Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Hetzjagd Edition

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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


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Wurzelose Kosmopoliten intensiviert

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Heute Nachmittag sollten eigentlich noch mehr Demonstrationen in Chemnitz abgehalten werden, bin mal gespannt

Need habbening stream roundabout 6 pm

Yeah, so much i know the lefties are angry after the usual XY Einzelfall, there weren't enough Policemen to stop the "hate". apparently it wasn't hate to stab people in the first place, and the article i read almost tactically went around the thematic that it's guess-the-skincolor type of thing again.

really gets the noggin jogging.

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At least now the nationalities of the suspects are made public. One was from Syria, the other one from Iraq.

From the perspective of the Regierung this is close to the worst place for a incident like this to happen. Most people i know in Chemnitz are sick of Merkels politics since years, this murder was just the staw that broke the camels back

Why is Bild so extreme left politically? In Austria the Kronenzeitung is anti-immigrant and pro-right wing...

Bild is not left wing, it is ultra zionist

BILD is in the process of coming about due to readers leaving that rag in the shelves in droves.
New editor in chief is slowly but surely ending the fugee sucking, which is pretty much a confirmation of sorts that Friede Springer (owner of the
publishing house and VERY close to Merkel) is pulling her support for Merkel.

Well, it's reputation is "Angst, Hass, Titten und der Wetterbericht" as you might've heard from these talentless musicians.

And my opinion is the following: they're not left leaning or right-leaning. they align with drama, the outrage.


stört sich eigentlich keiner an dem Lebenslauf der Frau Dr. Alice Weidel?

these are the business principles behind axel springer, the biggest media corporation in germany and also the bild

>we stand for freedom, the rule of law, democracy and a united europe.
we support the life rights of Israel.
we show our solidarity in the free value community with the united states of america.
we reject political and religious extremism.
We are committed to a free and social market economy.

seems like a press without an agenda

Unsustainability of narrative. A switch in the disinformation campaign ... I've smelled it for a while now. Does not matter. The trust in the media is irrevocably gone. Just waiting for the economic collapse now.

10-15 years from now Europe will be reborn to a new age of pan-fascism. I see it clearly and it is beautiful!

Here no one shouldn't, but every now and then someone points out she is lesbian and she worked for jews.

And that whole Israel thing is on my radar, but i hope that's just working with the weapons of the Enemy. virtue signaling.
Saying how jews are behind it all is political suicide and it doesn't matter how much you'd back that up with background info, since we live in a society.... (we really do) inwhich you can be a woman living in a man's body and prove your bigots wrong by cutting your dick off and force people with societal pressure to fuck your Frankenstein pussy that will never be able to generate a baby.

Remember the free "BILD Heimatedition mit Dackel Jockel"? I got one and it was full of people sharing their view on what "Heimat" means to them. From the left point of view pretty much toxic Deutschtümelei. They want to sell and jumped on the whole refugees welcome train to ride that wave three years ago. Now a good chunk of their target audience moves right and BILD slowly follows, but only in the way that they sometimes attack Merkel or write shocking headlines about migrant crime every odd day.

I honestly think that BILD loves to publish INSA polls with their high AfD Numbers only to get some rad little headline every other week and carter to some Pegida Boomers

We are not big enough for infightment and we arent leftist who dont care about not being big enough for infightments


Demonstration today in front of Landtag at 20 bongs!

Also ask me about Dresden Identitäre Bewegung Festival from saturday.

Glaub ich erst wen der ORF die Hitparade wiederbelebt, mit Dr. Ludwig als Moderator


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>two whites die because they wanted to defend women from shit skin rapists
>people in the city start demonstrate
>lefties: ohh vey stop this madnuss before someone gets hurt :^)

Reminder Verräter werden als erstes an die Wand gestellt

who is coming to /comfy/ chemnitz today?

they expect 10.000 "ultra-mega-hyper-nazis" and i guess the same amount of antifa


What's the most cucked state of Germany?

>trust gone
Dont suckle the big tobacco benis too soon, not nearly enough

The current state

Wanna take a bite from my Toleranzapfel?

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City states: Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg

-Nordrhein-Westfallen all of it is cancer especially Köln
-Niedersachsen and Hannover (im Hannover Region)

Last time I was in the city (months ago) I only saw shitskins roaming the streets. At 9h in the morning I saw only pregnant shitskins with 2-4 kid, no white (they are working/school)

wait for the bavarian elections. if the greens really get 15-20% they might jump to number 2 after berlin and overtake cuckholes like NRW.

hahah BASED MAGAPEDE kek shadilay

>15-20% grüne
Es gibt keinen Gott

just to back my post at up:
My connection between blaming jews here and transgender madness is that things don't mean shit anymore, all there is is outrage and using the feeble feelings and the sense of entitlement to step in for the frail poor oppressed smaller faction and make it so the majority needs to adhere to their needs. In the case of X-rights (in this example Transgender rights) The Jew always loved atomization, the practice of dissolving a group distilling it in all its factors, the man and woman, the men and the gay amongs the men, the women will become feminists, the feminists and gays against the straight man, the feminists and gays then advocate for immigration, then its immigrants, gays and feminists against the men.

The Institutions that unite

School was there to learn of the world and how its works and how it worked before (or didn't), now its there to infuriate a mob of future communists into feeling oppressed by the system that hates them because they were coddled into being losers. Standards for degrees will drop as Teachers have to handle multiple classes at once, Students will fail classes because of inadequate explanations, the students of today will then get shitty jobs because of their grades, these jobs will pay meagerly and the pension will be bad in reflection of it.
Remember the old saying "everything is fine for as long we have the same god"? That man was very smart, i'm guessing when he knew so early on what cultural infighting could mean to us.
Not much to say here. Feminists have worked around the clock to teach women to find marriage a scary thing and its even worse for them to have children. go out and dance until you are 40, take the medications to deaden your perception towards your racing biological clock, if a man nags on you, he's just a hater. Never tie yourself down. it's not like the man would tie himself to you. its all about how you feel about it.
tl;dr jews r gay

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Finally a Krautthread. What's your excuse for not living in Saxony Jow Forums?

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family and friends

when I could take them with me I would leave this shithole

>jews shilling against one socialist that refuses to suck them off

I talked to a few (kath.) uni students in bavaria, they believe that greens are not a altpartei, anti
Establishment, trustworthy, young, dynamic and that they would change this land for the better

Bavaria is lost
The churches ruined it

Y-you too.

Hope Bayern gets all the green cancer like 30 kmh inner orts and other shit a cant think of

Klar, sie ist "from it". Das alles ist nur scharade. Es gibt keinen Wandel oder Politische Lösungen!

Doch. Er heißt Geld und regiert die Welt. Deutsche sind naiv geworden und haben alles was wichtig ist aus den Augen verloren. Nur in Zeiten von Arbeitslosigkeit und Hunger haben Deutsche echten Willen zur Revolution gegen Krebssysteme gezeigt. Wenns Schwarz-Grün bald als Regierung gibt dauerts nurmehr ein zwei Jahre bis zum Bürgerkrieg wenn denen das Sozialsystem kollabiert und niemand mehr das Geld für Fehlinvestitionen rausrücken will.

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>"From it"
>Not "Fromm und IT"

>is a dyke supporting trad life
>worked for less than a year as analycist for a merchant Bank

Fuck yeah, she must be a crypro kike

(((Springer Verlag)))

Says it all

That apple looks delicious desu
> havent learned to be properly verstümmelungstolerant yet
not bad.
I actually like the tümelei thing, its leftist folklore and a trigger word of theirs

>Die Deutschen sind ein undankbares Scheißvolk und lieben den Dolchstoß. Habe 2 Jahre lang den deutschen Faden auf Jow Forums groß gemacht und gepflegt und jetzt wo es ein Selbstläufer ist haben die Schwuchteln mich abgesägt mit Hilfe der Moderatoren. Das volle Programm mit Range-Ban und Co. Solche Mistkinder, wenigstens habe ich das komplette Kraut/pol/ Meme Archive als letzte Handlung gelöscht.

hahhaha get fucked taytay spammer

Just quiz them how they got that impression, make sure to make clear you are a publikken relations afficianado and are fascinated with how well their primitive marketing worked

Too optimistic. I also have thoughts of civil war but let's be real. CDU would sooner deport every shitskin before losing power. More realistic would be an open revolt from the greens and lefties to combat "inhumane deportations". Then people would flock to the AfD and we'd copy FPÖ/Kurz.

If anything 'twas I who resurrected the thing last summer during Defend Europe.
Then it was a bumping grind until the autist returned and went on a 24/7 online spree during the election wind up.

10/10 meme. for a 3/10 meme-person.

There is none

>spammed 2 years long his stupid whore
>groß gemacht


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gonna be a stream later?

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She'll come back at the 02.09.
This day will be such a shitfest.

when is tayanon coming back, the general is shit without him

>how they got that impression
Mah newspabaaaa
Mah TVeeeeeh
Mah friiiindz who are political active
Mah pope
And my favorite
"Lol, idk - i just like them"

Why are you not voting NPD, AFD is a kiked out ultra zionist civic conservative cuck party.
Don't most germans know about the jewish problem?

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This'll be fun.
Tayanon is the kind of person which one does not need to make look bad, only to review her what she has said and demanding her to give an explanation is enough for everyone to know what kind of person stands in front of you.

She clearly is a strong individualist who would shame a drug, but not its dealer. (not because she takes them yet advocates a big restrictive government)

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Jagdszenen bump

The NPDs reputation is down the gutter, its near impossible for them to get a useful amount of votes.
The AfD is the next best thing, there really is no choice


If you don't know the metapolitics of germany, you should shut your fucking mongoloid mouth, the NPD is supposedly V-Mann infested with government agents from head to toe, the "kiked"-out party is the only alternative. the alternative for germany.

>Want's to leave Germany as soon as shit starts to boil
Yes, she.

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I just want all these faggot fedoralords who M'lady and whiteknight her and give me shit to find out later "she" is a hairy manly man with a fat depressed omlette-shaped tit and a potbelly.

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AFD isn't gonna make germany german.
They just want to integrate more nigs and not even deport anyone.

I'm pretty sure your jewish party won't save you.

Ah damnit, but I've been waiting for that thing for so long now ... that stuff in Chemnitz is only the beginning. Either they stomp down hard on further actions or do nothing ... whatever way, we win. Gradually but steadily.

Well, nothing will then.
A very esotheric end to a people of genius and poets. From dust we arise, into dust we collapse.

AfD is just a symptom of the dying system ... the birth pains of the new Weltanschauung.

If not NPD, then Der Dritte Weg they are a social nationalist party, check out their website.

This is a fucking lie. Don't listen to this obvious larper.

How am i wrong? They are just civic nationalists.

>mgw nah bei Mannheim
Oh Junge, ich hab ne Menge zu tun in der Zukunft, immerhin sind die meisten Deutschen hier abgeneigt von den Kanaken
You can't join Bundeswehr if you vote NPD iirc

Say it with me:
>Bein anti-press is being anti-jewish.
C o u n t e r S e m i t i s m !

You are wrong when you claim they don't want to deport anyone. What's on your mind? Large scale holocaust? Because then I must disappoint you. Der Dritte Weg is a bunch of faggy larpers who will never ever have a substantial base of supporters. I'm not even sure why a Finn talks about a "German Germany".

The true movement will emerge from the coming Freikorp-like organizations ... but civil order has not broken down enough for that. Now let's stop this pointless discussion. You're a few years too early yet. Patience!

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>Right-wing revolution begins in Karl-Marx-Stadt
Wonder how much old Mordechai is spinning in his grave.
Or maybe he loves it, it's the working classes after all.

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>What's on your mind? Large scale holocaust?

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They are gateway"drug" nationalists.
We can't allow splitting the voting potential right now and some of them aren't just civic nationalists (like Höcke etc..)

>they are a social nationalist party

Dude, why are you beating around the bush?
III. Weg is unironically Nationalsocialist.
This is not Austria where there is a law against founding a nationalsocialist movement/party (Wiederbetätigungsgesetz).

I am fairly certain that they score even lower than the NPD and there is no mainstream info on them.

You gotta know that there are many interest groups in germany and people only find out about parties through the jewish controlled media, the only reason the AfD kept growing is the fake outrage against the AfD they couldn't stop oy veying and the amount of fake shit they spewed out and morally busy-bodying people led them to a great deal of voters. no one likes to be told what to think. germans think the media is true though and therefore don't feel manipulated by it.

>schild des ostens
>All of them come from the east


>he thinks trying to deport them will not escalate to violence/genocide
Boy it's like you're 12

There's a difference between judging something and saying it's not achievable.

>some of them

Make that "a lot of them". The "Flügel" and its huge supporter base is for lack of a better term "ethnonationalist". But in a european national sense this is just "pro German", since all european nations up until 20th century literally were ethno-states.

Taking credit for something that started in Dresden years go. Fucking Chemnitz.

Anyone who is a legit national socialist and not a civic faggot cuck is a larper to you...


Good formulation, AfD is what makes right-wing ideologies what we would call... "Salonfähig" the left will call XY Einzelfall on everything, only generalize ZHE EBIL RITEWANGER by his action and push for open borders.

Wilkommen zurück.
Ein biSSchen gemeinschaftlicher werden, ja?

Haven't you heard? The heat is on!

Roach & Kebab beware! The Saxon began to hate.

Can anyone confirm this?

Is there a genocide going on in the US? And I already said in this thread that there will be violence but this will only further the cause. But you must be insane when you think this will result into a widespread cleansing of mudslimes. If only.

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You can't be a right winger and german at the same time.

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>these cunts are all probably dead at this point

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Is that fucking Pottbernd

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