for your ease of use of the Internet from buying groceries to banking to all online consumer services. The ID will start with having certain 'privileges',(ie a fasttrack to identifying you and protecting your personal identity) only to end with us all being chipped like animals. Its been foretold.
>Normal web becomes a complete register-to-use shithole
>Everyone turns to alternatives like the deep web and zeronet because the fun of the internet is being anonymous
>Google and all of the other things that have been ruining the internet die
I'm okay with this.
honestly seems likely.. so far this post has taken five minutes and six captchas, make that seven ...eight..
There will be many more shootings if they try it.
good luck on that, when you cant even stop piracy
we always knew it would come to this
>Don't need an ID to vote
>Need an ID to jack it to cartoon porn
>Yik Yak
Incredibly boomer-ish to discuss some dead app
and you'll also need a (((license))) to use the internet at all
fuck that, we'll just implement a wifi mesh internet and bypass all those cocksuckers
I'll just stop using the internet. So will many others or they will use a new platform that is even harder to trace. Good job (((lawmakers))), you just played yourself.
Why would anyone support that?
Haha no voter id right tho? Guess this action will ban niggers and spics from the internet.
Please pass the cranberry sauce to your Hillary (isis co-creator) voting cousin at Thanksgiving.
The uk was supposed to get porn licences back in April and the powers that be went unsurprisingly quiet when that didn't happen.
Also, how are they going to enforce this world wide? The American Congress is not a global legislative body, they can wipe their asses with those bills outside of the 50 states.
I know this is bait but I'm going to bite and tell you I don't give a shit anymore I will say the truth with or without my real identity on the line in fact I already do face to face.
This is it boys
We Shadowrun now.
Mondo Mundo Mesh + Alt-Tech will BTFO the telecoms and big tech
OP is a cocksucking faggot
Oh I didn't see that coming.
Frig off
This is what that guy who the movie “catch me if you can” is working on. Once a con artist, always a con artist.
I will steal Internet I.D.'s to troll and frame people.
I wonder...
The internet is the only way actual democracy could actually function.
I say it'd best become a limited anarchistic space.
(((toxicity))) is a massive meme, basically (((toxicity))) is anyone who isn't a SJW
Whelp, that would mean I would be off the internet for good.
I will just have to take my anger out on society the way I used to, through random acts of destruction against city power and cable boxes.
"Welcome to in with your ID and save 25% Discount"
For our safety, sure...
>a handful of big tech outlets control virtually all social media platforms,
>these outlets are owned by large corporations, some of which are defence corporations
>the outlets are conducting censorship that the federal government would like to do through the FCC or the IC, but is prohibited.
>the contributors, analysts and consultants for these same outlets work for a well-known Deep State think-tanks
>The Atlantic Council is partnered with NATO and sponsored financially by BP, Chevron, Exxon, and Shell. It also includes defense contractors Raytheon, BAE, SAAB Technologies, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, and Northrop Grumman. Additionally Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Barclays Capital, the Blackstone Group, Citigroup, and Credit Suisse Bank. There is also a tremendous amount of foundation support, including the Carnegie Corporation of New York , the Ford Foundation, and billionaire bankster George Soros' Open Society Institute.
>Daniel Ellsberg's theory is that there is movement to bypass the First Amendment, in referring to Wikileaks as a non-state hostile intelligence service.