The Ultimate War for Control: You

Touch yourself to pixels because it feels good and ejaculate stem cells and precious nutrients wastefully, a literal cocktail for the big bang of life. Build up synapses in your brain built upon false reality of pornography and touching yourself.

Fuck women with plastic on your dick, so you don't symbiotically transfer nutrients/stem cells back and forth between females because it feels good, but you don't want to do the actual biological process attached to why you have a dick.

Hate without question, turn off your mind and have preconceived notions about everyone that way you don't actively reason, you are just a programmable human bot.

Stare at a TV/Netflix blankly, so your alpha waves change to beta waves... burning less calories than when you sleep.

Use social media constantly. Rather than question what you are reading, decide immediately based upon other opinions whether it feels good or not, giving an infantized thumbs up/ thumbs down. No need to challenge your mind and build up new synapses.

Go to grocery stores, don't use evolutionary habit of investigating water, food, berries, game before you eat it, such as reading the ingredients and becoming knowledgeable of such things like "artificial strawberry flavoring" which is fucking beaver anal gland juice, just look at the pretty colors, packaging, and words attached to it. Put it in your mouth. Drink fluoride on a daily basis ignoring published Harvard studies on how it lowers your IQ. Don't buy a water filter for your shower, heating up your pores, pouring fluoride into your open pours. Feel extremely relaxed while breathing in steamed fluoride in an enclosed space.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Love vaccines, put thermasol in your body and all sorts of bullshit. Look free vaccine user...weird I thought nothing in life was truly free. Totally rep "herd immunity" without question... while you get excited for drones to deliver your food, cars to drive you places, and doctors to do what they want with your body. Never think about how cows are force-fed, driven places on their own, and given antibiotics/other materials without question... never think about how you are part of a herd.

Don't question the world around you, tell everyone we live in a matrix, a simulation, all the while subconsciously your mind is trying to convey to you the reality that you do live in a fucking matrix, a fucking simulation, it's called the internet (or what it has become for that matter) and the subjugation of natural order, of the presence of real men.

The first stage of waking up. Turn off the TV, airplane your phone, go somewhere quiet. Close your eyes for roughly 5 minutes. Don't open them until 5 minutes are up. The entire time your mantra is, you are going to take control of your life. Every piece, every facet, every moment, the first thing that happens is that it will go through your filters, your willpower, your discipline that you are now setting up. If it doesn't meet your expectations, it won't get any further. You are taking control of your food, your water, your mind, your dick, your perception of reality, the inviolability of your body. You constantly recite a promise to yourself, your destiny is your own, your locus of control is yours. "Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day." You will die happily in this state, whether in conflict with the "herd" or not. This is the only place where one finds humanity.

The human will, the human spirit that refuses to be subjugated. Amen brothers. Welcome. It will never be easy, but it will always be satisfying.

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Have a bump. Interesting train of thought.

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Takk Norbro.

Looks like we got buried intentionally. Oh well. The Matrix continues.

No, you just aren't as smart as you think you are. You'll fit right in here.

>Cast aspersions without reasoning behind it.

Care to explain why my discussion and attempt to explain reality somehow become an accurate vehicle of the level of my intellect?

PS they fucking experimented on my father's mind as a child.. the government stuck pins in his head because of his brain chemistry. He was a genius. Not sure what I got... but I see a lot of this shit going on here.

Have anything to say?

No TV, no social media, no junk food, no vaccines, and no fluoride, proudly reporting in.
All of the answers to the universe lie within.


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Nice. Love it. Keep going.

You’re nothing special. You sound like a kook to be quite honest. You use unnecessarily complex language in your writing, which indicates you have never been published, certainly not by a reputable journal.

t. chem/biochem researcher

>reputable journal
all hail (((authority)))

Unfavourable ratio of pretentiousness to substance, but your heart is in good place. Have a poverty bumb.

Can you name a single editor of said (((journals)))? Or are you simply assuming it must be da joos?

>reputable journals
That's Bogdanoff. Post hear and Jow Forums will be glad to peer review. Much more honest feedback.

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Well OP, it's simple really. All of those things you mentioned are a blight on society, a tumor in our brains. The way I see it; we made it to where we are as a species without all of those things. We have progressed leaps and bounds without them. Now that we have them, we are barreling down towards an amalgam of shit.

If it ain't necessary, and/or doesn't truly make you happy, cut it out of your life.

Sadly, they all dumb it down.

>beaver anal gland juice
id rather eat this than most "artificial flavors"

Classic Luciferian propaganda.

Start by telling truth about the world being evil, then direct the vulnerable to meditation as the way out and away from Jesus Christ. OP will probably then say some BS about how Christianity is "just one valid path" or that Jesus did transcendental meditation.

It's what all the gatekeepers like David Icke do.

I'm onto you New Age shill .

>chinks threw his faggot leaf name on the study so he wouldnt reeeee and shoot up the lab

This, better masturbate and watch TV just in case.

That's nice. Do you get paid to come here when people mention "herd immunity"? Maybe you get sent a text?

Yeah, I've never done any meditation, and I don't have any mantras. I just stay busy keeping clear from all the ways (((they))) can get my soul... and my sheckels, as much as possible.

I'm not objecting to 90% of the post. I'm objecting to the last 10%, where he pushes the "you are your own god" stuff

Yes, but do you not see the active agenda to break us? It's not like this is just some natural outgrowth. Just the opposite, this stuff is intentionally designed to cause malignant growth instead.

We are being hijacked, so we're more like cattle than actual functioning beings.

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I thought I saw, that's why I don't partake in jewery, and choose my own path. To the best of my KSA.

Absolutely incorrect. Don't get lost.

When you sit under the stars, and you're healthy, and your mind is free of impediments, one cannot look up and not feel the presence of something greater.

But you can't get there if your will, your mind, your body, is polluted and stuck in a state that is designed to keep you from accessing anything else.

I am saying first you have to get out of the trees to see the forest.

The damage being done is mostly mental. So start a beachhead in repairing the mental, then get to the good stuff.

How is that anti-anything religious?

And what is the trouble with emphasizing our natural condition? Creator based or otherwise? We are supposed to be in 100% control of our faculties and observations. This is the concept of free will.

nice get user
im a cali refugee. in the forest now with a QT wifu who makes food from scratch
still working on our own farm
im OG internet fag so I saw the matrix being built and betaboys flocking in
post more brother
your words WE NEED

shut up nerd


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>Hate without question, turn off your mind and have preconceived notions about everyone that way you don't actively reason, you are just a programmable human bot.

I have many, many reasons for hating niggers, spics, sand coons. But above all, I have the most reason to hate jews.

12 and this is deep nigger

>"artificial strawberry flavoring" which is fucking beaver anal gland juice

okay well I'm done with the Jow Forums equivilent of a buzz feed article, it was a shit thread, have an average day.

Whatchu mean "nice get?"
All those things are true.
I grow a good bulk of my own food, drink off my own well, no cable, no faceberg, nada. It's the good life... for me anyway.

I'm pro matrix mother fucker.
I'll kill neo.

Very true.

>doesnt know what s get is

I did not get that kind of impression. It seems that OP is advocating self-responsibility and self-sufficiency. Both would be virtues in Christian context.

Please tell me what an s get is.

What do you mean it isn't da joos ? Its always da joos.

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How boomer are you? Your post number is a "get".

bumped and based. many parts of civilization are designed to control the biological imperative of the species. all it does is make you fat, bald, and impotent.

disagree re: vaccines, except for the "free flu shots" that will make everyone's immune system weaker. we eradicated viruses like polio, measles, etc. since influenza is eternal and not that serious, getting a shot every year is useless unless you want to replenish unknown payloads in your bloodstream for little or no reason.

The problem with using this platform to post this, whether true or not, is that nobody can be sure of your genuinity.

In the case you are fapping, I want no part in a circlejerk. If you are not, then quit being stupid and go infect someone with your positivity in real life. Where they can judge your genuinity better through facials and vibration

^this is why the chembro's post had some validity. So far he should definitely KHS before you, though

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How zoomer are you?

Quality post


From the moment you are born, there is a blank slate. We are free from programming. After that they start.

This is why I believe in our natural state, with all forms of good food/water/rest etc. Our natural inclination is to self-control and to self-question. Sometimes finding this place can also be a battle. We may go in the wrong direction but when we do find it, we never lose it.

A lot can happen before we reach this age of maturity to self-monitor. This evolution seems to be breaking down. A sinister goal is for this coming to mental maturity to never occur. A perfect example I had never heard outside of my own research, is the German Peasant Revolt in the 1500s. It is not without hours of study... that one can find their list of demands in constitution form.. and see that they wanted: the right to hunt on their own lands, the right to eat their own food they grow, the right to object, to vote, and speak freely. (wiki omitted, not so great) This is what is re-intended for us free people. Complete and absolute control... for us to live like cattle on small parcels of land.

An active mind is in of itself a product of a healthy living organism. Much like lifting a weight tears apart protein muscle fibers, that repair while you are sleeping and grow back stronger with proper nutrition, we are literal biological machines that exist for stress, battle, war, conflict, and also times of peace (rest). This is the natural order of our existence. It is our DNA. What is unnatural is to take things without thought, to do things without thought, to wake up without purpose, to go to bed without purpose, to fleetingly seek pleasures because they make us forget about existence... when existence is the pleasure. All of it. The pain, hardship, the conflict, the stress, joy love etc Our fence gets higher every time a safe space is erected, or we are censored.

(great book attached)

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So for tangible advice..a few supplements I take as precautions or when I feel sick because I am in this system are the following:


PQQ (cognitive shield) (worth every penny... Life Extension brand is my favorite... but experiment of course)
NAD+ (cognitive shield) (2nd best... only use Jarrow for this one...try the others of course)

Whole body:
Cell Food (concentrated oxygen helps with pollution, bad food etc) (only has one brand that I can see, but if you find another check it out)
Vitamin C (Be very careful with Vitamin C supplements (though they're great), shortly after Obama took over the FDA killed most non-corn versions. Most are corn derived and thus garbage.)(currently not using... haven't found a good brand since Natrol Ester-C became Natrol Easy-C (garbage)

Activated charcoal (helps with bad water, food etc, take sparingly only on rare occasion as it can as leech good things out of the body) (any brand)

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You were alright up until this point. Neck yourself.

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Get a TB test. What's in it? Just a fucking test they make our nurses do, and other people.

They just stick you... oh it's so modern right? They wait and see if the color changes.

They are injecting you with TB. A percentage of people actually get it just from a TB test, not an injection.

You need to look at the beginning of the introduction of vaccines and the changes in nutritional profiles in the 1900s. Guarantee that nutritional profiles had a much larger impact on the drop in the contractions of diseases rather than inoculation rates.

There is a reason they are forcing your kids to take these and it's not to protect us. If it was to protect us, we'd stop shipping in people from non-vaccinated countries all over the world. There is a flesh eating STD now in Germany and Europe that from Africa.

But you can argue all you want for pro vaccines. Fine. But my body is mine.

Secondly, we have a term for infants that are put to bed and when you check on them in the morning they are dead with no observable cause.

SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Now I wonder what could be causing this?
The USA as a first world country has one of the highest inoculation rates in the world... and also one of the highest SID rates in the developed world. Not a coincidence.

But these kinds of facts and statistics are when "they" make a mistake. Their bread and butter is under the radar. They can only poison us so much, that the weakest of us don't suffer from Adult Sudden Death Syndrome. That gives us a spectrum to work within, such as myself. So from there... the goal is to always stay at the front of this pack we're in, fighting for autonomy but not sure what the future holds, while those in the very back unfortunately suffer all the most dire consequences. This is the current system we live under, and the most true to our innate nature we can, is make our body and mind as strong we can through self-imposed will and discovery.

So this happens to me a lot lately, we're jammin in a post, and then some idiot like you it might even be the same message... so you were great up until now, and then the post just fizzles.

What kind of bullshit is this?

Obviously this is not legit bro.

its kind of hypocritical that you say all this shit and trust a harvard study kek. dont listen to this faggot, hes a fucking shill. you dont control your own destiny, this guy is trying to make you think you have power over God. all that mantra shit suck my dick, you know nothing, we all know nothing, we just THINK we know shit because we've been fed all this (((information))) from an early age. youve been programmed since a baby to never analyze anything and just take it as is. just like youre supposed to swallow this post and agree with this faggot. you know some products dont have everything (((they))) put in it right? how can you trust a label? kill yourself

>Le shill XP
Fuck off shill

yeah ignore everything else in my post faggot

What in the hell lol.

Agreeing with everything I just said would be antithetical to my entire post and reasoning behind.

There is a very easy way to tell the agendas apart. It's one question.

Does this person want me to get stronger, or do they not care/want me to get weaker?

Very simple.

Why do you hate Jews?

Your post is schizophrenic ramblings you retarded christcuck.

A reading of the Bible in depth should be a clue, that "Herod the Great" a Roman, elected by the Roman Senate as King of Judea, claimed also to be a Hellenistic Jew, hunted Jesus his entire life. To unpack this and follow this took months of outside research.

So obviously Jews are not all the same.

This research appealed to me and may not to others. But the point is to question everything in a state of self-strength and from there answers will unfold, rather than just going

YEAH. That's right, that's everything you got it dude.

So far I've found 2 purposes why this site is still up... and 1 purpose why we all come here.

2: Get us to jerk off, with porn and images carefully designed spread throughout. Get us to hate without question, because then we cannot focus our hate like a laser beam, but we just cast it everywhere like a kid pissing who cant control his dick. I am not saying don't hate, I am saying focus all of your hate on the right people.

1: We want openness. Too much falsity surrounds and we are drawn here for something else.
We want to understand the world around us with real information, we feel isolated and want to talk to others like us.

Mate ive taken the time to read all your posts on this thread and THIS IS BY FAR THE MOST REDPILLED THREAD I HAVE READ ON POL FOR AGES THANK YOU SERIOUSLY and please ignore these shills post as much info as possible

Or any more sources/books anything more to open my mind up more to this matter

>Fuck women with plastic on your dick, so you don't symbiotically transfer nutrients/stem cells back and forth between females because it feels good, but you don't want to do the actual biological process attached to why you have a dick.
>Hate without question, turn off your mind and have preconceived notions about everyone that way you don't actively reason, you are just a programmable human bot.

you are as lost as the chinese man that skinned this dog:

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I am not a religious person, but duh, the old testament is an eye for an eye, that is the jews,

the new testament is turn the other cheek, it is about forgiveness

holy shit does anyone ever speak of the federal reserve?

i do love bunnies

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we all know i will hijack this thread

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100% agree
have some visual aesthetics for this description

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When I was a teen, I beat off 8-10 times a day.

>"artificial strawberry flavoring" which is fucking beaver anal gland juice

>In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration lists castoreum extract as a generally recognized as safe (GRAS) food additive.[12] In 1965, the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association's GRAS program (FEMA 2261 and 2262) added castoreum extract and castoreum liquid.[13] Product ingredient lists often refer to it simply as a "natural flavoring." While it is mainly used in foods and beverages as part of a substitute vanilla flavor,[14] it is less commonly used as a part of a raspberry or strawberry flavoring.[15] The annual industry consumption is very low, around 300 pounds,[16] whereas vanillin is over 2.6 million pounds annually.[17]

to add: the anti-aging creams done with korean babies foreskin

Cocaind. Based.

Thank you OP

>Agreeing with everything I just said would be antithetical to my entire post and reasoning behind.

you are digging yourself into a logic nightmare

giger bump

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Stop worrying about R&R activities. Pleasure isn't the problem here. Stop eating processed garbage. No more doritios or taco bell. Make sure anything grain based is from glyphosate free wheat. Or don't even eat wheat. Organic meats rock. Saturated fats are your friend. Focus on 5g and other issues with WiFi. Google firemen and 5g roll out. Notice how Ted and John were early adopters to cellphones? Same brain cancer. Ethernet all your stuff.

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>R&R activities
whats r&r? rest and relaxation?

>Organic meats rock
i hear game is the toptier, but never been able to find a stake of it, only slivers(is that the word? like ham is sold) marketed as delicatessen