NAFTA Deal Done With Mexico

Breaking now

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Still no wall.

cancucks btfo


Looks like he made a trade deal with Ohio.

still no wall, fuck mexico, if they dont deport illegals we need to just kill them

Best parts of it:
My 100x long skyrocketed
NAFTA will actually include a deal on illegal immigration

the wall needs majority, I thought everybody knew this by now

kek says that there will be a provision to pay for the wall.

That's the Dems fault. Need 60 votes in the Senate and Dems won't negotiate.

Trump is dumber than I thought

Bush/Clinton Dynasties utterly BTFO

There's only a deal in place with Mexico. Canada is still being a bitch.

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Therefore this means nothing because it won't happen. This is like getting excited for Trump 2020 when it is still 2018. It is a joke.

Trump 2020. Let's go nigger.

It has already happened you mongoloid. NAFTA is dead and Canada will obviously come crawling soon because their economy depends on it.

You're dumber than your mom thought.

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>Deal made
>US factories in China move to Mexico due to tarifs
>Mexico's economy doing better
>Mexicans get richer
>They don't need to go to the US anymore

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Trade deal replaces NAFTA

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oh boy! Can't wait to see what retarded shit Trump supposedly "negotiated" for us now. Probably signed away half the southern states to mexico because he desperate needs a political win. Just like he convinced North Korea to do jack all.

you mean like O care? kek

they could change the rule to 51, its the Gop traitors fault, they dont care

NAFTA btfo

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Holy shit how can anyone stand to be Canadian? The utter state of a nation to get cucked by Mexico of all things...