Based Black Pope

Catholics, could this really happen?

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catholicucks never disappoint when it comes to reaching a new level of degeneracy

is there any hope of going back to pre-vatican II at this point? Does the Catholic Church needs to collapse completely or can it recover?

the church is rotten to the core and is imploding thanks to 50+ % of priests raping kids.

I could see the church making a move like this just so they can play the race card every time they're called out for being chomos
>but dats waycis

Doesn’t make a difference at this point

Heard that this guy hates fags unlike Pope Francis who is a homosexual pederast

That dude is one of the most conservative Cardinals of the whole holy see.
If you want to see the Church of Rome return to tradition then you should support his papacy.

Oh yes God please , praying for this ,the ultimate cathocuck burn, we wuz catholic

right after vatican II maybe countries had (((social revolutions))) (eg. France's mai 68 and Quebec's revolution tranquille in the late 60s-early 70s come to my mind). Did the jews planned the collapse of Christian values or is it a genuine and organic social (((progress)))?

This is what I was hoping for

many countries*

rather shoot my left ball

Why, are there no protestant black people?

Reminder that part of the reason Africa is so overpopulated is because of catholic missionaries bringing them food and telling that that using condoms is a sin while children are all a gift from God.

They won't let this dude become pope because he'd return the church to as close to pre-vatican 2 as it could get. Cucked bishops (Germany, US, etc.) would end up schismatics. I wish this would happen. Seek refuge in a Byzantine rite church, anons.

it might as well? whats the difference?

At this rate they should just push for a Muslim pope.

This black guy is unironically based. I'd rather have a traditional nigger than a crypto-jew.


Yeah. Isn’t he a conservative figure though? If he’s of the current Pope’s globalist faction I doubt he’ll be chosen.


This would be great. Imagine all the catholics praising a black goy.

might as well. every other aspect of western society is completely cucked and in large part due to christianity.

There are churches for whites and churches for blacks, while Catholicism is predominantly European/Latinos, a black leader would be weird.

lmao. they'd love that. catholics love black feet anyway

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Not without violating 'catholic prophecy', which names the current black pope, Francis, as the last pope.

Black pope - Jesuit leader (Francis) turned into the "white pope".


>I would rather the BASED BLACK MAN rule over my religion that that white cuck who wants to fill my country with blacks!
>the BASED BLACK MAN will save our white homelands by encouraging all the immigrants to become christians! so BASED!
fucking christcucks.

Are you telling me it's better to have some crypto-jew Jesuit homo in the papacy just because he has the skin color you like?

One huge reason you fags claim to be fighting the so called "crypto-jew" that is pope right now is because he wants to fill your lands with niggers and arabs and other assorted shitskins. so your response to this is to... give your church over to niggers. Christcuck logic at its finest.

While I would prefer if Burke became Pope. Sarah, would be great as well. He's called out the fags and the "refugee" crisis in Europe

Oh boy, I love fucking retards that literally have no idea what they are talking about. Sarah, has heavily condemned the mass migration going into Europe.

t. retard who can't see the forest beyond the trees. By accepting this nigger you are fully admitting that you don't care about your own country's ethnic makeup and that it's all a cultural issue. You're the type of fag who thinks a black christian is better than a white atheist and indeed that's what this nigger cardinal is saying. Not that he's against immigration, he's against immigrants who don't share the culture (aka non-christian shitskins) and once you've established that ideal you've doomed yourself. You lose either way you fucking moron, what don't you understand?

The only way you would possibly get society and your stupid fucking chruch back on track would be to support a WHITE european with those views. Instead you chose to ignore the racial question like the good little christcuck you are. Enjoy your nigger church and your niggerized western culture. Regression to the mean is a real thing you fucking worthless polyp.

The pope doesn't "rule over my religion", amerifat friend. He cannot change the teachings of the Catholic tradition.
All men around the world are created in the image of God, including niggers. The fact that some can become wise and respectable clerics like Cardinal Sarah shows the good fruits of Catholicism.

the racist is anti race mixing and would never be voted in

>The pope doesn't "rule over my religion",
lol yes, he does
>He cannot change the teachings of the Catholic tradition.
lol yes, he can
>All men around the world are created in the image of God, including niggers.
the sick, delusional mind of a christcuck everyone.
>The fact that some can become wise and respectable clerics like Cardinal Sarah shows the good fruits of Catholicism.
good boy. maybe he'll let you suck his BBC now!

Hopefully everyone reading these threads can see what a fucking cancer christianity is to western civ.

Lmao white atheists are the reason why the west is the way it is. Their apathy for future generations and liberalism is bringing about the degeneracy that's ruining everyone.

- No
- Again, no. You have no idea what you're talking about. Once a dogma is pronounced ex cathedra it cannot be reverted
- It's not my mind, it's the literal word of the scripture revealed by God.
- so with what objective moral system do you plan to save western civilization? Since you care so much.

Also your fixation on "sucking BBC" really tells everyone how much of a depraved homo you really are.


He is even against immigration to Europe too.
Not a bad candidate for pope overall.

Which denomination are all the African Christians?
Great homely by Cardinal Sarah in the Chartres Cathedral.

This would be hilarious to watch

it was mostly elements in the CIA trying to divert the left away from Soviet sympathies. they basically staged a color revolution against the military in the 60s and then did the same around the world shortly afterward.

Various protestants--remember that the British had the most people in Africa by far, and they were Anglican.
The French were strictly secularist, although missionaries did go there--iirc Ivory Coast has a massive cathedral that their President ordered built.

Do you seriously would like a nigger to be a Pope? Don't you think that is strange that only a nigger, in a freemasonic riddled cardinal curia, is the only one to state the obvious?

on one hand, I feel like it's better than a Pope who openly seems to be against Catholic teaching.

but I feel like there's a massive psyop brewing to stir up a reaction against Islam and spur a Catholic revival which will be used to justify flooding us with African/Mestizo Catholics (we're all part of the Body of Christ!)

Don't you think that its strange? That only le_basd_nigger states the obvious?
Islam isn't the problem. Its the jews.

Catholicism is growing faster in Africa than on any other continent.

Yes, based Robert Sarah is essentially one of the last real hopes for the Catholic Church. Otherwise there's no chance whatsoever of returning to pre-Vatican II

Unironically would support this

Cardinal Sarah is the epitome of based black man

He's the most based and uncucked Cardinal out there while """"white""" cucks have gay orgies, rape kids and are about sat refugee welcome life

He hates fags and is anti mass migration, also extremely traditionalist

Look at his eyes, this isn't the vapid , animalistic gaze of a negro but the manly look of an sentient and enlightened being, his skin may be black but he's white inside

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Literally a chimp would be better than the current commie pope

It is only a matter of time. And it will also be a (((blackmailed))) pedophile, mandatory requirement to be pope nowadays.

lol you've obviously never ever read up on what based Sarah has said or what he believes, dirty pagan

That's exactly what's wrong with the majority of Jow Forums, thy fail to see that there are exceptions to the rule and this is why these fucking idiots on here will never accomplish anything meaningful. Robert Sarah speaks out against radical Islam, homosexuality, and mass immigration while defending tradition and the family? Well he shares the same color as Jamal from Louisiana so fuck him he can rot.

i would take an African pope over an American Pope any day desu. I would unironically support a ban on Americans holding the Papacy.

This. He's Catholicism's best bet at this point. Conservative Catholics are becoming Orthodox and Lutheran though, so I don't mind watching the Catholic Church implode.

>Nah bro it's those christcucks who promoted traditionalist values and saved the West until they were hijscked by… pedo atheists and secular Jews
The absolute state of the atheist/pagan mindset

there has never been an american pope, retard.

and there should never be one.

you pagans and fedoras began to grow at the start of the apostasy. you are fruits of western corruption.

you use brigade tactics and aid lefties. you are fucking shills









Acceptable candidates for the next pope:
Cardinal Sarah
Cardinal Burke
Cardinal Muller
Cardinal Eijk

Anyone I'm forgetting? Basically, if they've come out publicly in favor of the dubia and are younger than 80 they're /ourguy/.

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Reminder that no new Pope will change anything.

I wish Cardinal Arinze wasnt so old. He would be perfect.

Cardinal Zen would be great, too, but he's also too old.

I will personally bomb the fucking vatican if they gather the balls to do it desu.
>just kidding FBI

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cant they just dig up some like 90 year old nazi? preferably one who blatantly fucks nuns.

just have him say that nonwhites, especially kikes, are literal demons and need to be crucified. problem solved.

You are actually not allowed to be pope if you are older than 80. That's what we're talking about up here

Cardinals older than 80 remain cardinals, but they are not permitted in the conclave and do not have a vote about who becomes the pope.

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If this happens I'm out I'd rather turn to pislam than have a black pope

>you pagans and fedoras began to grow at the start of the apostasy.

Blame it on Vatican II and "The Enlightenment". In other words, it is the Church's fault for becoming a hollowed out shell of itself, rife with corruption, vice, pedophilia, and scandal. Don't demand to know why you've lost your flock, ask yourself what you've done to keep them.

>you are fruits of western corruption.

No. Pagans were here first, the the former assassin come religious zealot, Paul shows up with his Jewish cult, and his cultists start destroying a civilization. Later, as it begins to recover, in spite of Christianity, the Christians claim the credit, on the grounds that their monks didn't destroy EVERYTHING.

>you use brigade tactics and aid lefties. you are fucking shills

You'll have to look long and hard to find me aiding Lefties. Ironically, I'd be quicker to stand with Christians against Leftists, than the other way around, even if I do think you're a cuck.
Brigade tactics are how battles are won. Individualism is a joke, Humanity is a Social Creature and the unwillingness to accept this is why we lose.

>Don't you think that is strange that only a nigger, in a freemasonic riddled cardinal curia, is the only one to state the obvious?
He isn't you dumb mother fucker. He's just one of the most prominent ones speaking out against this garbage. That's why earlier in the thread I said I would prefer if Cardinal Burke became Pope, but would be content with Sarah given that he espouses most of the same views as Burke.

A white atheist isn't a white person. They are the moral rot in our society that contributed so much to the decline that has spread throughout every facet of our modern world. Or need I remind you, that the sexual abuse scandal in the atheistic American public school system dwarfs the horror show in the Catholic Church. Trying to appeal to White Atheists is why the Church allowed the borderline satanic forces of the Lavender Mafia to go unpunished for so fucking long.

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Well the current one is already a Jew so why not?

>Blame it on Vatican II and "The Enlightenment"
Vatican II is absolute garbage, but don't you dare pretend that it was the cause of people leaving. It was a response to the massive decline in church attendance. The idiots in charge thought that they needed become more accepting of the debouched modern world to try and keep the unfaithful in the church. They were wrong.
>No. Pagans were here first, the the former assassin come religious zealot, Paul shows up with his Jewish cult, and his cultists start destroying a civilization. Later, as it begins to recover, in spite of Christianity, the Christians claim the credit, on the grounds that their monks didn't destroy EVERYTHING.
holy shit you're actually fucking retarded.

It occurs to me that it's probably going to take a century, at least, to fully clean out the gays and the pedos from the Church. They've penetrated deeply into it, it's going to take a while to get them out.

Fortunately it seems like the process is beginning right now.

christcuckery is not salvageable. thats why its going full accelerationist.

lol, we've heard that before.

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>christcucks still think that rome is dead

It will certainly take time to root them all out, but the sodomites have not been very secretive. The Lavender Mafia has operated out in the open for so lone because they have become secure in their positions and in their belief that no one will stand against them. Because of this, many of the most important figures are known and can be removed if we had a strong traditionalist Pope in power. Once they start going underground is when it will start getting difficult to continue to clean out this filth