At first I wasn't sure if he browses, but this is definetly not a coicidence

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-27-18-43-35.png (1280x720, 589K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Pic related is what happened 1/2

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-27-18-43-08.png (1280x720, 394K)


The furry then lost her intern position

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-27-18-43-15.png (1280x720, 380K)

Video link for anyone who wants to check it out

lol kek I knew it was a tranny from its profile pic and its blunt sperging.

I will confirm that there is a large population of gay and trans people working at NASA.
But this is due to discrimination.
Gays will not hire straights if a gay person can be hired in their place.

Hell, Weird Harold out at the Johnson Space Center would dress in drag at work. Pretty much figured he was bi though. Saw him at the local strip club once.

Maybe FBI and CIA nigglets, but NASA?
They're pretty badass. Only intelligence with more power is the military intelligence

If he is so great, then why don't you suck his dick?

Summarize it, I don't want to watch his gay-shit.

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his Pew News video had 'This Is Epic' in the thumbnail
he definitely browses, probably calls people niggers and faggots all day long. probably made marzia dye her shit skin Italian hair blonde tol

untold part of the story is that guy was warning the intern to be careful or someone else might get them fired, not him

then the furry fanatics retweeted this so much that the intern recruiters saw it and fired xer, not the guy in this tweet

this guy still got harassed by an army of furries for threatening and antagonizing a member of their herd

moral: never do anyone any favors, just watch out for yourself

pewdiepie shitposts here daily. you must be new

I did in the first posts... Brb looking for a timestamp


choose one.

Please go back to redit and stay there

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Pewds is a good guy. He redpills a lot of kids about the media on a regular basis. It adds up considering that he has a very large audience of white kids.

Yes and Pewds mentioned this too. I only heard this on Jow Forums, so I'm sure he got it from here too. In my mind he even used almost the exact same words

It has always been sure that he browses, but he's also a reddit overlord, keep reddit stuff out of here, let him be lurker only.

This is the first time I've been on this dumpster fire of a page in 2 months and I heard of it.

Holy shit you are a gigantic faggot. I bet a dollar you are just parroting what you either read on here or what youtubers like pewdiepie have told you. You're talking about this subject like you know it yet you've probably yet to do any independent research.

Kill yourself you unoriginal retard.

Attached: pewdpol.jpg (936x1024, 131K)

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I like poppy better, but you ok felix.
btw, will you talk about the upcoming Swedish elections?

It takes one single kike to fuck up a whole system. Given time, nepotism can achieve any purge.

>choose one.

>"suck my dick and balls"
Is it that hard to deduce, Columbo?

Attached: huh05.png (246x363, 160K)

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Faggots are used by Globohomo to displace competing power structures. Faggots do not have functioning families, and their degeneracy compels them to oppose any policy or person that is not furthering degeneracy in some way.
Faggots are the perfect stasi agents.

litterally my post

Of course Pewds browses. He does so in a couple of videos. He's based and redpilled beyond all reckoning. He's just polite about it.

Are you thinking of the NSA? And is everyone else here too stupid to call you on it?

Pewds is literally Aryan ubermenschen

I wish he would marry another swede

Lol exactly the same here except I haven't been here for about a year.


She did that ages ago

So what did your original research show you?

(Remove memeflag)
7:40 from the vid

>be gassed
>tell your holocaust story
Choose one

Indeed. Just realised it too

Do something cool Pewds

least her hair isn't SJW pink anymore

He does nothing but repeat memes ironically through his whole Nigtroit: Become Human playthrough, the poor guy's a broken shell of a man.
Look at the toll it takes on us, coming here every single day, but then combine that with being the most popular YouTuber and most well-known internet personality, and then becoming a personal enemy of the (((media))) cabal

You know jewish names are stolen from europeans because they needed to hide within the population to subvert them, right?

Man I can't wait until Felix snaps and goes full redpill mode...


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Last time he did that it didn't turn out so well for dear old Felix.

>guys I'm not sure if the most popular weeaboo video game meme guy browses Jow Forums, which we all know is the deepest part of the darkweb
why must you people keep posting this cringe?

When he snaps, he wouldn't care about what the gay media says. Although going full power level might not be a good idea because then (((They))) can discredit him.
Subtly redpilling his young audience as he is doing now is the best thing he can do. He redpills them with rationality which is not hard to do considering the state of the left.

Well he only increased them, he just decreased the dosage per red pill

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He has /gif/ open on a lot of his YLYL videos, he doesn't even hide it anymore like he did a year ago. He has also casually mentioned Jow Forums a few times without going into detail about it.
Höäåöhö mi fratello

Attached: 6dyaAAb.gif (432x200, 1.06M)

I think we all need to step back and realize just how inevitable the social train wreck is when a company like NASA can be successfully bullied by Transfaggots and can't even publicly denounce indecent language in response.

Traditional Culture is dead when it can't even voice its concerns without a massive back lash that causes it to back down. Anyone with actual skills who is not a member of a Protected Class of society is well advised to get well armed and mean as Hell. Be sure to focus your anger on anyone who goes to bat for the freak show. You will not be treated well if you never assert dominance. The freaks will see your apologies as weakness (because it is) and will go harder on you the next time they want something you have.

I would participate in a threesome with him and Marzia

You sure about that?
pic related

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The bump happens right after the media went apeshit about the nazi jokes.

based and redpilled

There was another bump after he said nigger, too

Good thing that he always makes good response videos to it

and he apologized like the cuck he is

Based Hej Monika!

>They're pretty badass. Only intelligence with more power is the military intelligence
OK, no. I know you're thinking of the NSA, and the reports of their extensive spying system are misleading. Not because they don't exist, but because the material leaked only covered the NSA. You don't know the details of what the CIA and FBI are doing because people don't talk about it.

The CIA are the ones selling drugs and weapons, starting wars in foreign countries, overthrowing legitimate governments, rigging foreign elections, assassinating politicians, and placing spies and mercenaries everywhere. They have an unknown budget and unknown powers because they are run by a pseudo-federal council which isn't defined in law anywhere, and they only continue to exist and operate because no one official can oppose them without getting his family killed or sold into sex slavery.

The FBI are pretty bad too, but they don't have the same level of funding and they don't systematically violate every law in sight. The CIA live in their own little world and do whatever they want. They don't even have a specific purpose or job, just look at their fucking name.

He didn't apologize because he is a cuck, moron. He did to save his reputation. You can't exactly go around redpilling the youth if the media can easily label you an "insane, racist biggot".

>trolling eceleb threads... epic style

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Apologizing does nothing, retard, they just attack you harder. How have you not learned this by now?

Why do you think Trump surrounded himself with so much military?

I don't even know what you're trying to say here. You're fucking retarded if you think the NSA has more reach than the FBI or CIA.

But it wasnt really an apology. He was just like I'm sorry I offended people but the MSM is full of liars and fiverr is run by Jews.

He gets direct info from military intelligence without scewered “daily reports“ and the NSA is spying the FBI and CIA

the faggot fraternity is out of control.
they are functioning in precisely the same way as kikery. they are therefore a threat to the republic.
i do tolerate faggots and do not begrudge them their lurid lifestyle. i do, on the other hand, object to this networking and preference for faggots based solely on faggotry has got to end.
they also, as a community, identify targets and single them out for persecution.
gonna have to do something about this shit.

He should keep up with the subtle redpill instead
Also, he gained more subs since he went this way, even some faggot italian youtuber said that """haters""" are worth 10 fans if not more

Pewds please save video games from SJWs!

*still pissed about uncharted 4’s ending and that disgusting Chloe + nigress spinoff*

Yo pewds the redpill stuff is really nice and all but what about subtly redpilling masses against the kike tricks?

Wasn't NASA once a well respected organization? Now they are hiring trannys who also like furry.

Well he used to rub his hands with passion, while laughing in a lowered back position

When? Do you have pics or links?


He dies browse Jow Forums, but only to look at funny posts and memes, just like all the other redditards who think they're cool for browsing Jow Forums, they just regugitate everything on popular websites.

Based and redpilled xD pol hero

But pol is absolute braindead shit on average so that isn't a compliment for him pandering to pol.

Furfag here. These niggers will hang first. Nothing but respect for the NASA guy.

In his ylyl I think. Around 2 months ago

Let me add that our community is currently going down the shitter. It's antifa fatasses and commies vs alt right larpers. All of a sudden jasonafex is speaking the most sense.

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>going down the shitter
You faggots have always needed executed.

How did you even become aa furfag?


all your bunch need is a bullet from my bolter.

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I like the art. I'm not a porn addict like most of them, nor do I wear a fursuit. I'm not a fucking retard.
I will fight alongside you.

This shit happened days ago, imgur/reddit picked it up first, news bloggers reached out for interviews nearly a week ago where this non-story was explained. then pol came up with the tranny narrative. This whole thread is cringey was fuck, neck yourself, autist