Do women talk about politics when men aren't around?

Do women talk about politics when men aren't around?

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Can women even do anything besides small talk?

When a tree falls in a forest and nobody's around, does it make a sound?

Bump. I need an answer on this

no one to explain it.

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depends, college brainwashed activists do
normies dont, unless there is some happening that impacts them and their feeling of security

no, only about gibs and muh dick


Yes all the time, but they dont realize they are talking politics.

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99% of college girls just spew out the normal commie pipe dream and anti trump shit.

No, they don't waste their time with useless issues.


Nope just dicks.

only if they are really really ugly feminists.

thats a language. a good one.


rude way to treat your fellow countryman.

yeah they do

Here's what women talk about

>kids (if have any)
How do I know this? well I am 31 and have both younger and older sisters and this is all I've heard them talk about for my entire life.

They talk about vagina odor

They can't have a conversation about one topic for more than two minutes. This happens all the time where I'm talking to one of the other men around and after five minutes some girl goes "You're STILL talking about that?"
Women are only considered better with communication because half the population wants to fuck them and the other half are just as phony

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Yeah, mom and I talk about politics all the time. I'll usually tell her at the start "Did you hear about [blahblahblah]? It's fucking ridiculous! What? You can't talk about Africans like you would your own neighbors? But I thought these fuckers wanted to be my equal? Oh, you mean, they want to be our owners? Sounds like it to me." And she's like "Yep! Everything is "That's racist. How could you say the word "black"?" Oh Detroit niggers are pushing drugs onto the public and we aren't allowed to talk about the drug trades routes because it all leads back to black communities, and "that's bad to bring up", NO IT'S BAD TO DO. Fuck these people and their feelings!"

Conversation we had 4 minutes ago exactly.

You're Australian. You don't have intellectual people there.

Take the POOOOO to the Loooooooo..
pooo pooo pooop everywhere...
rise up for our national anthem fellas.


bingo bango.

>t. 30, married to a woman with 5 sisters, this is all they talk about

Mom and I are actively anti-democrat.
We talk about it all the time.
"OH mom, did you hear that France legalized child sex? Yep, I think they brought in millions of refugees so they could legally fuck children, how disgusting of these people (liberals)."
"What? That's fucking disgusting. THAT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING. GROSS. They should be ashamed. This is awful."
"Yeah, they are calling us racist for not giving our children to the liberal pedophiles for free. They want to take our children from us, and put them in their (pedophiles) hands, they say they will be SAFER?"
"Just fucking AWFUL. I know it, I know that's what they want to do. In my day, there was no such thing as Child Abuse."
"Oh I believe it, it's all just a scam to take children away from republicans so they can molest them everyday."
Convo we had like last week, so yeah.

>>kids (if have any)

All those things are more useful for your life that talking about Donald Trump. Women are just more intelligent.

>""""Reality"""" television

Everytime I overhead women talking to themselves, is about who is a whore, who is a bitch, and who is going out with this person because she wants to be the "good-looking" one of the couple.

yeah exactly
its was really bad around the election time and some had real breakdown
>oh nooe! Hitler won, we are fleeing to canada/germany

My mom is G8. She bought a cardboard cutout of Trump, life size version, and makes all of our guests take photos with him. She moves him around the room too, and positions him in different spots so he can watch the guests at all times.

Their "politics" are just recycled garbage they heard John Oliver say. Honestly sit down and try to work anything out dialectically with them, and you will go full reeeeee.

>talking about those topics makes you smart

absolute state

>This happens all the time where I'm talking to one of the other men around and after five minutes some girl goes "You're STILL talking about that?"
Fucking this, I wanted some in-depth football talk with my friend this weekend and my wife was not having it


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how can I best present myself in order to win a mate
*people at school, *people at work; bitching about each; discussing their stance among the social hierarchy in each
discussing the actual race and the actual finishline, and their progress in each

again, women don't talk about ideals. women don't care about the greater society. they don't care about honor. they don't care about building nations on firm principles.

they care about who they're going to fuck, how they're going to get them, who's getting in the way, and raising offspring

this isn't surprising, but the neo-feminist cunts can take their "they've been socially engineered to think like that!" bullshit and cram it. the candid discussions men and women have amongst each other is direct evidence of the biologically-driven differences between the two sexes. we can thank evolution for it. and we'd be wise to recognize the truth of the matter and form our societies according to what tools evolution has given us to work with

my girlfriend only talk about anime and anime characters when she's with her friends

Yes. Their version of talking about politics is
>omg x is racist
>womens rights deserve to be taken seriously
>omg trans people are so oppressed
It's basically an 80IQ shitshow

This. Having some old hag like Merkel or Clinton in power is absolutely ridiculous, women are just naturally selfish and can’t really think about what things have long term effects on society.

When I sit at coffee shops the girls always talk about guys or gossip and crap like that. Never about anything substantial. Only once I've met a woman who talked about business and shit

>Do women talk about politics when men aren't around?
Do children, Do dogs...
Same thing

>Oh Shalom is sooo hot
>gee I don't get why Rebecca is such a bitch
>so my co-worker did that
>I can't believe I need to do this
bla bla bla nothing with actual matter, when I sit with guys? Girls, Politics, Business

80 is too generous

fucking pajeet living up to their stereotypes

>showbob and vageen

Yes, literally smarter than talking about people that you won't meet never in your life.

>they care about who they're going to fuck, how they're going to get them, who's getting in the way, and raising offspring

Literally more useful things than talking about McCain or Alex Jones.

any political thoughts they just repeat what they've heard from their master (daddy, government, boyfriend, john oliver) like training a dog or child- train them well and they'll follow the line, leave them to the state and they'll become the whatever the jew tells them to be.

They'll talk about politics, but only in the capacity of things that have already happened and their degrees of approval or disgust.
Getting women to talk about politics in a philosophical or hypothetical sense is like getting a dog to clap after showing it a card trick.

>Politics are not important to my life
And then you wonder why you started accepting niggers that are going to destroy your country.

Also, forget politics, here we also talk about a lot of cultural issues that are only a cause of politics, and you should know that were you ever to breach that argument with a woman she would only spew the general consensus of without actually being able to explain why it is better.

Checked and 100% agree. Break things down on core values and/or human nature and they usually agree or change the subject or appeal based upon how they feeeeeeeel.

women mostly talk about whos dating who
total airheads

>when men aren't around
ask a canadian

We know pajeet..


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whats wrong with red bra face...downy of inbreed

no, they talk about men

The only question you need to ask a woman about politics is "Say the first thing that comes to mind: Trump."
and watch them go off. If you find one that likes him, wife that bitch

>The weeb communists are upon us.
Now that is a blackpill.

Listen, there are based women that I've come across that have said things like (direct quote I swear before God who will judge me one day)
>at least Hitler looked after his own people. If he was here now I would vote for him
With little or no encouragement from me.
Most everyone is on our side and that's why they have to keep tight control over ALL media at ALL times.
Our thinking = default human morality.
Don't turn into just another TV echo chamber because half the cunts here are fake and gayband starting to piss me off.

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some women are actually smart though you retards

Whatever they talk about, rest assured, you aren't missing out on anything. Bitches be dumb, yo.

No they talk about other women behind their back, gossip is a pretty common hobby among women, u know?

Look at that fucking tomatoe skin meat head in the middle

Pure Nordic whites are truly ugly


Why do you weirdos hate women so much? No wonder you people blame your own failures as men on other people and shoot up schools and churches.

yeh ttly my dude

"talk about" is misleading

they say what they want, or what they just bought and still love, or they have too much but won't get rid of any, or what they saw another girl wearing and how she's a cunt

>make up
same as cloths, add in "this lipstick is vegan making me morally good" if they're a college liberal faggot

how hard it is, how their professor is mean, or hot, or boring. Cute guys in the class, no money for tuition

same as school, add in how much money they're making and how they need more

who's getting married and whether or not they're a cunt, they danced, they ate food, maybe something embarrassing or funny happened

theirs is either good or bad, if good, they talk to their friend about how to help them get a man, if bad they talk about other men they might want

dunno about this one

Just look at the jaw and forehead on that blonde Neanderthal.

Nordic whites should be exterminated and destroyed.

They talk about inconsequential gibberish

> wahhhh y don’t my clothes have pockets???
> wahhhh y do I have to pay for stuff???
> muh wage gap
> muh poor oppressed ppl

Women love the whole oppression thing because it triggers their maternal instincts. It’s what I’ve noticed about women who are coalburners, in a certain level they prefer a guy who is dumber than them. It’s like having a dog.

shouldn’t you be defending your country from russia rather than shit posting

apparently they do, I was dating a teen conservative at one point and she showed me a screencap of a group conversation about feminism, being a submissive, and liberalism v. conservativism.

but, then again, that's all in the context of getting married and having kids as well. so i guess they talk about politics through their smalltalk about shopping, sex, kids, boys, etc.

By completely ignoring any sort of worthwhile political discussions? You illustrate perfectly why women should not be allowed to vote

marry kill fuck

They talk about politics, like they talk about everything, in the most basic bitch "i don't want to offend anyone's feelings or emotions." Unless it's feminism, hating men , wanting to destroy men becomes normal, when they feel slighted by anything." i remember reading some psyco/science reports about this, it's almost locust like behavior after a cirtian amount of social activation energy they start hating men much more than other groups.

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this is accurate.

they are incapable of forming new ideas because forming new ideas requires self reflection and viewing the world around you through a lens of logic instead of emotion and occasionally coming to conclusions you don't like if the evidence supports that. even if you meet a woman who says "i love jordan peterson" or "i love trump" or some shit, quiz her a bit and you'll find that all of her opinions are just ideas that she's heard from men she admires. and when she has a boyfriend who has the complete opposite beliefs, she'll throw them all out and adopt his because her biological hard-wiring requires that she become whatever the top male wants, to birth his offspring

I had drinks with a female friend of mine the week after Trump got elected and she immediately started in with "we just elected the worst president ever" and I had to explain to her that people like James Buchanan almost destroyed this country and GWB destroyed multiple other countries, so maybe we should wait to say if Trump is worse? She just changed the subject and we never talk politics any more.

Can deny, most of the girls at my school are on the opposite side of the spectrum.. though, I am in the most conservative state University

Yes, they do. It's not something you want to be a part of though as a man. Just having to listen is bad enough. Believe me, many such cases.

On twitter they do


The only time it’s ever discussed is if someone else brings it up first and they want to whine about it later to their friends. But the content of the discussion is superficial at best. No facts. Just whatever opinion helps them fit in and not be judged as an outcast

Why are american girls so ugly


Never heard anything that is intelligent from a women before

If I'm not there, how the fuck am I supposed to know what they're saying?

What is more important for you? Fucking 230 women in your life or knowing all about the Bolshevik revolution?

What is more important for you? Talking about your life and the things that affect you or things that are interesting but are not going to affect you at all?

I'm not saying that politics is not important, I'm saying that the things that actually affect your life every day, like your friends, the women you want to fuck, your success in school or work, your family, etc. are more important.

attack the premise, smart

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Are you retarded? what do you think? how many women do you know?

Politics, not really. An overwhelming majority of women's conversations revolve around things they did, will do, or about other people. If they have children then their family and school events take precedence. That's not to say they're not uninterested in politics. They have a grasp on some issues, but they're mostly hivemind opinions fed to them by either a school, boyfriend/husband, or some propaganda outlet. They can't propose a solution and defend it though, so it may as well be no better than being uninvolved in politics.
>t. the one guy that works exclusively around women, customers almost exclusively women (help)

>leave them to the state and they'll become the whatever the jew tells them to be
which is exactly what happened. jews played women like a fiddle
yes goy hate the white man. yes goy bringing in 3rd worlders is love. yes goy sleeping around is empowering. yes goy marriage is oppressive
its sad really

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