It's not "pedophilia" it's just called being normal

In 2016, the state of Virginia recently lifted a law that would allow an adult to get married to a 12 year old woman. In certain states, they still have very young ages for marriage. For example in Utah, the legal age for marriage for women is 15 and for men it's 14. In January 2019, New Hampshire is going to change it's law that would allow you to marry a 13 year old. In many states, what you simpletons would consider "pedophilia" actually is legal if you get married.

Women these days are beyond salvaging, let's admit this. Women are covered with tattoos, are fat or are feminist bitches. Get yourself a young wife while you still can. There are some states with no legal age of marriage (like Utah and Maine).

In fact, most of you have great grandparents and grandmothers from even greater generations who got married when they were 12 or somewhere around there. It was normal back then to get married at an earlier age. Even Mark Twain enjoyed young qts. Why hasn't Jow Forums taken the pinkpill yet?

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Back in the day, a woman's future would have only meant motherhood, so starting early made no difference.
Shouldn't a girl at least complete her education before she gets them milky titties?

the goal is to not have women in education

This. Women shouldn’t go to school. They should provide and raise families. Feminism is what ruined our society. And for those who believe in women’s rights, then why is it that our country was doing completely fine during this period where women were forced into traditional roles but as soon as the 1960s came when they were “liberated” our country is in a mess like it’s never seen before?

Why can't you pedophiles crawl in a ditch somewhere and just die?

Why can't you pedophobes crawl in a ditch somewhere and just die?

why is 12+ called pedophilia anyway? if she can give birth to a baby she's clearly old enough.

Women shouldn't exist anyway.
>muh pedophobes
Go crawl in a ditch and die, you fucking kike

you're a bigot

i wonder (((who))) could be behind this post
saged, fuck off pedo
you have 2 choices, thrown off a building or torn apart in jail, its your choice.

And you're a child fucker.

If I was allowed to marry that early I would probably have several children and lead pretty normal life. Thanks gods I was restricted from that normie shit, so I get high and make science each day every day. Hail Fairies!

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faggot rhymes to bigot better
also those who use the word bigot usually don't know what it actually stands for (because they're usually bigots themselves)

Pick one. Sage

Go back to /tv/,cunny poster

if it bleeds, it breeds

16+ OK
Less than 16 NOT OK

Prove me wrong

Girls' bodies still grow a little after 16.
So if she's adjusted to your penis at 16, at 18 she will probably want something else.
On the other hand, there're exercises to train womyen (whatever is teh name of vagina's muscles) to regain elasticity after birth, so my argument is invalid.

For centuries people reaching sexual maturity have been wed even if they were under the modern definition of adulthood. I can understand it in different cultures. I do however support the concept of penalizing sex with underage, because the physical and mental maturing is still underway with teens (in some countries though there are different age limits ranging from 14-17 when it's legal to have sex).

However those men having sex with children who haven't had their first menstruation yet should get the rope.



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