"Trump Will Be Impeached" Ben Shapiro on Cohen Pleading Guilty


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the assblasted demorat slavers have filed articles of impeachment on every single republican president since the first one took their slaves away

>Ben Shapiro
you have to go back

Yeah, the democrats are the real racists.

>whomever when he means whoever

Fuck this midget kike and his daily shill threads.

Where have i heard this one before?

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Apparently Ben Shapiro either didn't take Alan Dershowitz's courses, or didn't pay attention. Alan Dershowitz says this is a nothingburger.

Okay, this is epic.

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did you expect anymore from Ben Shillpiro?

>As you know, I’ve been agonizing on air over whether I would ever vote for Donald Trump. And I’m starting to come down firmly in the #NeverTrump camp. I will never vote for this man. I will not pull the lever for this man. I will not pull the lever for him in a general election or in a primary. It’s not going to happen.
>Am I willing to risk a Hillary presidency not to vote for Trump? The answer is yes.
Ben Shapiro, 7 March 2016.

So.. no surprise.

Reminder that Benji quit Breitbart because nobody at the outlet believed a female journalist who claimed that Corey Lewandowski "threw [her] to the ground." He said that all journalists need to believed and trusted.

This was before the video got out and showed Lewandowski gently grab her on the shoulder when she got too close to Trump; I doubt he has ever commented on it again.

>Ben Shapiro
kill yourself

Now you can fuck off from this thread too, faggot

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THANK YOU. I'm so tired of fags trying to look *intellectual* when incorrectly using whomever. They don't realize that the subject takes precedence when the pronoun is both an object and subject:

>i'll give it to whomever [it's the object of give to]

>i'll give it to whoever deserves it [it's the subject of deserves]

and these people's votes count as much as mine. democracy is dog shit.

Purity-spiralling on this board needs to stop.
Take your kike-hate to infinity chan.
We're actually trying to do something here.
Yes this is a MAGA and UKIP board.

t. Fuck you.

You have to be as dumb as a trump supporter to believe that nothing his decades long personnal attorney and "fixer" knows, can be sufficient to impeach him
Not even talking about Allen Weisselberg (trump org finance director) who just received immunity to testify

great meme user

Lanny Davis is a crony who ate the Hillary coochie in email form.

This is all theatre because Trump's hands are tied re: pedophilia, elite satanic abuse, repeated espionage by greatest ally, whole host of 5th column duel-passport holders fucking with the country from within

sage this garbage. Google Jeff Kasky or ask yourself why the pizza creep Alefantis was photographed with Obama on the tarmac during Cuba visit.

>btfo the left at every turn
>do a 360 and blast trump

all that brainpower wasted. He could have been a force for good but he's just a brainwashed atheist nevertrumper

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>The liberal in disguise says liberal things

He's not an atheist dummy

I love these

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close enough


Fucking hate this fuck so fucking much. Shapiro is such a little weasel. Hope he joins McCain soon.

OK you're trolling but badly. Shapiro is not MAGA, he's a Never Trump retard.

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Shapiro is a piece of crap and an israel Firster. Shapiro does not approve of a white racial consciousness, and wants only to maintain the state of Israel.

the same guy that fucked benji's oneitis is the guy that said this the day after trump got elected. all these mediots are just 2 years late to the show.

but you all knew that

> oy vey all my buddies from talmudic grad school are ganging up on me at our quarterly press manipulation event, telling me to go into hypershill mode against Trump
> so I am going to do just that!
> I really am arrogant enough to think people can't see through my stupid fucking charade

>jew pretends to be conservative
>turns around and bites you like a viper at the first best opportunity

Shocking stuff

Stop responding to meme flags
put that word in the options field
and fuck the who lineage of Shapiro, fucking kike thieves that stole our nukes. This faggot should get executed.


remember when shapiro was right about anything?

me neither

>le only reading title of video meme
Did anybody even watch the video? At no point did Shapiro say Trump should be impeached. He says specifically "IF THE DEMOCRATS TAKE THE HOUSE they will use this [campaign finance violation] as the basis for impeachment."

>Doesn't even watch the video
>Claims echo chamber while posting on Jow Forums of all places where the average attention span can't sit through a three minute mistitled clip yet garners dozens of posts about the content

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Well put.

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Ben Shapiro is based

>looking for a crime instead of investigating one.
That's your first mistake.
>assuming Trump did all his business through 1 lawyer
Second mistake
>assuming there is a crime that Trump committed prior to running for president that would be impeachable and that wouldn't backfire on Democrats
Strike 3

fuck off nigger

he wasn't brainwashed
he was paid
he's a traitor

Turd Tornado

Woah did Ben Unironically just Incriminate himself ?
Does he Realize Cohen is working with teh Clintons Publicly ?
He must be thinking about his prison sentence thats coming up.

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I also find the Rhetoric about the President being a Traitor to himself absolutely hysterical.

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Little gate keeper shapiro at it again. We see right through it all now.

Ummm guys ?

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

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fuck this kikelet

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ben is a jew
jews are naturally subversive
cohen is a jew
pleads guilty to a non crime just to set up potus because his camp survivor daddy told him to
a jew is a jew is a jew


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I’d say the odds of impeachment are high since that would only require a majority of the house. It’s highly doubtful he’ll be removed from office though. All the things he’s accused of happened prior to taking office. Plus there no way the dems will get two thirds of the senate. Honestly the whole process will just make the dems look really weak and ineffective.

The worst is when they use I instead of me.

>The prize was given to Michael and I for our impeccable grammar.
Shit like that pisses me off.

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fuck shapiro

Idiot. Please point out when Ben stated that he would be impeached. Sage this thread

Shapiro is a creepy Jew. That is all.

this jew thinks he has a chance to be a supreme court justice some day
*chokes on laughter

Probably everyone is but the worst ones are the ones who lie and pretend.