
>Greek Death God
>Planet disgraced his name with a gay heart
>Plutonium decimated 2 cities worth of psychopaths
>Plutonium was named long before it was weaponized
>God of death
>Destroyed alot of bad people
>Psychopaths became pansies that make bad cartoons

what did they mean by this?

Attached: Plutonium.jpg (1000x1000, 106K)

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this is funny coming from a jew

>doesn't know the difference between an atomic and a hydrogen bomb
>op is literally a plutonium powered faggot

Hydrogen bombs were never used in combat. Plutonium fission is standard for fission.

Nukes are thousands of years old and the technology has been developed before and has wiped out all of civilization before.

Yakub I bet?

The U.S. developed two types of atomic bombs during the Second World War. The first, Little Boy, was a gun-type weapon with a uranium core. Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima. The second weapon, dropped on Nagasaki, was called Fat Man and was an implosion-type device with a plutonium core.


Attached: Netherlands yes.jpg (960x720, 547K)

I don't disagree though.

Sodom and Gomorra was the last recorded use.
Mahabharata war also.

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