Redpilled TV shows

This is always a hard one, since we all know who controls the majority of the entertainment industry, but any redpilled tv shows?
I'll start: HBO's Rome

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that show was dope, fuck the roasties in the show tho.

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Hannibal is an awesome show

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Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo were absolute bros, and Marc Antony was a top lad.

The BBC miniseries of TTSS is a must-watch. The film was pretty good too but pales in comparison to the old miniseries

forgot pic

I really liked that show, but I still haven't watched season 3 yet.

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fuck servilia

fucking based show

The Alex Guiness miniseries is hands down the best television ever produced. In comparison the film is a fucking abortion.

Finished season one the other night. Surprised it got the green light, pretty much a pedogate/pizzagate story right down to the blue spiral symbol the killer used.

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