Reddit, what's going on big guy?

Reddit, what's going on big guy?

Attached: OYVEY.jpg (728x788, 43K)

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Okay, this is epic.

This guy is such a disgusting jew. Never did any education, never worked a job and just wasted his life being a wannabe movie producer. Out of the blue gets random interviews and gigs with the likes of CNN surely not because he is jewish. Suddenly put in every single fucking suggested field surely not because he is jewish.

kek, this caveman jew makes me crack up every time

It's going viral on Twitter as well. It's beautiful.


Attached: kekil.png (895x2863, 308K)

just went on. All the comments are
"Sounds good when's it starting?"
"Awesome can't wait!"
"I volunteer as tribute for the plan!"
"This is like Star Wars and the white race is the Evil Empire!"

Sergei stomping these jews

Did they take it down? I can't seem to find it

pic related is the whitest american existing currently

I've never seen the Klageri plan debunked, they always just scream antisemitism.
Pre JewPill me used to think like that too until I looked into the subject and found out it was all true

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"and this is why i'm voting for hillary clantom."

anyone over 35 that still uses a skateboard needs to gassed. fuck this new york jew manchild.

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Just search "when you hit random"


>the guy BTFOing the jew has more upvotes
I thought this was reddit?

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Even mainstream reddit is starting to wake up it seems

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most people are awake but the censorship and media control is designed to stop us from knowing how many truly are.

I hope your last kek was very satisfying


It's because it's on the "memes" page instead of politics. The users are younger and more numerous, and use other sites. It's also not as heavily curated by paid moderators and vote bots.

Gat dayum that was a fucking holocaust in itself

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Longnose tribe

>Putin is a nationalist, anti-degenerate president

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Okay, this is based and redpilled

Found it lmao

Attached: 63673234-F6DA-4109-B356-213F6941C079.jpg (750x1153, 147K)

foreskin thieves




Delete this thread goyim. Don't draw attention to that

i call bullshit OP. none of the image results I'm finding on normienet contain that text. ((they)) would never let this stay online. if you post a link i'm happy to be proven wrong

Link, ph4g0t

You're a kike who can't use echoes right.

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says the actual kike
((((((((((((((((is this better?)))))))))))))))))))

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