Official Jim F thread


F. Anyone know what happened?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Who knows or cares. He's a collectivist "this is popular, therefore I hate it" contrarian faggot larping as someone with an open mind, like most of the rest of you.

>Le free thinker man
>Hates everything shills have told him to for the last year on Jow Forums
>oh, you reached 500k subscribers? Crab bucket, you must be destroyed
>We hate every other person that is supposed to be in the in-group in our utopia, but it's totally gonna work guys

Fuck em.

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wrong pic

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God bless Travarias!!!
Such a strong man protecting his family

Jim is chaotic neutral.

lol reporters are so retarded

think he's more evil than neutral

He made some (((blue ticks))) mad af again.

Gas yourself, kike

It's fucking bullshit how blatant this censorship has gotten.

B& for the grave crime of deceiving the lugenpresse

This has happened before, he'll be back.

These kikes complained because Metokur was "source hacking" by replying to a reporter on Twitter. HOW ABOUT REPORTERS DO THEIR JOBS AND RESEARCH SHIT. SOURCE HACKING IS NOT A REAL WORD.

Went after potential new "investors" of Twitter
No matter how Jack plays this, it will backfire. Jim has 250K shitposters on speed dial and everyone of them brings three friends. No blue checker will survive this, short twitter, fast

t. Ross

Well, "source hacking" sounds cooler and more cyber than "I am a lazy gullible retard and I am angry at being found out".

lol Jim will just create a whole new persona and start over who cares?

"source hacking? That's the dumbest use of the term hacking I've heard so far.

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He probably got banned for calling out Alex Jones for wtching tranny porn, thread related:

They dodged it all day and have been banning any1 that brings it up

Ah fuck it man. Not long before YouTube follow suit so archive before its too late

You've got to admit the "Russian hacking" makes more sense through report-o-vision.
Russian = someone who isn't us
Hacking = posting on the internet

holy fuck they're just shutting everyone down aren't they

In the past month literally like 1/2 our guys are gone

This but unironically

And Jow Forums will follow. Good night, white America :^)

He ranted about how much i likes to make fake headline screencaps to fool the idiots.
Banned for fakenews lmao.

>It's real and they've already claimed they were 'hacked'
Top kek.

He shittalked bluecheck reporters over the jewish gaming shooter and spread fakenews to the point he got quted in articles about this case

>Twitter banned him for mocking a guy they banned last week
Lol, okay shill.


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> In the past month literally like 1/2 our guys are gone
But Harmful Opinions is back. Kinda.

He's still deebly goncerned about being shut down by the Jews.

metokur said he wasnt a white nationalist, so fuck him

Is Jim secretly Kraut? Day he leaves guess who's back
>Big Think

Its illegal to shittalk now?
its happening

on twitter?
Yeah where have you been the last few years?

So why didn't they suspend the journalists for reporting fake news?

I bet that vile kike Laura Loomer cried harassment.

his last post insulted zoe quinn so


>Anyone know what happened?
News kike got fooled because she's dumb. Much butt hurt.

Hi Trout!

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He was rusing braindead liberal thots and braindead roasties over the shooting yesterday

He wasn't banned for that. He was banned for the Germany comment about what happened last time when people went ti the streets.

jim is just a dirty nigger, fuck him and everybody he knows

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he insulted BASED Mama Merkel and thus was b& for hate speech

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How the fuck does he think anything good is oing to happen from coming back?

If this youtube get banned, we will make a account on bitchute.



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Hey Matt, don't you have boulders to pick up?

Good riddance.

wow, that isnt trite at all

He's a turbo autist that has no understanding of the concept of self reflection. He's even implying in the comments he intends to make attack videos.

Some serious fucking projection going on.
You should wait a few more years before posting.

jim got lost in thought one day in the winter. reminiscing about another year . a simpler time with friends that no longer surround him and a dream the others no longer present had teased him of playfully about. a dream he mumbled a description of as he was roused from sleep

mister mediocre will never seem them any more than i will be able to spell mediocre without google. and while he rarely thinks of that cold day surrounded by friends when it does he quickly would prefer to forget and goes back to his hobbies of sprinting away from people who just want to talk to him. for a guy with some bum legs he can sprint for a bit but they took the money from him that he won in that settlement. the government jew is a cruel mistress

well, right in the same day that Kraut got back to youtube

Its just a coincidence

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Loomer pls go

>He's a collectivist
Hi Carl

Fuck off, Jim

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I chuckled

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Laura Loomer is going end her life after the indictment gets opened with her name on it.

But not dicky spencer :^)

Is this the first time?

>He's even implying in the comments he intends to make attack videos.

He made his bed and now he has to lie in it and he will shrink into obscurity. while he makes retarded videos about what he sees as the extreme right his nation is being devoured by islam

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You expect e-celebs to be original and not go for low-hanging fruit?

This. These jokes used to be mildly funny and the surprise factor was there, but they've been rehashed for a few years at this point.

>kraut comes back
>Ryan Faulk and Sean Last abandon WN
>Metokur shoah'd from twitter

I'm about to quit the internet, shits about to be intolerably gay

Jim I know you're browsing this thread

Fill us in on the details

Metokur did more for germany with his last 3 tweets than Kike&Tea did in his entire jewtube """career"""

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Nigga hold on, can't pass on all that saucy drama that jim is going to report..

I can see why they suspended him after what he did, but seriously fuck twitter.
There is really no use for it anymore when everyone you follow and anyone actually funny gets kicked off the platform

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Oh dear, guess he'll have to make videos now.

This, twitter needs to burn. All these shitty leftist platforms need to.

cringe and bluepilled

YOU nigga not the people you are trying to talk shit on.

You probably think you wuz a kang or some shit too.

FUCK, its real


>Kraut comes back
>Mister Metokur's twitter suspended
Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

Jim will just make another one, you're all acting like this is his first banned account.


According to a friend of mine, YOU CAN ALWAYS JUST USE ANOTHER ONE


just use reddit

they never do shit like this

ppfftt its fucking pathetic.

They will find that one and ban it too

NVm, he plays Total War: Thrones of Borettania. Shit taste, cringe.

twitter has been banning anyone with a past ban in the last two weeks

you are next

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Emptyhero is funny, but his only shtick is the black guy voice. When he tries anything else he falls super flat. Sseth on the other hand.

hi Sseth!

I wish, I'm not nearly as funny as that guy. Or handsome, or tall. ;)

hmm i wonder who could be behind this post

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does he have a gab?

MundaneMatt can't keep getting away with this.

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and hidden

we don't deserve sseth

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haha what a funy memey way to say he's a worthless coward

How else will he make shekels

Hey, Jim, get back to doing meaningful things and not just pointless eceleb shit. Or maybe I'm remembering your earlier stuff wrong and that's all you've ever done

hahaha holy shit, the lad.

>ywn be friends with Sseth
>ywn be on his secret discord with fitzthislewitz
why live?