>Abandoning God in mass? OK >Being extremely degenerate even California pales in comparison? OK >Destroying your culture and heritage with every chance you get? OK >Tries to spread their own destructive and degenerate ways to every corner of the Earth? OK >Having a large population who have their heads so far up their asses that they believe that they're the smartest shit and are a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals when it actuality they know as much about the world as a nine year old except extremely more obnoxious? OK >Selfishly wants to smoke and drink (far more than most of the other world, by the way) more and ruin their bodies while having socialized medicine while also wanting extremely low retirement age so they can die and still drain the social security system of 25 years of money creating massive deficits that their children have to foot the bill with extremely high taxes and cannot have children due to the high economic burden which then leads to massive immigration from third world nations to fill the workforce to pay for said benefits which ends a beautiful civilization which lasted 3000 years through a thoughtless, selfish, and materialistic end (~35% US v. ~60% EU (income tax alone))? OK! >Having euthanasia and treating people as cars so the selfish children can in turn out-selfish their parents by killing them whenever they get slightly sick and a bit delirious just because they do not want to deal with the people who created them and slaved away a life for, thus depriving them of a peaceful end our ancestors enjoyed for centuries? OK! … >Being a threat so they kill you quickly instead of living as a slave? KEKED!
This is what goes on in an European's mind. I want Europeans to realize the flaws of their socialist, degenerate, soulless, and atheist nations and fix them before it is too late for both of us. They are enslaving Europe and killing us. Disclaimer: pic related. Within red = most degenerate, within the maroon = some aspects can be applied.
Western Europe had it too good for to long and they lost their survival instincts and common sense. Some muslim dick will give them a quick reality check.
Landon Garcia
>The Heart Of Degeneracy >Iceland
Joshua Cook
Yes, exactly. Pic related. Even Californian degenerates do not want same-sex marriage, albeit this referendum was in 2008, it was still 5 years after the Netherlands and Belgium and other European states began to legalize it and it was also during the highest turnout for leftists in American history.
No it is not. We'd never dream to do something as what I connected to this post as what is happening in France.
Eli Young
Lincoln Morris
>>Tries to spread their own destructive and degenerate ways to every corner of the Earth? Isn't that Hollywood / Silicon Valley ie California?
Alexander Lopez
Yeah I bet
Josiah Sullivan
see and pic related. It is now the worldwide (((establishmed))) who is doing this. They abandoned California and New York City as their propaganda and financial centers respectively and now have no home, making it easier for them to rebase incase something unexpected happens, which now happens expectedly. They are trying real hard, like Sanders, to punish the European lifestyle on us.
Italy is surprisingly not degenerate. They don't even have a gay porn industry. It kinda sucks because it would be hot to see some Italian studs buttfucking. Such a waste of big dicks. Ah well, atleast many of them can't stop fapping on cam4/chaturbate and sending nudes over snapchat. So all isn't lost.
Carter Gomez
Ethnomaschism rules all normie minds in our countries, too many decades of multiculturalist and pro immigration propaganda.
Robert Green
It's because poverty is hardship and hardship cultivates resilience excellence. Western Europe eliminated poverty through welfare state and now nobody in there strives for greatnesa, they're just consumerist, hedonistic cattle.
I think it is a lost battle. Today showed it more than anything couldve. The whole of Germany condemns yesterdays outrage and decides to brand them Nazis. Regardless of the label, these are not my people. I want them to suffer, more than I do for any other group.
I think life itself only tolerates weakness and degeneracy up to a threshhold, which we have clearly passed.
This country will never 'wake up'. We will turn into France and into South Africa after. The liberal dogma is sitting too deep and there are just too many people who are beyond salvation. I look to the US to find a way. Our ancient societies are ripe for harvest.
Nolan Moore
UK is the most cucked in Europe
John Rodriguez
>Christian conterprotestors in the background I can show you many of these things happening in European capitals, but can you show me one with conterprotestors?
That was my idea. They've became soulless and only care about themselves, a striking trait especially in the Nordics and Germans.
No it is not, Portugal doesn't even have anyone right of the center in their parliament or as a president.
Elijah Stewart
Government-wise, but the people hold a resemblance of sanity. Perhaps being connected with the colonies, which still retain some Christianity and traditionalism, can sway them towards conservatism.
youtube.com/watch?v=X2saa2rtvs8 I believe that Europe still has a chance actually, the video I showed you has 2 million people marching against Obama in 2009, people branded them the worse things, but when the midterms rolled around they won. When you're being tongue-lashed you do not want to speak with the marchers, but you will vote with them when you get into that voting booth. America will need more recovery as far as demographics goes, Europe will need to completely restructure their society in order to survive, but anyways, them marching is a good thing because that means that there is still people of good mind who are willing to show that.
Carson Gray
Definately. Straight British athletes strip off their clothes and fondle each others bodies to promote gay acceptance lmao
nobody fucking cares dude, we are to busy to update facebook status and tweet when we shit. is over.
Isaiah Collins
Mind your own business lardass
Ayden Parker
No the people are as bad if not worse than the government. Sweden+ tier
Wyatt Turner
What? I went over to Europe rather recently, and although everyone seemed leftwing I thought it was merely an act as they sometimes do to foreigners when they come ever here and shit talk Bush.
Ian Hernandez
Its not an act
Jackson Ward
>hurr im 38% italian, 22% polish , 17% irish, 13% german, 7% juden, 3% negro >i know native european cultures and people but i have never been there
Grayson Morgan
this goyem is right society has became cancerous, tv is one giant leftist propaganda fest and everywhere outside, even at university all this liberal leftist cuck shit is being forcefed to everyone. >mfw hand in report on cultural development of NL from 2000 till 2040 and get graded insufficient because "It is unacceptable that you accuse specific groups of aggressive and parasitic behaviour."
mfw better outsmart liberal professors by typing shit they want to hear, even if it is bullshit. get graded 8+es. My fking paper is worth shit.
Blake Diaz
There is no god No place in Europe is more degenerate than cuckifornia The same holds for you Same as above What the fuck does that even mean Public healthcare is one of the great accomplishments of the 20th century in Europe, our health system is by every conceivable metric better than yours Euthanasia has it's downsides and it's upsides, it's not like it's not controversial here
You're an idiot
Kayden Reed
>0% Italian >0% Polish >0% Irish >0% German >0% Jewish >0% Nignog >100% American
Try again, Genghis.
Never knew it was that bad, actually. Over here they think "blacks and Mexicans do shit because they're not American!" But not that they do shit naturally, but they do not deny that they're shit.
Jason Miller
>There is no god How can you explain existence? I am not talking about a Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish God, or even a Hindu God, but a God does exist. Let be an existence, or a physical thing. To say otherwise is merely uninformed, something doesn't come from nothing, this world came from something, so how did that something start? Why do we even exist? How did inanimate objects aminate? And live? And Breathe? And move? How did heat and coolness come into existence? Et cetera.
>No place in Europe is more degenerate than cuckifornia See and There is a death row, solidary confinements, electric chairs, there are churches with large flocks, there is a lot of civilian-owned weaponry, and there is de facto segregation, all things Europe, unfortunately lack.
>The same holds for you >Same as above There are Americans trying to stop that, publicly, not just on the internet. I see no Europeans, besides this thread wasn't another "compare Europe and America" thread, this is about Europe's issues, as America's issues have been talked to death.
>What the fuck does that even mean The pseudo-intellectualism that has spread across Europe like a wildfire, everyone over there believes that they are the next Aristotle all-the-while being uninformed besides anything than the lying media they love to consume.
>Public healthcare is one of the great accomplishments of the 20th century in Europe, our health system is by every conceivable metric better than yours No it is not. Besides "u do not have to pay XD" can you show me anything that shows how it is better? All the research and new drugs and ideas begin in America because of Europe's public healthcare system. Pasteur wouldn't of made his great discoveries if he was forced to be an extremely underpaid, overworked doctor.
Dylan Baker
>Euthanasia has it's downsides and it's upsides, it's not like it's not controversial here >You allow greedy children who want their inheritance now, hospital administrators who are on a tight budget with limited beds, and overworked doctors who barely get a break decide whether someone lives or dies, but it is ok because it is controversal