I'm 18 and just voted for the first time to Alternativ för sverige which are looking to "fix" immigration policies

I'm 18 and just voted for the first time to Alternativ för sverige which are looking to "fix" immigration policies.

That said, does voting do anything? Do they rig the game from the start and give people an illusion of choice?

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the left and right is an illusion, yes. no real change can happen from the inside. imo a benovelent dictatorship is the only way some countries like yours can be fixed

remember - thesis antithesis - synthesis
they introduced a problem and now are just seeing the antithesis which they already expected to happen. they won. im reffering to immigratoin

Yes, everything seems to be pre-planned. Anything that gets exposure seems so outlandish and acted.

We really have evil manipulating satanists in power and I don't bloody doubt that.

its true, drinking blood and raping kids is what they like to do. they do seem to gain some powers because of that. i hear adrenochrome is some ''good shit''

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I've skimmed over occultic stuff on the wikipedia but I'm aware of harnessing higher energy and doing orgies for saturnus to get a weird demonic blessings.
Nothing Jesus wouldn't fix with a .308 auto and some frag grenades.

when the elites dont like how you voted they will just ignore you and do what they want
just look at brexit and how they are trying to stop it
nothing will change unless people start holding the political class and donor class personally responsible
i and dont mean just by voting

this ''occultic stuff' is what we have to do, but in a different way. to battle them we must reclaim our own inner innate powers we all have and can access. the biggest enemy is yourself (the ego is a parasitical entity on the mind) meditation and breathing exercises are a must

You are fucking retarded. While I generally agree that conceptually the approach the elites generally take revolves around the Hegelian dialectic I completely disagree that this is going the way they expected. They expected to be able to obscure and lie about immigration long enough that by the time it was recognized as destructive it would be too late and inevitable tipping point would be long behind them. The uprising in its current form is fully unexpected and they are trying their best to keep a lid on it and failing.

They most likely "knew" and "expected" some push back as we faded into the obscure memory of the illiterate mutts who would replace us, but they didn't expect it this early, and they likely did not expect it to be as vigorous as this quickly. These people are power brokers that depend on intelligence gathered to give them the TL:DR so they can maintain a geographic strategy and point of view. They have no experience in the world they operate beyond pulling the strings they have come to understand and that will ultimately be their undoing.

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We need influencers, everybody had their eyes on South africa through a mere tweet from Trump about it.

But I think the higher up you climb the ladder the less you start thinking about the "common" people and more about backstabbing your most threatening competitor. Thanks darwin.

lol, they are capitalizing on the division, this is exactly what they want. though after 2020 everything changes, they have time until then

yes as Sweden is actually unlike e.g. the USA somewhat democratic you can see in the rhetoric of Löfven and the Social Democrats how to attract voters they've become less positive towards immigration when SD got more support. The same with M and KD. Just look at the law of tidsbegränsade asyltillstånd.

Though voting for AfS is pretty pointless as they'll probably not even get 1%+ for those special state benefits of a 1%+ party

No PC, what flag is this? I've never seen it, and I've seen Somalia.


I think there's some truth to right wing and left wing movements especially the ones exposed to the media being almost completely controlled- at least the leaders are controlled and the followers just believe in the movement.

it's surely plausible as they can project the future movements depending on people's changing attitudes and before something organic and truley threating comes up like Nazi germany and they just create a controlled and deemed to fail movement to fuck up morals.

Oh. I've seen Bermuda. I just didn't recognize it. Still a very nice uncommon.

The division is necessary as the right pulls itself away from the hegemony of dominant culture. There are sides to this conflict that must be defined and they are. Elites, Useful idiots, and Everybody else. Ultimately the task of the right is to compromise within between themselves, but that does seem to be happening. Meanwhile the left is eating its own on the daily, often because they arent radical enough, which is a complete turn off to the normie. At least that is how it appears here. Things are different everywhere this story is playing out.

I would say this is probably true. Dicky spencer is a good example. He is either controlled, or used as a useful idiot. All he demonstrated was what not to do. The assumption that ALL things are expected, ALL things are planned, ALL things are going according to that plan is nothing but a fever dream of the elites. Humans are many things, and sometimes those things are predictable, but the actions of desperate men are often counter intuitive.

Woke Whites see this as the last gasp of freedom and that opinion is not going to change. There are only going to be more of us as the information spreads, the insanity spreads, the situation crosses more thresholds of unacceptable.

1) is Zara Larsson still bitching about women's "inequality"?
2) How's Jimmie going to do in few weeks?
3) What exactly is SD's plan to increase "Swedish Patriotism" & what on Earth does it even mean in their opinion?

so i take it you dont think trump is a plant and on the same league with the el ites?

African here that moved away from Sweden 14 years ago. I voted social demokraterna today

You did the right thing Jamal Svensson

>does voting do anything?
Depends. The only reason Trump is in office is because enough people went out and voted for him in Pennsylvania and Florida, not sure about European politics.

Brorsan dont be so sure, yougov gives other parties 4.8 % excluding Feminist initiative

Social demokraterna != Sverige demokraterna

Havent heard to much of Zara lately.
Jimmie might get 22-23% and be the largest party over the socialdemocrats whos been the largest for 100 years. He might become vice Prime minister in the best case tho.

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You're a fucking retard