This is always a hard one, since we all know who controls the majority of the entertainment industry, but any redpilled tv shows?
I'll start: HBO's Rome
Redpilled TV shows
Henry Thompson
Ryder Martin
that show was dope, fuck the roasties in the show tho.
Blake Robinson
Colton Gray
Hannibal is an awesome show
Henry Scott
Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo were absolute bros, and Marc Antony was a top lad.
The BBC miniseries of TTSS is a must-watch. The film was pretty good too but pales in comparison to the old miniseries
Henry Harris
forgot pic
I really liked that show, but I still haven't watched season 3 yet.
Carter Allen
fuck servilia
Brayden Cruz
fucking based show
Easton Nelson
The Alex Guiness miniseries is hands down the best television ever produced. In comparison the film is a fucking abortion.
Ryder Bailey
Finished season one the other night. Surprised it got the green light, pretty much a pedogate/pizzagate story right down to the blue spiral symbol the killer used.