Swedish Election - AfS edition


>Yougov: "AfS is the biggest in the 4,8% "others"-category"
>Sentio: AfS is with out a doubt the biggest party in the "other"-category
>Demoskop will start to separately report on AfS from now on

Can you feel it lads? The winds of change.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Care to translate, buddy?

NMR should do a version with theirs included.

>Take mandatory Swedish lessons in school
>still don't understand any more of this than an average English speaker probably does

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if they weren't uncharismatic halfwits maybe they'd get some votes

Why you should vote for AfS rather than SD:
>Refugee stop
>Downsize the parliament
>No to Nato
>Free dental care
>Nationalize the school system
>Stop foreign aid
>More money to the military
>Shut down public service
>Leave the EU
>Raise the pension
>Ban burqa and niqab
>Flat taxes

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I heard (((youtube))) delete all of their videos

wait so they're actually right-wing where SD is just Social Democrats that hate migrants?

Sounds awesome.

yeah they are geoblocked, neighboring countries can still see them apparently

sd haven't been right wing for years, it's a media epithet

could it be the government asked them to be blocked?

Don't want 1930's larp

Afs won't get any seats but will only split from the SD. You guys are controlled opposition.

Haven't they said they want 20-25% flat tax? That alone would have my vote, would be so fucking based.

The mainstream media have been chilling AFS for months to minimize the support for SD. A vote for AFS or NMR is a free vote for socialdemokraterna

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Sven is cucking you to this day i see

>Swedish elections
Ok buds.

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and retards itt are falling for it

Basically. AfS are nationalists that realize you need to have a modern economy
and you can't sustain yourself on 1930's worker movements larp in 2018.


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SD is fine with immigrants as long as they learn our language and assimilate in to "our culture".
Then they become "open swedes" which is a term and doctrine that the leaders of SD released as an attempt to shut down accusations of racism.

This new doctrine led to a lot of grass root politicans being kicked out of the party for expressing views that contradicts this doctrine.

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It's either the SD or you get SM.

SD better win, I suspect the left will fix this election tho. They already started.

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Please link me 10 articles in main stream media that favors AfS or even write about them.
Pro tip: you can't.

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>SD is just Social Democrats
Pretty much. SD is also advocating for traditional gender roles, basically anti-feminism.

AFS 4%

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SD needs 51% of the vote to get any influence what so ever. Nobody wants to build an alliance with SD.
S+M will make a coalition before they let SD have anything to say.

So SDs only chance of getting influence is creating their own block. Probably with AfS when they get in to parliament.
An AfS in the parliament would mean a real nationalistic party and it would also mean double the amount of time in the debates of opposition.
Unlike now, when SD stand alone.

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swedish mainstream media have been pressuring google on fake news and "hateful" content to be removed, so this is not a surprise.

>SD needs 51% of the vote to get any influence what so ever. Nobody wants to build an alliance with SD.
That's not true at all, they just need 30% of the vote to create unmanageable clusterfuck coalitions.
>S+M will make a coalition before they let SD have anything to say.
Which would destroy both parties just like in Germany.
>So SDs only chance of getting influence is creating their own block. Probably with AfS when they get in to parliament.
For now the only thing AfS does is splitting the right wing vote.
>An AfS in the parliament would mean a real nationalistic party and it would also mean double the amount of time in the debates of opposition.
The problem is, they won't get into the parliament this time around. If they get 2%, that's 2% less for the SD.

corporate censorship is very underrated indeed, even here

This. SD will be cucked constantly unless they're in the 50% league. You think it's gonna matter if SD "loses" a few percentage? No of course it's not gonna matter. But if AfS gets 4% it's going to be a mindbreak for the establishment.

The SD does not need 50% you idiot. Once they get enough seats, the only alternative to them will be a total clusterfuck coalition that will break apart within 3 months.

They will do literally anything to keep SD out. They would burn the country down just to keep SD out.

And if they burn the country down, it means the SD will get even more votes in the subsequent election.

Anyways. If AfS only gets 2% or whatever it's not even gonna matter for SD, you have to be an absolute brainlet to believe this.

The same people shouting that we are wasting our votes on AfS were the same people telling SD voters that they were wasting their votes and should vote M instead.

The "I won't vote for them because nobody votes for them" is logically unsound and circular.

There wouldn't be any election at that point.

sounds like ultimate fuck you to the cuck boomer generation

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I don´t think the establishment can pull another Decemberöverenskommelsen this time. I think that they at least will have to compromise on the immigration questions if SD get even bigger than the last election.

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Says who?
>Anyways. If AfS only gets 2% or whatever it's not even gonna matter for SD, you have to be an absolute brainlet to believe this.
There is a huge difference between 28% and 30%.

We had something called the december agreement in Sweden.
Where all of the parties except SD made a coalition to keep them out of political influence.
The same thing will happen again and SD will let them through.
AfS is what is needed. SD have cucked to much, let the boomers and politically retarded people vote for them. They will be the biggest anyway.
Nationalists should take the lead and vote for a party that truly values our people and nation.
SDs liberalizing and turn from their old values is why AfS is growing. If you don't like votes being thrown away, vote for AfS if you like the poltics or else maybe they will be stuck at 3,8%.

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Guys, does AFS even have the 4% they need to get in?

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Todays debate was really the nail in the coffin for me. 1 year ago I couldn't see myself voting for SD, but this debate just did that. The other parties are absolutely oblivious to our current situation.

The highlight of the debate was when Lööf was trying the frame SD as an anti-equality party by suggesting that SD in it's core is anti-abortion. SD handled it well by saying how abortion doesn't have anything to do with equality in the first place and that SD has a totally different ideological outlook on equality, than the rest of the parties on that stage.

Swedes are so ideologically corrupt to the point were everything is to be viewed through the moral lens of leftism. An idea that doesn't conform with that is anti-women, anti-equality, anti-freedom etc...

I'm not ethnically Swedish btw...

Best of luck for the true swedes.

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>Where all of the parties except SD made a coalition to keep them out of political influence.
Good, clusterfuck coalitions don't work in reality.
>The same thing will happen again and SD will let them through.
What's the SD supposed to do about it? Kill them?
>AfS is what is needed. SD have cucked to much, let the boomers and politically retarded people vote for them. They will be the biggest anyway.
Right wingers need to consolidate behind a single party to stand a chance.
>Nationalists should take the lead and vote for a party that truly values our people and nation.

Nobody knows for sure. I'm a bit blackpilled so I doubt that they actually have the 4% but who knows. Things are escalating here.

>S+M will make a coalition before they let SD have anything to say.
That's a lie. And if it's not it would be a death sentence for M.

This is correct.
It's a party largely made up by well educated millennials with nice careers.
A lot of them quit their jobs in pursuit of getting AfS in to parliament, working for free.

So even if AfS only gets 3% then they will get government gibs and can work with the party full time with out losing money.

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List as follows (AfS on the left ofc)
1- Repatriation
2- Refugee stop
3- Decreasing size of Parliament
4- No to NATO
5- Free dental care
6- Nationalize school
7- Stopp foreign aid
8- Increase military spending
9- Shut down nationalized TV (their BBC)
11- Increase government guaranteed pension
12- Burka & niqab ban
13- Flat tax
feel free to correct svens

> also mfw

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I just can't go for SD after the EXPO story. The fact that Mattias Karlsson wanted to collaborate with EXPO about cracking down on nationalists is repulsive.

>retards competing with sd instead of m

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they have already had that for 4 years

And if they dont (which they wont) they're potentially taking the wave master role from SD. Voting Afs is like taking a second mortgage to place a 1:50 bet.

Last election the SD had 1/8 of all seats. This time they could have 1/3.

>Good, clusterfuck coalitions don't work in reality.
Except it's been working for 4 years
>What's the SD supposed to do about it? Kill them?
Vote every budget down that the establishment is presenting of course.
>Right wingers need to consolidate behind a single party to stand a chance.
No, they can cooperate and present a common budget in the questions they agree in.

You don't even have a good grasp of swedish politics I'm afraid.

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sd loves immigrants and actually passed a law in parliament two years ago that doubled our UN immigrant quota from 2000 to 5000.

take a guess why like everyone are moving to AFS. SD are fucking career politician cucks who expell all members who even slightly mention swedish etnicity.

I will pray that they have. SD need some allies in there, i don't care if they are splitting the right vote. The nationalist view has grown so much that it can be afforded to have multiple parties

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5000 instead of 200'000 per year

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>That's a lie
What is the december agreement? Were you old enough to vote in the last election?

You are saying it will happen again? HAHAHA

and yes I was old enough, I was a first time voter actually.

14- Demand extradiction and imminent release of Lasermannen from german custody

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True, some don't want to vote for SD because they are a zionist party.

>Except it's been working for 4 years
No it didn't. That wasn't a clusterfuck coaliton.
>Vote every budget down that the establishment is presenting of course.
They don't have the votes.
>You don't even have a good grasp of swedish politics I'm afraid.
It's not too different from German politics. And here voting for splitter parties who won't get any seats is being seen as retarded. Guess Swedish right wingers must be retards then.

Sharp reasoning ITT

> You are saying it will happen again? HAHAHA

Give us literally any argument why it won't.
The "b-but people would be upset!!!" is not an argument.

Shills never tell you this.
Fuck you.

vote sd if you want faggots to be able to adopt

Most right wing parties in the West are pro-Israel to some degree, get over it. If you want to support based muslims, vote left wing.

If you don't vote SD, it will happen irregardless.

I already voted SD on Friday.

I am more conservative than SD, but it'll have to do.

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AfS isn't

of course it will, it is all a big circus to make the people think they have influence

You cannot vote out your extinction cuck, you have to completely kill and remake your government.

yes. Israel used to be alone with a muslim terrorist problem. Now they have opened our borders and everyone share their problem. They offer the same counter-jihad political party solution in every country.

except in practice 200'000 + 5000

Let's go back to 2006:
> "I think I'll vote SD"
> "NOOOOO VOTE SPLITTER they'll never go anywhere vote for M instead they are totally based and will save Sweden!!! XD"

Now 2018:
> "I think I'll vote AfS"
> "NOOOOO VOTE SPLITTER they'll never go anywhere vote for SD instead they are totally based and will save Sweden!!! XD"

And they are a splitter party that won't get any seats and only hurt the SD.

Excuse me, was it Israel that opened Europe's borders or was it your traiterous parties that were democratically elected by stupid voters?

I hate SD and will vote AfS

Some people just gotta lead the way

Same with true finns, the only party critical of mass immigration, they are hardcore zionists

must be (((pure coincidence))) that the nationalist parties somehow seem to get watered down and become nothing more than rubber stamps for the status quo ie. controlled opposition

Meanwhile: SD possibly the biggest party while the AfS is literally a 2% party.

No, they only want to accept 5000 per year. we were supposed to only get 2000 or even 1000 per year when they signed the agreement. Thats before they allowed people to apply for asylum here.

> German flag
> Shilling for SD
> "N-no don't go for AfS!!!"

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Some people can't be saved I guess.

An SD-AfS block won't be realistic in any near future though. SD-AfS-KD might make it happen quicker, but considering the demographic chance Sweden has gone trough for the last 10 years, its not nearly enough time. You literally need a revolution at this point. Even in Norway and Denmark, where we actually have anti-immigrant parties in a ruling coalition it might be too late for a democratic solution.

It's been working well for S and MP to get their politics through with the help of the december agreement. I don't know what you are talking about.

What do you think will happen if SD gets 30% instead of 25%? They will not get influence because nobody wants to cooperate with them.
AfS will move the debate further to the right if we vote them into parliament, which the latest polls are showing is possible.
SD turned in to cucks, it's time for AfS to take the lead now. Sorry kikes and boomers!

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Shoo Turk

I always shill for the right wing party with the best chances of winning.

Guys we need to meme AFS into parlament

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>What do you think will happen if SD gets 30% instead of 25%? They will not get influence because nobody wants to cooperate with them.
30% of all seats is more than 25% of all seats. That might just be enough to force meme coalitions.

Inte säker på om jag kommer rösta på SD eller AfS.

SD is the boomer party, everyone on Jow Forums should vote AFS

>Why you should vote for AfS rather than SD:


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Reminder that big noses sees germanics as amalek,
birth control, incentives for MGTOW, massmigration is a biological attack on AMALEK for jews

If they ignore SD at 12% or at 25% after the election, what is the point with a 0,8% AFS party?

Swedes are cucks. AFS will not get into parliament and SD will have a terrible election followed by a coalition outside of SD by the multiculturalist parties.

In a few years, when all the Swedes are dead, Norway and Denmark will unite and retake their rightful clay. Sweden will be forgotten, nothing more than a footnote in history.

And that's a good thing.

The point is that AfS pushes SD more to the right.