The brainlet far-right

you guys will whine about how the greedy jews are to blame for all the world's problems but then go and support capitalism. last time I checked, jeff bezos is a christian.
you also use random white liberal journalists who claim to be jewish so they can have minority status as "evidence" that the jews are plotting to exterminate the white race by...having black people outbreed us. ironically, the reason westerners (especially yanks) aren't having as many kids is also due to capitalism. can't even afford rent myself, why should I be responsible for another child's life?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Communism is nothing more than the worst form of capitalism, where one capitalist (the state) owns everything.

the state doesn't own your personal property, though. and I don't see how you could see the anarchist flair and think I'm in support of "tankie" communism.

I'm a tankie communist, do you want to fight me instead?

capitalism is shit, communism is shit
both were created by the same people

>being on the right means supporting capitalism

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Where do you think you are this is not a sargoy comment section

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>the far right are capitalists

Sorry, didnt scroll all the way down
Still proves my point though
Where the fk do you think you are

In an Anarchist society, I could kill you with zero repercussions and your personal property would become mine

>why would you think I'm a tankie?

>wah wah wah someone has more than me
If you want more than what you have now get a job or start your own business shitstain

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>muh capifalism
>i am silly strawman
Capitalism is bad but commienism does not work, or even if it managed to do so it would be antiutopia far worse than we have.
Also, if you bothered to research you would knew that problems with capitalism caused by jews

Answer me this question.
Why do Communist states have central banking?
Why does banking exist if private property is allegedly abolished?

Diplomatic systems put in place to deal with other nations make sense as a logical thing to do to keep relations up.

>make sense as a logical thing to do to keep relations up.
For what purpose?
Loan money to other nations? Then the state is a capitalist.

Is there a question or argument in this word salad?

That's a disingenuous comparison. It's like saying "cells exchange materials between each other, humans exchange materials between each other, therefore humans are actually single-celled organisms". Loans aren't the only thing enabled by a central bank.

You are completely irrelevant when it comes to politics, If you think anyone would sacrifice there freedoms and private property for your retardedness they deserve it

There are no successful capitalist nations.

Literally most of the people that have ever flown your meme flag are dead, you should join the

I'd drink from ur milkshake anyday

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Hahah were did you learn all this at a college? HAHAHA

Name some successful capitalist nations.

Capitalism has reduced global poverty more than any other influence in known human history.

Just because it didn't work out for you're looser NEET doesn't mean it doesn't work. You lunatic.

Sage because you're a brainlet faggot with a meme flag.

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If by "capitalist" do you mean free market oriented with private property protections or the definition that Marx gave us? Language is a fickle thing.

How much of a retard do you have to be to believe the 'far-right' supports capitalism. KYS faggot.

>create a problem called poverty
>pretend to fix it
There would be no such thing as poverty without capitalism.

False dichotomy. Kikes were behind the push for property rights which lead to capitalism.

Natsocs don’t support capitalism. Both communism and capitalism are kiked materialistic ideologies. Only nupol brainlets from t_d and libertardians support it.

Feel free to use either, as long as you can find an example of a successful nation.

>bezos is a Christian
He is a fucking Jew adopted by a Catholic spic, fuck off yid

actually the both are at fault

>le reddit space

chrony capitalism is the flaw, we need a state that can remove and oppose threats to our system, including marxist dogs like you, jewish parasites, and foreign entities, as well as empower white workers and small business owners.

That’s not Reddit spacing newfriend.

>implying there's another wrong with extreme inequality
The more resources available to better, smarter people the more good they can do with them.

USA. Britain Sweden Russia Israel. There is quite a list. But then again you will change the definitions to suit whatever braindead point you have.

it’s just a way to dodge an actual argument, just like bashing phone posters, or certain flags.

chrony capitalism which was pushed for by the kikes, is the problem. An all white, christian society can effectively be capitalist, but in today’s workd, we need a state that can remove these threats to our sovereignty and prosperity.

>muh wealth inequality :'(
Now explain how the resulting wealth inequality is unwarranted, while I go get the helicopter.

Any state with the power to remove subversive elements will also have the power to reinforce them when corrupted. Better to play it safe and just do away with a state altogether.

>anarchist criticizing anyone

Go suck a tankie dick since you’re basically just the bull prepper for Left wing Statists.

>Feel free to use either,
Then I would say the United States is one of many examples regarding the metric I laid out.

If find it interesting you are using this argument, because it seems as though you are using the argument against communism. That there are no "successful" communist nations to get filthy pinkos screeching "muh not real communism." Only in this case it is to draw a similar response in favor of capitalism. I find the argument disingenuous for two reasons. First, your view of what capitalism is is much different than mine. Second, our understanding of what "successful" means is also much, much different.

My question to you becomes why even bother with the question if you are only looking to bait a specific response that is a result of different understandings of what specific words mean?

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>blame greedy jews

the wealth of the Rothschild family alone is more than most countries

Bank bailouts
corporate subsidies
social housing
stock buybacks
fiat currency
central banking
too big to fail
World Bank
International Monetary Fund

arent "capitalism". If capital can be created at will its not capital. All those things listed affect the purchasing power of ALL the currency in circulation - it affects the collective.

this is communism - global communism.

and pol is a social influencer, data gathering shill-fest, so before you call me a "commie" for pointing this out - explain how this promotes communism, fag.

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people arent equal, get over it

Unsuccessful, see the myriad problems it has. Note that utilities like the internet are at some of the lowest levels of quality in most developed nations. Several industries are entirely monopolized. Crony capitalism runs rampant. Etc, etc.
If there were enough problems with Britain that it seriously felt the compulsion to go full Brexit then it isn't successful.
Has some of the best social safety nets around, which is typically strongly against most capitalism, as it's against free market and uses taxation on private property.
The absolutely massive internal social conflict is making it clearly unsuccessful.
Dependent on foreign aid.

I'll work with whatever view of capitalism you have, friend, but I won't consider failure to be success. The US is a failure at its core. Otherwise, why would there be so many problems that require the government to intervene? I'm not trying to bait anything, I'm trying to understand why you think capitalism is successful.

>the Marxist state uses it's own population as slave labor to produce goods which it can then sell on the international market.

true, we would have to have concrete guidelines for the state and a serious check to ensure it’s loyalty to the people. Personally, I find a confederacy to be the best option, as people in flyover states could live how they want, and people in urban states could live how they want.

human greed is at fault literally every time
talking about this is pointless
you take what you want or shut up

>The US is a failure at its core
Define failure. Because for every failure you point out success can be spotted. Same can be said for the commies.

>Otherwise, why would there be so many problems that require the government to intervene?
Have you considered that the problems exist because of government intervention?

>I'm trying to understand why you think capitalism is successful.
Read the images I keep posting, I don't think capitalism is successful. This goes back to my point that automatically assuming "right with" and "capitalist" as synonyms is foolish.

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Nobody gives a shit about what anarchists have to say

>westerners (especially yanks) aren't having as many kids is also due to capitalism

If you haven't noticed, the reason whites aren't having kids is because of the involvment of Government in the relationship, giving the power to women.





Promiscuity (Alpha fucks many chicks, so why settle down - and the sluts who can't bond after too many dicks stab her heart)

Also I forgot.

What are you advocating? I see anarchist. I advocate non state involvement

imagine being this fucking deluded, holy shit..

Then what do you think is most successful? What economic system should be used, or what type of society should be formed that needs no economic system?

>Capitalism is a flawed system which doesn't work
,also Socialist
>There's never been real socialism

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Thats not how it works.
Liberty is paramount and murder obviously infringes that persons liberty.

Just understand common law and how its different from statute law

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pic related

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that's why I'm not anarchist per se, rather a libertarian socialist.

>communism killed 100 million people
that statistic comes from the black book of communism, which is refuted by its own sources and counts nazis as victims of communism.

according to scientific studies the IQ test is rigged against minorities, this has been known since the 70s

there has been real socialism. surprise surprise, it has worked

jeff bezos is white and christian. jeff bezos is also by definition the greediest person alive.

who rigged the IQ tests against minorities and why?

why is it that when administered abroad, the scores line up with those of tests administered in america? if there's no hereditary component at all, how can you proof that beyond a reasonable doubt?

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where's it working so well? what criteria do you use to define "working" ?

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your geographic location has killed more people than communism ever will

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how can a geographic location kill people?

the US army

Always funny how commies equate capitalism with a movement that was anti-capitalist to begin with. Talk about brainlets.

the nazis threw socialists and communists into camps.

you can't spell lmao without mao. there's a reason people now call themselves "marxist-leninist" rather than the original "marxist-leninist-maoist"

>this is the level of intelligence for leftists


Ayn Rand.
Robert Nozick.
Milton Friedman.
Murray Rothbard.
Ludwig Von Mises.

The most prominent Libertarians, who practically created 20th and 21st century Libertarianism. All Jewish.

I have nothing against Jews, though I am against Jewish Supremacism.

However, if you are trying to steer people away from non-capitalism, by saying "They Jews!", then you'll need to re-look at your support for capitalism - otherwise you are a hypocrite.

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you beat me to it

yeah US imperialism, the drone program, nukes, and the vietnam war have killed exactly 0 people, you got me

He's means America. Anarchists are a bunch of cringey pathetic trannies that have an ongoing thing about calling places, "so called France" or "the geographic region known as Germany." It's pure cringe.

To "Capitalism" is not the right word for what we are experiencing. We are developing into what I like to call a "Huxleyous Super Oligarchy with Marxist Tendencies." You have your bread and butter consumerist state with all the pleasures and "freedom" but also the social stigma and harsh requirements to adjust to PC culture. It's the perfect blend of Consumerist economy and Marxist Social policies. No one will give a shit because everyone will be a coffee colored mix (like Brazil). This is the final goal of the Jew.

certain individuals are too power hungry to allow your pipe dream state to exist

Dear Conservatives, Right-Wingers, Alt-Reichers, Trump Supporters: It's over. You've already lost and there's nothing you can do about it.

Go gay before you're extinct.

You can complain all you want about depopulation agenda, about crime, about islamic terrorism, about reverse discrimation, about the destruction of the middle class, about neofeudalism, about financial terrorism and treason by your leaders. But in the end, it will all mean jack-shit.

You'll wake up tomorrow morning and everything will still be the same. Bankers robbing goyim. Impoverished and broken families, imported serfs stealing jobs, illegals committing crimes, muslims committing terror, the earth will still be round, destruction of western civilization will still be real, you're still going to lose your engineering job to an incompetent pajeet, colored folk are still raping white folk, globalist agenda is still being promoted and it's not going anywhere.

You can enjoy having your God Emperor in office, but it doesn't change the fact that Soros has millions of paid protestors. We won't be going back to the magical days of stability, peace, and prosperity. As soon as he's out and a puppet president is back in office, things will roll on as usual and this will just be a momentary stop on the journey that every master Yid will joke about until the end of goyim.

Make all the dank memes you want. Make all the Youtube rants about Soros and the Jews and Black Lives Matter that you want. You can't stop global liberal imperialism. You can stand in the way, screeching and crying all you want, but it's going to steamroll over you.

if Jews created communism, that makes them pretty, uh, not greedy.

im not an anarchist it's just the closest meme flag to my ideology

really hilarous that you believe that

If you were a totalitarian nut-job and you wanted to control a population of millions, no, billions of people. Would you use Capitalism or Communism to do so?
The Cold War was a test of this, guess who won the pick?

Trump got elected because of major league basketball fans, the clueless, bigoted, useless, narrow-minded, sloping-forehead, welfare-leeching, dumbest goyim in the third world, who are easily influenced by reality

Those are the muzzle-faced parasites who have been most pissed off in recent decades because their wages fell and they lost their jobs and houses to foreigners and immigrants. Trump targeted them squarely and won them by a margin of about 80%.

he’s a collaborator, im not saying all white christians are good, alot of them deserve rope too.

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Stalin, historically famous for being Jewish