How do we fix the punk girl problem?

How do we fix the punk girl problem?

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Simply don't feed into it. Have the balls to say to others you prefer natural looking women.

First, stop identifying thots with tattoos as punks.

Tyrone's gonna take care of that problem for us. Black dudes all up in bitches like that, consider it reverse population control. We're weeding out the useless bitches by feeding them to the nignogs.

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Those people are not punks you tool.

locking their gauges to things and letting them starve.

I don't have any problem with it. I love scene girls.

A girl having tattoos does not a punk make.
I'll bet 99% of girls with tats & piercings couldn't tell you the name of a single punk band!

Really? I heard that they hate blacks just like everyone else and join this cliques because they're implicitly white.

punk girls are pretty rare, what you posted are just attention-whoring snowflake thots
punk girls would actually be anti-status quo which is good

Doesn't matter, many rapes are never even reported.

Have you seen punk lately? Go to any show and it's fat a bunch of LatinX virtue signalers.

Who's the bottom left "Then" lady?

It's a self-limiting problem. These women will have zero children, or maybe one autistic kid when they turn 46. Turn off the ZOGbox and buy some books, your kids won't be poisoned.

You have kids, right?


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In the US sure. But the watered down piss weak "punk rock" that gets churned out is still not punk.

what's there to fix? let them die off. why would you want them passing on their genes? are you retarded?

yeah, but they're not really punk, they're conformist hypocrits
they're just boomer faggots who are still stuck in 80s/90s punk

How often do you even see these kind of women?

pic unrelated?

Punk hasn't been anti-status quo since the 80s. Modern day punks are synonymous with Antifa

Is ther anything worse than gauges?
I don't understand why they are so popular. it's like the new tattoos. if you're even slightly alternative or quirky people think they are required to go shove discs in their ears

I don't mind them. It's like rainbow coloured hair, helps you know which women to avoid like the plague.

I like to think a few of them have caring parents who don't want to see them go down that road. A lot of those parents were fuck-ups though for letting it happen in the first place.

These are NOT Punk, they are Posers!

glad i live in the countryside, where based fathers still discipline their daugthers and wives
pretty much like 30 or 40 yrs ago
stay away from progress cucks

I was a black punk and then became a skinhead. I was a nerd that rebelled. It was a youthful phase and a lot of drunken fun. People grow up (some don't) but still remain a aversion to standard "society."