Reminder that Jews hate and want to destroy this perfect homogeneity.
Reminder that Jews hate and want to destroy this perfect homogeneity
Multiculturalism doesn't work. There's a reason that East Asia is growing in strength, numbers and in unity while (((multicultural))) shitholes in the west are suffering from inert division and chaos between each different group of people.
The only good thing about diversity is you can tell people apart in a crowd.
Daily reminder that the jews are not the problem and that the failure of most here is due to their own poor choices and general stupidity.
Yes, yes they do.
The race war will always be won by birth-rates not violence.
And Japan is failing in that regard.
The really conservative Orthodox Jews who mind their own business I don't mind.
I just really fucking hate kike journalists who seem to almost have a genetic affinity for undermining the host nation.
me and my asain wife have 13 hapa kids together and re raise them to hate jews and we will win againt the filthy kikes we just need to breed more because there are only billions of us and the kikes have like 20 million, so we need at least 10 more billion boy to stop the kids because 1 jew = 20 goys