Mollie Tibbetts Dad Is A TurboCuck

>"The Hispanic community are Iowans. They have the same values as Iowans," he said, including an emphasis on family. "As far as I'm concerned, they're Iowans with better food."

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Somethings not right about this. Is her family in on it

in Iowa
>spics eat worms
>worms eat you

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His daughter was a luciferian sacrifice

Calling him a turbocuck is insulting to turbocucks.

fuck your disinfo. Lucifer is not saturn

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>(Real)Spaniards aren't white

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Personally have nothing against the Hispanic community. I've worked alongside hundreds of them.
I've got a problem with god knows who sneaking into this country stealing other peoples IDs and doing illegal shit, like killing innocent people.

>As far as I'm concerned, they're Iowans with better food

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>allowing 3rd worlders around your children
hahahaha liberals have no future

It's not disinformation I just haven't got the labels down. Lucifer baal moloch and that other one you said are just different heads of the same beast to me

Moloch is saturn

begone faggot

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He's gonna publicly demand the spic not face jail time or pull some "my daughter's killer is my best friend" shit.

Iowan here, glad shes dead from an illegal. Trump will win here come 2020.

>be father
>daughter gets killed by trespassing mesoamerican rat
>have the gall to apologize at her funeral

these people deserve to watch their daughters get raped and slaughtered.

why can't just one of these victims families come out and say "We blame Mexicans and Democratic voters." JUST ONCE FOR FUCKS SAKE.

so what exactly is wrong with what he said? if the killer was white you expected him to go and say he hates white people?

you morons are so deep in your racist circle jerk you don't even know how the real world works

An illegal immigrant raped and killed my daughter but DUDE FOOD LMAO. Typical Amerifat.

Liberalism is a literal death cult. Those people would rather die than abandon their religious faith in multicultural and diverse utopia of happiness.

I’m so happy his daughter was raped and murdered after reading his response.

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>if the killer was white you expected him to go and say he hates white people?
He wouldn't have virtue-signalled about it. Also, the killer wasn't white. Funny how you have to create an imaginary scenario to make you point.

>Thank you for raping and killing my daughter, Paco. t. iocuck

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yeah white people never killed anyone, totally imaginary scenario.

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>typical amerifat
No, typical soft white liberal

You've already lost the argument. If that spic wasn't here illegally, she would be alive. Care to rebut that, nigger?

>Mollie Tibbetts Dad Is A TurboCuck

No, he is just a more decent man than you and most of the pathetic suckers on this board will ever be.

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Just the typical christcuck mentality
Turn the other cheek, we need to help everyone else except ourselves
Christianity is at the root of all our problems

>Late term abortions
Democrats are the worst meme

if she wasn't killed by an illegal he would have been killed by a citizen gunnut amerimutt. Care to rebut that, mutt?

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who care? This is the weak and stupid of our race weeding themselves out of the genepool.

Wasn't she anally molested with an ear of corn? Hot if true.

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His white people hating daughter deserved to be murdered by a non-white and her turbocuck dad deserved to have his daughter murdered.

That there’s no anger or outrage on behalf of his daughter, whose last moments were spent in terror and pain.

If a “white person” had been in the country illegally and killed his daughter and his reaction was the same we still would be disgusted. It’s not about race, it’s about citizenship and immigration law, you limpwristed nitwit.

Jesus, you're fucking stupid. It's not even worth explaining why either

If we enforced immigration laws she'd still be alive today

This. Hispanics are bros as far as I’m concerned, it’s illegals of any kind that I’m against. I don’t understand how this makes her dad a turbo cuck.

She didn't deserve to be alive. She got what was coming to her.

>patronizing hispanics in defense of your daughters murder makes you a decent man

Should he be speaking for Iowans? He lives in California after all, right?

>hurr my daughter was killed by an ILLEGAL! I AM SO MAD!!!!!
>oh wait, my daughter was killed by a legal citizen. No problemo, he was a citizen after all!

Jow Forumscucksladies and gents

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>His white people hating daughter deserved to be murdered by a non-white and her turbocuck dad deserved to have his daughter murdered.

Are you a radical muslim? Because you sure sound like one.

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Yet this irony is completely lost on them, as they will keep believing they did nothing wrong.

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The daughter threatened to call the cops on the guy, which is being thought to have made him panic since an illegal picked up by police like that could be deported.

scum are scum anywhere, not defending hispanos but they work hard and have some christian family values, our immigrants cant say the same for them

you fucking moron, he was working legally with a verified card

>illegal definition
>contrary to or forbidden by law
>my daughter was murdered by someone who by law was not allowed to roam the streets
>It's not a problem my daughter died cuz mexican make good tacos, I'm sorry mexicans


>>patronizing hispanics in defense of your daughters murder makes you a decent man

Making up bullshit about a grieving father makes you lowlife by any societies standard.

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Truth hurts doesn’t it spic?

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No her dad just worships the Zog, has no white identity.

The line was that he was verified as legal to work in the US because of the business he worked for using e-verify and then it turned out the business admitted they don't even use it.

At this point I haven't seen any evidence he was in the country legally.

Its no surprise her father is a huge cuck considering the things she tweeted. If he was a strong father figure she would have never turned out this way.

what exactly did she twit that triggered you? was it because she was against the pedo Roy moore? Jow Forumstards sure do love their pedos

Judging by his reaction to this, that’s exactly what he would have said in your hypothetical scenario. But that doesn’t change the fact that she wasn’t killed by a US citizen, she was killed by an illegal alien, and he never should have been allowed in the country to begin with.

Understand? You faggot?

>they're iowans with better food
>playing off the "italians are jews with better food" racial epithet
wtf what a racist

I live two hours East of where this happened and I can say, for certain, that the father never deserved to have children in the first place if he thinks this is "okay" that a fucking illegal killed his daughter.

We need more fathers that would go Charles Bronson on these illegal assholes.

Yeah I get it now! If your daughter is killed by a white aryan legal citizen then you shouldn't even be mad, but you should get mad if he was brown and illegal!

>yeah white people never killed anyone
No white person who has ever killed a minority has ever gotten a "white people are cool" speech either faggot

Just more proof that libcucks always have to fall back on food and music to "prove multiculturalism is good"

It's quite pathetic

>Mexican intellectuals can't achieve basic critical thinking
Is this why you're all murders?

slow down there Dr.Potato

>Is her family in on it

Q predicted this.

Germany is in pretty bad shape and it's due to faggots like yourself.

>Two (2) Democrat voters lost the ability to vote
Gavin a hard time finding two fucks to rub together fellas

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A literal real world example of althype being correct. Some whiteys have no sense of self-preservation.
He deserved to have his daughter killed. He deserves to have his lineage wiped out.

Thankfully thats just what happened lol i wonder how long he had his way with her

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Yes you should be extra mad if a murderer was illegally walking the streets. You should be mad that your society has laws that are not being enforced. It's not even about race, a non cuck person would be talking how we need to crack down on illegals, regardless of their race.

Why do only Europeans and people of European descent have this attitude? Can you imagine a Japanese girl getting murdered by a Flip and her parents say "Filipinos are Japanese. They have the same values as Japanese including an emphasis on family. But instead of our bland sushi they better food like dead chick fetuses in eggs."

>I can’t read

her father said NOTHING about illegals or non illegals. He was talking about the hispanic communities, you realize most hispanics are legal right? You wanted him to condemn all hispanics (that most are legal) for the actions of an illegal?

>hispanic community helps out in search for missing wypipo
>dad is greatful for this while also recognizing the anti immigration spin that (((FOX))) reports.
>pol proceeds to declare father a cuck for giving thanks to people who helped him
Oh no! The dad doesnt hate Mexicans s what a cuck.

>it's totally fine if my country becomes a dystopian trash heap full of poop-colored people, without 100 million brown people we wouldn't be able to make a taco!


As much as Jow Forums.s traditionalists hate to face it, it's because of Christian values and it's culture of perpetual guilt.

Why the fuck would he start talking about hispanics if not to apologize for his inner sin of having racist thoughts or whatever? If my daughter got killed by an illegal immigrant I wouldn't go out and say pedophiles are humans too. What a goddamn cuck mentality.

Stop falling for cia psyops you stupid nigger. The only enemy we have isn't the devil, a planet or some two hundred year old group. IT'S JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS AND ONLY JEWS

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This type of shit is the blackest of blackpills.

Reminds me of the litany in the kali yuga
Should add one line;
"When fathers will no longer defend their daughters"

he never apologized anywhere in his speech. Your are obviously projecting your inner fears

Who cares what her fucking dad's politics on any particular issue is!?

Jesus this fucking board is reatrded. Go get outraged over something that fucking matters.

>le based Mexican food hon hon


>drug cartel flag

Spic defenders and their beaner puppets should unironically die. They’re the cancer that’s killing the US.

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Both of you are fucking cucks. Probably beaners

>Muh hispanics are based
I don’t give a shit about Le 56% mollie or her cuck father. Any beaner in this country should be deported. Even the legal ones as well.

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Yep, hit the nail right on the head. European's have no religion that connects them to their roots. Had Europe remained pagan there wouldn't be this sort of thinking. All countries with folk religions such as Israel, Japan, South Korea, and India, have strong borders and a strong sense of pride. But pol's only rebuttal is meme pics and deus vulting.

Hell, I'm not even advocating literal belief in Odin. What I am advocating is a return to pagan traditions and culture that can be compatible with non belief, just like how Israelis and Japanese are for the most part irreligious but bound by folklore.

They’re beaners, at least 40% of all US flags are. Most whites in the Midwest despise beaners with a passion. We even egg their houses and cars too.

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Amazing how many non whites are in this country. Wish we could distinguish by state flag so you could see these Cali flags.

And now there's one less white. Karma's a bitch

"I hate white people"

>What is important for me is not to denounce the problem of illegal immigration that ended in the murder of my daughter
>What is important for me is to virtue signal how we should not be racist because I feel like I should apologize for being white
>"I F-feel like I should say how b-based mexicans are they have g-great food"
Cuck mentality. Worst father of all time.