Will the Madden shooting be what results in certain types of video games being banned?

Will the Madden shooting be what results in certain types of video games being banned?

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Boogie is too fat to leave his house

I hope.
Gayming is a blight on the white man.
Remove gayming/porn/weed/series and whites will finally have to deal with the reality and be forced to fix it.

>many people will blame the events on video games
Nope. It was the Jew.


>banning professional sportsball
There is ubjectively nothing wrong with this.

hopefully ones played by fatfucks like this worthless semen drop

I think everyone in America has witnessed people completely lose their shit in a fit of rage while playing videogames so it is in fact the videogames

>Football games cause violence
How are the leftists going to go with that line, Maden is a football game afterall, while also calling you racist for not watching the NFL?

No you won't. You'll just have more shootings and condemnation of white people you retard

shut the fuck up statist, don't you some kids to rape muhammad?

>Game about football
>Ban games with firearms

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Yes, all games involving nog sports like football and basketball need to be banned.

Didn't someone get shot over a chess game?

Niggers, real men play strategy games, such as total war.

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ban niggerball

No, if anything all this will lead to is metal detectors/security at these types of events

Fuck with the videogames. I dare you. Set the NEETs free and they will tear your asunder.


>t.half-dicked amerifat cringelord

I hope so. You manchildren need to put the toys down and grow up.

Driving sims are the only games that women aren't repulsed by, sorry

T.every woman I've let in my house wanted a go on the driving rig, and they loved it

Haha boogie is such a massive fat drama queen slob.

Do you remember 9/11?


Exactly, this will be forgotten after today.

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so this fattie is the new spokesperson for anticonstitutional propaganda? nice going democraps.

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