Mueller is just the tip of the iceberg. If the Dems are weaponizing the judicial system and if they take control in November, here are additional probes they have ALREADY planned:
> President Trump’s tax returns > Trump family businesses > Trump's dealings with Russia, including the president's preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin > The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels > James Comey's firing > Trump's firing of U.S. attorneys > Trump's proposed transgender ban for the military > Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings > White House staff's personal email use > Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks > Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago > Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance > Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors > The travel ban > Family separation policy > Hurricane response in Puerto Rico > Election security and hacking attempts > White House security clearances
This is why they are going balls-out on the attack right now and leftist media outlets are sacrificing what little credibility they have to attack Trump and Republicans. They know that November is a do or die situation for them. If they take control, they can cover up their own crimes and keep the focus on Trump and cripple his presidency while they move to impeach (which they 100% will). This is their LAST HOPE because they also know that if Republicans retain power, they are likely to implode.
It's rather disturbing how the Dems have weaponized the medial along with the judicial and intelligence apparatus of the state against their political opponents. We've never seen anything like this, to this degree, in US history. Even if they crash and burn in November, going forward THIS will be their new strategy.
Mueller works for Trump get fucked kikes. You jews are so scared of Mueller you're now trying to do a 180 and say that his documents can't be released.
shame their strategy doesn't include helping Americans - just keeping their criminal enterprise intact
Jaxson Butler
only for a mental retard. all of those activities are fine. Trump talks classified shit at mar-a-lago because the wh and other places are fucking wired. notice after admiral roger had that quiet meeting with Trump, all the major cabinet discussions were moved temporarily to the golf field... the travel ban is great. the puero rico corruption is he complete responsibility of local politicians on that island doing seedy shit and covering by attacking Trump. Trump has to take away clearances from leakers and give them to trusted associates. EPA is corrupt. etc.....
everything OP shows actually reveals that the deep state is indeed real
Hudson Moore
anybody who does not know dan bongino,take this poster's advice. listen to this podcast
Adrian Richardson
>Mueller works for Trump This is Qtard-tier bullshit. You think Trump wanted to destroy the lives of Flynn, Papadopoulos, Manafort, and others?
Look how Mueller is referring cases to state prosecutors. He's ensuring that even after his investigation is disbanded, other investigations will continue. Also, since these are STATE courts, Trump couldn't pardon if he wanted. Before this is over, Mueller will be targeting members of Trump's family. You watch, fucking dumbass.
Henry Taylor
1. The MSM along with many others have been misleading the public for sometime now regarding the case of Imran Awan. Imran was employed by Debbie-Wassermann Shultz. The Jewish Zionist shill with direct ties to the Jewish mafia in Florida (recall she told the chief of police "there will be consequences). Check into DWS and here ties to Israel, it's not hard to see where she stand but more importantly who she works for.
2. Rahm Emmanuel paid the ISI for the release of Imran when Imran was employed by Rahm. Rahms father was a code breaker for the Mossad and Rahm himself had to be expelled from the WH by Bill Clinton for his ties to the Mossad.
3. Imran was a pawn of the CIA and the Mossad. The operation he was in involved black mailing many members of congress on the behalf of BiBi and Israel. The fucking Jews own congress in more ways than one.
4. Shills for Israel include Goodman and George Webb are attempting to deflect blame away from Israel. Imran and Huma were both agents of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is an arm of the Saudi government as well as the Mossad. Look at Prince Alwaleed, Prince Bandar Bin Sultan. Saudi crackdown.
5. Jason Goodman has tried to taint evidence in both cases of Anthony Weiner and Imran Awan while George Webb has filed lawsuits to obstruct the case of Imran under the guise of transparency. Those listed here are known Mossad operatives.
Nice subversion faggot. Your post is nothing but two dimensional buzz words to suggest Trump has multiple things to hide and that the left will expose them but only if they get power. That's retarded as logic there, shill.
Samuel Thompson
I'm still waiting for the whites to step down from power to increase diversity. That's when we'll see the true power of the DNC.
Bump. This has been covered some by Limbaugh. They're going to go after Trump's family in state courts (New York primarily) where they have complete control of the gov.
Charles Scott
>While I am Attorney General, the actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations.
I unironically think the weaponization of media and the justice dept is threatening to kill what democracy exists. The Democrats inability to accept defeat and move on and better themselves is concerning. The precedents being set now with endless legal fishing expeditions concerning stuff that happened before even taking office is worthy of a banana republic.
Evan Ortiz
i honestly don't give a flying fuck about any of these """""issues""""
It is retarded bullshit... so much so that it's hard to believe... and yet it somehow fits correctly. If this managed to be the case, you know you'd look back on it and say, "Hm, you know I'm not surprised?"
The entirety of it is too comically asinine to be accidental.
> Your post is nothing but two dimensional buzz words to suggest Trump has multiple things to hide It's a shame that you're stupid enough to believe that. EVERYONE has something to hide. That's not the point. Even people as stupid as you can at first glance immediately see that most of that list is complete bullshit.
The point isn't to EXPOSE anything. The point is that they plan to cripple his presidency with constant legal attacks. Will any of them stick? Is Trump actually guilty of anything heinous? Probably not. But, it doesn't matter. They want to consume the time and resources of Trump and his entire administration as they fight against these bullshit probes while pushing the "Trump is a crook" media narrative. They'll also block his agenda legislatively and have him impeached.
The whole point is to halt his progress, cover up their crimes, get a Dem elected in 2020, and continue their agenda where they left off with King Nog.
Joseph Lee
Hang all these treasonous politically motivated alphabets. Fuck these faggots.
Angel Morales
was imran awan released because cia used state secrets privilege?
Alexander Harris
Fuck Trump and fuck you. I can't wait for Jow Forums's tears after November. It will be glorious
No. He was released because he got a deal just like Trump said. He got immunity to rat out everyone.
Justin Diaz
They keep pushing this shit and voting from the rooftops will be the inevitable outcome. But, go right on, keep kicking the Rottweiler.
James Moore
>immunity to rat out everyone Post proof. Everyone connected to Hillary has gotten immunity and I haven't seen any evidence of them "ratting" on anyone.
Adrian Robinson
i'm so exhausted of hearing about these retarded legal probes. someone just have trump read moldbug and fire all noncritical government employees already. None of these people perform any useful function.
John Edwards
The only logical conclusion is to elect a dictator that does away with the media and justice system. As always liberals have zero thought for the consequences of their actions; it seems to be something of a hallmark for them. Not a good development at all for us who prefer democracy, flawed as it may be.
Jordan Long
Jace Ramirez
Eat shit, snowflake. We're gonna open a waterpark with your tears and drown all of you there.
what's the point of a democracy or a constitution when you have judges who declare that said constitution means the opposite of what it says to expand the power of congressmen who demonstrably base their voting decisions on donor preferences, which usually amounts to voting to raise your taxes to subsidize corporate donors?
Colton Cruz
>fire all noncritical government employees
The courts and unions have made this nearly impossible. We really need a national crisis so that all of those emergency EO's from previous administrations can be be used by Trump to fix this country without all of this obstructionism.
Christian Hughes
most of this shit is quick dead ends and even with a house majority you would need an impossible 2/3 super majority to impeesh blump.
>attack blump >attack blump more >????? >take back the presidency in 2020
they're just digging deeper holes because of their purity spiral with no actual plan of where they are going
David Lee
It would be a problem if the people didn't see what they are doing, people know and that's why the democrat party is rapidly losing the little bit of power it has left. This cycle they are wasting what little resources they have left as they desperately try to prevent it all from slipping away. It's in vain though, they are truly fucked.
Jose Butler
imagine if these people invested this much time and energy into developing innovative ideas for STEM and our government, fixing infrastructure and the medical system, etc.
Asher Martinez
awww...what's wrong all upset that your bedbuddy is nothing more than a low-life traitorous criminal?
Don't worry, I'm sure he'll find new playmates where he'll end up when this is all done. I'm sure Big Bubba is lonely and wants a new boytoy.........
If you believe in it, you'll want to kill yourself if it turns out false. If you don't believe in it, the moment it becomes true will be the happiest day of your life.
Always better to be a pessimist than an optimist.
Liam Cooper
Fuck, ive been looking for this dudes podcast for months after someone posted it a while back. I could not remember his name though. Thanks user, this guy is great.
William Gonzalez
just declare martial law and do it. civil servants wield no actual power beyond the military and/or donald trump being cucked by muh Republic
Chase Russell
>dems will keep going after things that DRUMPF did that weren't illegal or unethical WEW, IT'LL BE SO DIFFERENT FROM THE LAST 2 YEARS, I CAN HARDLY BELIEVE IT
Austin Jenkins
You mean actually doing their job instead of constantly doing political posturing? Fuck that they want to get paid not actually work.
Nicholas Scott
>just declare martial law You need a national emergency to do this. The president does not have any power similar to martial law without a legitimate declaration of a national emergency.
Dominic Torres
>If the Dems are weaponizing the judicial system
Daily reminder that judicial system should not be weaponized and it was not invented to be a tool for any political party in particular.
This was Trump's backhanded way of revealing that all of these people have flipped on their Democrat bosses.
Probably not, but it's a nice thought.
Cooper Ortiz
literally all you need is a willing military, again, judges don't have personal armies. to be fair, I'm against republicanism anyway, so I don't care about undermining the Integrity Of The Republic. It does not have any.
the judiciary is inherently weaponized in a republic because any unstable form of governance where law theoretically restricts government power reduces to a power struggle over the interpretation of the law
Colton Bennett
he can shut the government down. it's pretty clear that they're not going to stop no matter what, so he may as well rip that bandaid off now.
Nathan Gomez
so the Dems platform for 2020 is again Trump? that's unironically good for him
So how much cock do you suck? Is it a little or a lot? Do you tug on the balls? Do you reach around and put your finger in the hole? Do you swallow slow and gargle or fast and sigh? Do you just lick the tip or does it touch your larnyx? When did you contract AIDS from this? Is it okay if I rape your mother? Did the boys at school make fun of your tiny peepee? Have you always been a loser like this or do you try really hard at it? Is Israel actually that nice or do you get sand in the cum you drink? Would it be okay if I dug up your grandmother and fed her to some stray dogs? How many iq points are you working with here in double digits? Did your father anally rape you and make you suck his weiner? What made you a neocon, was it being a faggot or the madochistic need for negative attention?
Caleb Lewis
Even our government shutdowns are political theater. Only "non essential" employees are placed on leave and when they return to work, they get full back pay for their time off. Yes, they get a paid vacation. The US government is just one big fucking mess. This is all a farce.
Camden Hall
keep it shut down until it becomes a real situation. not this, "we'll play around for a week or so" theater.
David Cooper
>the judiciary is inherently weaponized in a republic because any unstable form of governance where law theoretically restricts government power reduces to a power struggle over the interpretation of the law
What the dems are doing, it's still irresponsible power struggle and is part of deliberate destabilization process, a prelude to violent transition of power and fundamental change of the society at large. In a proper context, what we are witnessing is a prelude to bolshevik revolution in the United States of America.
Lucas Ramirez
Yeah, I guess. They just seem to always find work arounds to keep the machine humming. We haven't ha a real, Constitutionally mandated budget in years, yet here we are, and everything is getting funded. Maybe if the shutdown lasted a year or so, they would run out of options. Certainly, the FED would run out of options to service the debt. But then we would be in a situation where Trump's economy might crater as a result. Playing a game of chicken like this might work but the fallout would be tremendous. I just don't fucking know how to right this ship without the extraordinary powers granted to the president in a national emergency. I am at the point, where I just don't care what happens to the economy. I hope he sits down the government and leaves it shut down until all of the rats are eating each other alive.
Adrian Phillips
Think Mao, not Lenin.
Logan Ortiz
>This is Qtard-tier bullshit. Q faggots didnt come up with this conspiracy. It was actually thought of long before Q faggots came on the scene. This is a Jow Forums/Path of Light theory.
Levi Gonzalez
Fuck off q fag.
What hormone do q fags lack?
Ryan Scott
we know and it's funny to watch too
Josiah Stewart
It doesn't matter. The end goal of all communism is mass graves. In huge cemeteries all people are perfectly equal. No rich, no poor, no oppressed, no oppressor, no diseases and transportation is free, when people are hauled with bulldozers to these mass graves. It is exactly, 100%, what the communist architects promised all along. Communism is a very grim joke, that mocks humanity with such disgust only Satan himself is capable to feel.
Charles Campbell
>Look how Mueller is referring cases to state prosecutors. Sources for this? I'm aware of Mueller referring to U.S. Attorney's offices, but those are federal.
The best thing about q fags is this: in the 2.5% chance their timeline becomes the real timeline, we can all be like, "Yeah, I knew this was coming." And normies will be like, "woah!"
We can take all their glory without having to become mentally castrated faggots in the meantime.
Xavier Powell
> Dems are weaponizing the judicial system They've been doing this out of the SDNY for centuries. The Federal judges do exactly as the USAO tells them to do.
Meanwhile, anybody following the news being planted by Uber + Lyft's lobbyists in the for-sale media ?
Unfortunately, I don't think Trump wants to be a dictator as he hasn't done much to suggest that he does. He may occupy the throne but he hasn't yet seized power. There is a lot of things he could have done to seize power, but he hasn't. In fact, he has been very "presidential" relative to his predecessors.
Liam Reyes
Wow, a no u You are the lamest boomer on Jow Forums
Wyatt Diaz
>boomer wow........very original....I'm so impressed by your intelligence......
>USAO It's crazy that Trump can't get his own fucking Justice Department under control. It's humming along like Obama is still in office.
Gabriel Gonzalez
Swing at the Democrat's soft spot. Their soft spot is their hatred for White Males.
Everything the Democrats have done since Lyndon Johnson got the ball rolling, is to attack white people in general and white males in particular. The Democrats will not stop their attack because they demand an obedient labor class and white males ask for pesky things like Living Wages and Dignity On The Job. Where white males go, white females follow. Where white families settle, strong white communities form. All this blocks the Democrats from creating a dependent slave class to rule over for all time. That is why they attack everything white so viciously. Remember that when they ask you to vote for them, then vote for their strongest rivals. You can not win by putting Anti White Democrats in power.
You know how you tell when the Democrats are scared of losing an election? They put white males on the ticket.
Brandon Hill
The got rid of the superdelegates. All of the crazies are going to come out of the woodwork. The next Democrat convention is going to be an entertainment gold mine.
Nathaniel Moore
That's the power of unelected bureaucrats who don't leave office during elections.
Chase Anderson
I hope they win so I can just start shooting already. It actually won't be bad for me, I live in a very rare red state so we just have to subjugate the people in the cities and defend our borders.
Aiden Powell
Gabriel Perez
I am so fucking thirsty for some juicy leaks. Is there a wikileaks 2 now that Assange got a remote microwave lobotomy or whatever the fuck they did to him?
James Hill
t. Dan Bongingo
Cameron Anderson
There is a legitimate national emergency. Democrats are using unverified Russian intel to try and remove POTUS from office so that Putin will control the Executive branch. Alternatively Trump could go with the angle about how Democrats are all subservient to China.
Elijah Martinez
Ryder Nguyen
buy some Field of Greens, bitch. You'll be able to do more squats at the gym and you'll get a sexy latina wifey like me
Carter Lee
What I can't hear you over this ear wax I should buy a waxrx machine!
James Long
Anons, really? Really anons? I thought we were better than this...
Democrats vs. Republicans
Team vs. Team
You all are falling for the same game that has all the normies hypnotized. Ask yourself, if you wanted to control a country, how would you do it? Would you corner both sides of the two party system so that no matter who is elected you'll still have the system in your back pocket? Yes, you would. So why do you think the democrat agenda is any different than the republican agenda? Two sides of the same coin my friends. Instead of squawking like a bunch of seagulls, why not use your brilliant minds to dig a little deeper?
Parker Wood
I wouldn't care about all this shit but that they fucking pretend that their DC swamp fuckers aren't more corrupt than Trump could even dare to be pisses me the fuck off. Fuck these pedo elite shit heads. Fuck them all.
Asher Perez
This is a perfect illustration of how brainlet you anons are. Most of you think that Trump is some national socialist hero who is secretly fighting the jews, meanwhile his daughter is jewish, his son in law is jewish, he stands behind Israel, and I quote him, "1,000%." Give up anons. Your beloved hero Trump is just another jew puppet.