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Heil Hitler.
another powerful rally.
nothing will happen.
>a bunch of pacifist cucks got together and yelled angry words without actually doing anything
cool, let me know how that works out for you when you are the volk outnumbered 10 to 1 by foreigners in your own country
The fire rises
meh, protests don't do shit, let us know when they've recreated the freikorps and are kerb-stomping Auslanders
strong words really are the best defense though.
Oh wow so amazing I am sure that will change everything.
Better than nothing desu senpai
Wasn't a woman.
how is nothing better than nothing?
the demo is still on btw, livestream here
they are moving in the water cannons now
people are on the move now too
Did you hear that guys? These Germans defending their country aren't the elite! They're just white trash commoners!
Have any shitskins been beaten?
east germans are basically animals desu
my cock can only get so hard thinking about rising nationalism in America and throughout Europe
>All these "Hurr durr who cares? It doesn't mean anything goyim!" shills ITT
The fire rises. Bump
He should be shot. Like the entire self-loathing "elite" of our country.
Is wir sind das volk some nazi chant or something?
Hitler started the nazi party with protests my dude
An happening is when people take up arms.
That's yet an other cry party.
Get killed, cry and light some candles, put on some facebook filters of your country's flag over your duckface profile pic, wait for next kills, repeat.
there were supposed to be some clashes earlier today according to RT this was a few hours ago now.
So it's confirmed it's actual Germans. Why would anyone give a single FUCK about the elite of Germany?
Based Krauts
it gives me chills
it seems that people are really waking up
Heres our best chance at success for a worldwide ENDING OF HUMAN SLAVERY. If the EU is occupied with their own slaves revolting, the US can clean house at the same time and then come in to help with the EU. This involves killing the drug cartels so they dont cause havoc
nothing will change until traitors start dying
That is desirable. (((Elites))) are what caused this mess.
whoa get a load of these white supremacist nazis
just lay down and die you stupid white people >:(
germany is a land of diversity (and that's a good thing)
>user mask
Yeah checks out, the absolute spastic
>don't listen to these low class working class SCUM! There's not even a single verified Twitter user among them.
>I am a defender of the working class, btw
are they dissolving now or are they marching somewhere? seems like the latter.
Also this was thousands of people and that's pretty good at least
>german woman knifed to death
>thousands march in protest and chant ''Wir sind das Volk''
>mollie tibbets gets killed by a migrant
>fags whine on social media
they do look kind of white trash in that pic tb,h
>not parading his decapitated all over the town
ok, that's great and everything.... but unless Germany burns tonight, I don't actually give a flying fuck about what bollocks Kraut is shouting in the street.
Link for the people curious twitter.com
>Wir sind das Volk
Good luck Germany
kek, hello there my brown roach friend.
>Nazis stürmen den Peessestreifen. Polizeikette wurde durchbrochen. Wasserwerfer fahren vor. #c2708
Nazis nazis everywhere
also those twitter """anons""" are fucking cancer
>Nazis stürmen den Peessestreifen
>they are still at the marx statue
weak b8 m8
d-don't politicize this death, goyim!!
w-we are all human b-beans
Sieg Heil
Sieg Heil
Sieg Heil
Sieg Heil
Eine Person
Eine Flagge
Ein Feind
Americans will never even understand the meaning of this.
How do they act so bold? How do you fight people that can switch from apoplectic denunciation of their holocaust to the encouragement of ours with no conflict?
Military Coup when?
Surely the Bundeswher has some balls
wtf lol
>"Wir sind das Volk"
but its not.
not a single protest in the last 10 years has achieved anything, not a single union strike action has achieved anything. you go protest, another takes your job, the world keeps moving.
Something is definitely going to happen dude. The problem with us white people, is we are overly polite and we take too long to act. But when we do, it ends up being in magnitudes. These governments are going to continue to pressurize the situation.
Well he's right, they're bottom of the barrel trash
Expect a new split
Right and Right
>a thousand
kiked and shoahed
shut up jew
Checked and thanks
chekd. thanks fren.
Why is migrant in quotation marks?
All of these shills attempting to demoralize........if this is a big nothingburger, why was just the idea of something like this unthinkable in 2012?
> strong words really are the best defense though.
What caliber do those come in?
God, this is great.
I heard some of the victims was Russlanddeutsche.
Is it true?
from today... aryan wiking...
he was jamaican
Antifa will sperg over this. Hopefully, no one will give a fuck, and the cops start smashing them.
Shot in the dark here...
You're Christian right?
>being this dellusional
it is literally a mainstream fetish for black men to cuck white men, the white race days are numbered
Probably fake news.
I afraid that if immigrants from Russia is involved authorities would call it Russian psyop or something. I remember it happened before.
Reds are gonna end up dead
'kek' actually means 'biscuit' in german :)
False flag! that looks like an antifa cunt. Screen cap this and save the image for reference.
A wise man fears three things
The sea in a storm, the night with no moon, and the rage of a gentle man.
You're right, once we go ape, we're gonna go hard.
once the German ball gets rolling there is no stopping it
Are there many slavs and russlanddeutschers in Chemnitz?
Nah, the new fetish will be cutting communist's throats.
But I thought a politician said there were no Germans?
Based on his name I guess turks are the new elite of Germany.
true, a million people marched against the invasion of iraq, it didn't do shit. The only rallies that helped were those leading up to trumps election, and purely to show how he was more popular than a lot of people thought
>he said, cheeto crumbs flying everywhere.
at this point it's not "right wing" per se: it's common people having enough of this bullshit.
How do you think this nice fella gained all his support?
>The US went right
>Poland is went right
>Germany is about to go Right
If GERMANY goes RIGHT, its game over for the LEFTISTS
At long fucking last
what's going on
finally Germans with balls
Any video of that?
Demoralization campaign.