I hate it when westerners say stop the war on Yemen, this is the rebels emblem pic related it's literally saying
"Allahu Akbar death to America death to Israel curse the Jews victory for Islam", I hate to see children die but this is war shit happens
I hate it when westerners say stop the war on Yemen, this is the rebels emblem pic related it's literally saying
At least they aren't so naive to worship a whore like Aisha you wahhabi bastard.
fuck off you dirty immigrant
Wait, which part of that flag triggers you?
Only after fucking a wahhabi whore with my gang you kaffir.
I just think it's retarded that you people
are defending them but they seek your destruction
no just yours saudishit
I'm not, I'm just a supporter of Trump's America
same thing at this point
who does? i think you're mistaking /sg/ for the entirety of Jow Forums
couldn't care less if houthis get bombed, fuckers are dumb anyway
>shoot saudi ship
>death to amreeka!
you sure showed America you morons, now the Saudis will have to buy another one from them
anyone that kills saudshits can't be all bad
>death to Israel curse the Jews
See they share 50% of this board's nazi ideology?
>hate it when westerners say stop the war on Yemen
I don't even know what a yemen is
you know what?
i think iranians are worse. they stink all the same but they'd have you believe they smell like roses
Who gives a shit whether they hate the west or not? Let them have their little coastline.
Well first two sound like victory for everybody, not just Islam and it's followers.
they'd probably be a lot less hostile if we stopped bombing their shit
what's the difference?
Jow Forums cares as well. To be honest, the houthis are fucking funny
> death to America
> death to Israel
> curse the Jews
i don't anything wrong with this desu
sounds like our kind of guys
>trying to win over Jow Forums
>tell us the people you want us to dislike's banner literally says "curse the Jews"
you didn't think this through did you?
Fuck you niggers are retarded holy shit.
OP is clearly a proxy kike trying to turn us agianst Trums America when we all know he's just playing the long game against the Jews.
>shoots up krokodil
>"yeah fuk those amerikanskis"
>dies of HIV
t. abdul
>Gloss over the threat to America
kek, sand niggers are so obvious. Blinded by their hatred of jews
>implying that the destruction of the greatest Jewish weapon is a bad thing
>lets ban guns not the niggers who shoot them
Nice proxy shlomo
>implying death to america is anything but a meme in the mid east at this point
You don't understand. The Jews are the eternal enemy of the world and we're struggling to take them out so they can't influence us. once that happens then we can have better relations with these groups who will no longer seek our destruction. Our common enemy are the Jews, who also happen to be what your "royal" family is comprised of. I don't give a shit if kids die or not, they aren't my kids. I pray this war goes into your borders and ruins your safety and quality of life for what you guys did to Syria.
god bless those houthi boys
>they aren't my kids
what a shitty human being you are
Doesn't mean I want dead kids. Dead kids aren't the reason I'm most appalled by the Saudi attacks on Yemen, it's the blatant disrespect for the Houthi's new found sovereignty and right to exist just because they are Shia. god bless the Houthi's for giving the Saudis hell.
So you're a jew with a proxy then, thanks for clearing that up.