31 years old

>31 years old
>6 foot 9 inches tall
>Is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
>Has several successful YouTube channels
>Owns many guns
>Is married
>Has three white children

What are you doing with your lives, Jow Forums?

Attached: matt-carriker.png (1024x1024, 595K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Youtube and anti gun nuts and leftists giving him a hard time. Rumors of threats against his family been floating round for a while now.

I am subscribed and I watch his video's but lets face it if he wasn't in a rural state he would not be able to do what he does.

He would probably be married to a disgusting asian with 2 brown kids while paying his taxes to support low iq subhumans in the cities.

> >6 foot 9 inches tall
>What are you doing with your lives, Jow Forums?
Are you suggesting getting taller is something people should work at? Short people are just short because they're lazy?

cue Randy Newman

I didn't masturbate 8 times today.

I procrastinate what could actually save my life (filling form for a passport and get the fuck out of this cuckhold country).

>33 years old
>6 foot 4 inches
>Has a bachelor’s in motion graphics
>Had a successful Youtube channel and tv show
>Owns many guns

What are you doing with your life?

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yep, thats what normals in society suggest, but they dont even realize it.

every time I hear glowing reviews of a guy I dont know, sure enough it always turns out he's over 6 feet tall.

If he's so successful, why is his wife a 6 (low 7 maximum)?

also fat and ugly, so he's working with a balance there.

She's got too much white percentage in her blood for your taste?

Ugly wife
Ugly kids

Hahahahahahaha o shit

He's six feet tall. And since he and Mere are both still young they better get cracking and pump out a least 3 more kids. Both for America and Lincoln because it's not good for a boy to be surrounded by girls.

I'm not sucking his cock like you are OP. Nice job, Goober

5head and man jaw

he called his kid lincoln
hes a fucking faggot traitor pedocrat piece of shit

is he actually 6 foot 9? jesus fuck.
and how are all his kids blonde

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He's a super annoying Chad, and his new token nigger side kick is cringe. Why anyone wants to watch some rich kid shoot a $10,000 BMG into his personal river is beyond me. Stop promoting this garbage for free you faggot

But they are though.

its a condition that is locally known in the South as Cotton top the Children are blonde when young but grow darker hair when they get older.

I'm not spending my time creaming myself over some other dude's life.

Attached: move bitch.gif (350x350, 1.96M)

i have no life

Liar, he's 8'2 and has rabies.

looks kind of gay though, but still nice job even if closet homo

I paid 150k to go from 5'5 to 6'3, and investment which I attribute close to 500k more money than I would have made otherwise. Granted I had goblin legs, with an inseam/height ratio of .43, so I had plenty of torso to expand my legs, but in general most people can get height surgery and increase thei inseam/height ratio to about .47-.48 without it looking weird.

Shame the children aren't his.

So now you look like a freak?

Preach your bullshit somewhere else.

Attached: celebrating loo.gif (320x240, 3.49M)

Wait what? Like Gatiga?

Nah, I look like a runner rather than a giant dwarf now.

What bullshit? Height is correlated with higher income, greater access to women, and many other benefits. If you can pay for a job well done, there's little reason not to aim for a heigh increase, even if it's less extreme than mine.

I have no idea what fatiga is, so maybe?

Start a new thread and link it, then tell me all about this. I didn't know this was a thing

Life is short. Use it wiselyto have as many white kids as possible.

Stop comparing your life with other niggers to one-up your ego. Just live your own life.

Them is some real nice lolis. You think he ever has both of them suck him off at once or only does them on at a time?
Those lolis is not ugly. And who cares what a wife look like? Wives are for babies, daughters are for pleasure.

>Almost an entire extra foot in length

Yeah, you're talking pure shit.

If only I was 7 inches taller I could be successful too!

Attached: 1410805333.jpg (570x487, 45K)

Trying to die without it looking like suicide before my soul dies. The body survives every day. Each day, I die a little bit more inside. I have since stopped reading news and doing my hobbies. I only work, study, do my laundry, keep my place clean, and when I have 2 hours of free time on Sunday, I rest, contemplating whether I should fall asleep or start crying my eyes out.

Eh, don't see the point of making another thread for it, so I'll just link you up to the two main forums for it. Personally, even if it costs you a ton more money, stick with European and American doctors. Russia gets the job done, but I can honestly admit that it wasn't as pleasant as for people who stuck to Western places. China was a great option years ago, but the current ones over there are terrible.


Literally who? Also being 6'9 is probably shit. Anything above 6'7 is retarded and unhealthy.

Slovakia, why aren't you enjoying life? And if there is no good reason, why haven't you gone to get medical help?

Fair enough, thanks user

>tfw you compare yourself to random successful people on the internet you'll never meet and it makes you want to die

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No amount of "things I could be doing with my life" are going to make me 6 foot nine. I'm 6'1" thats as good as it gets.

What the fuck was the point of that part of your post? Are you gay for this guy or something?

I'm on the path to success in terms of my career. Nut finding a virginal 18-22 year old blonde haired blue eyed white woman who wants 5+ kids and homeschool them all is literally not possible.

>Had a successful Youtube channel and tv show
Let's not get carried away here.

>Sour grapesing this hard
At least he actually earned it rather than being some trust fund baby or (((tech startup))). He could easily spend all of his money against guns and freedom, but he instead has fun on his ranch and shares it with everyone while making some dosh and buying guns along the way and doing dumb shit a lot of people can't (can you shoot open a safe, gow much paper do you need to stop a bullet, etc). He's like a young energetic Hickock45.

No shit at all. Three operations for 3.5 inches each, spread over 7 years. Again, I had dwarf ratio legs, despite my height, due to bone disease. As I said, I am an extreme case.

No trouble. DO research a lot and understand what you are getting into. This isn't for the faint-hearted and requires 100% commitment, but I can say despite all the pain and issues for those years, I am better than ever. I do suggest getting some job you can work remotely for.

If you are using them for comparison rather than inspiration, you are doing it wrong.

I can't say from personal experience because I was never really into white chicks, but I got friends who have good stay at home wives. Maybe you are just looking at the wrong places, like tinder and college?

But Lowcuck is a gun grabbing Fudd.


Really anything above 6'3 - 6'4 is stupid and awkward.


>projecting this hard
Never change, pol.

>all this asslicking
Congratulations on typing all that with just one hand available.

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There's nothing left for me to do.
Any direction this country goes, it's either going to sell out to Germany completely (nigs), or Russia (hello darkness my old friend). Our girls sell their asses in Vienna. Old classmates traveled 120 km west to sell their tits and pussies in Austria to ALBANIANS of all people. Analbanian customers. C1 German with experience is not good enough for Austrogermans. Not in the sense that you wouldn't land a job, but each person lets you know you're not welcome. V4 = countries of lost opportunity. If you have skills, you have to leave west. When you go west, there're niggers everywhere. Every white girl is dating a nigger. Turn on TV, every day it's the same thing: cripples, beggars, and gypsies. Get rid of TV, vow to never buy another one again. Need a new car - can't get one without infotainment. Well, you could, if you'd cuck out and buy a 1.0 3-cyl. Have to buy something, because regulations on my 20-year-old econosportbox are getting tighter each year. Visit father's old mechanic friend - turbo'd econoshits with sharted turbos everywhere, many just 3 years old and "theoretically under warranty", except jewish warranty on the engine somehow doesn't cover VW turbos.

tl;dr there's nothing spiritual to take joy in and nothing material to buy with money that I can see in this world

There is no tradfu out there, no way to self-express, no way to become rich unless you can live with ripping someone off, and the seas are littered with tourists which are worse than niggers. This is hell. I've been contemplating moving to Mongolia

What I'm doing is IDK
Guess I can't try hard enough

are you me? I've been doing those same things since there's nothing to look forward to. Atleast for me.

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goddamit, this family is beautiful

Those aren't even his kids

>Get's buttfucked by trannies

People I used to call sane came back from studies abroad totting "the enemies of Slovak women are straight white christian Slovak men".
Everyone younger than 40 that dared start a family is carrying 30 years' worth of debt.
>tfw too poor for sluts to the east of my country
>tfw not exotic enough for sluts west of my country
>tfw only pussy I pulled that actually had a romantic interest in me was a married woman
>tfw having the only person who'd be happy to see me outside the bed necessitates cucking a lowly bank branch employee with 2 kids
>driven to study by desire to develop
>end up overseeing the proper manufacturing of my-dad-year-old designs
>rent 12 square meters just so I don't live with my parents and can have 1-night-stands
I hate myself

Chile sucks too?

>29 years old
>is a Doctor of Metaphysics
>Has three videos on YouTube about chakras
>Owns many guns
>Is married to a man but is not gay
>husband's wife's kids mow my lawn

oh shit, I didn't know I could change my height, op

I'll get right on that

There is surgery for that

>What are you doing with your lives, Jow Forums?
Waiting to have a heart attack so I can be free

fucking retard

my body is my work. I'm not going to risk it in a dumb surgery just to make everyone like me

Well, if you are unhappy with nature's decision to make you a manlet, that's your only option.

It's best to just not think about it, it really changes nothing in practice.

to become a weird looking freak in constant pain?

23 years old
No internet or IRL fame
No job
General Bachelor or arts
No skills
nothing interesting about me

But last year I had 9 year old girl give me a hug and tell me she loves me so i'm gonna be okay.

You have to weigh it against how much you hate being a manlet.

I have no idea how I ended up on his channel but I like it. Been watching his Channels for about a year. I’m two days I’ve seen my two most watched Channels ADV China/serpentZA and demo ranch talked about in Jow Forums. Stay away you sick fucks.

Good thing I've always been hated, since I don't give a fuck

My brother

I'm 6' 0.0"
Girls my age try to mock me for being a manlet and then act shocked when my height *does* start with 6 (feet) (184+ cm)

being childFREE

this picture, its almost lovecraftian. its cursed

I am 6'2", 23 yo male.

Acquired two STEM bachelors degrees in only 4 years, with a GPA of 3.7 (or 3.8, I forget).

I have been out of college for 8 months now and already have over 40k in my bank, plus 12k in stocks.

> 34 years old
> 6 feet tall
> No degree
> Systems Engineer at a top tech company.
> Single Income, No Kids.
> Live just south of Central Park
> Getting recognition in my field
> Had an amazing DEFCON this month -- Personally and Professionally successful
> Own a house in the country an letting my retired mom live there
> Driving my childhood dream car and no fucks given
> Earning close to fuck you money due to equity compensation

Oh, not much...just a middle aged NEET who helped create Daisy Chan.
>Waits for applause

Attached: 4F1396D3-DB54-4A6D-A3C1-2548F71784B6.jpg (2896x2896, 1.47M)

I forgot to say
> No debt

You forgot one...
>Closet homosexual

All I am is waiting for Brazil's civil war to start, then I can go out in a blaze of glory. You'll hear of me. For 15 minutes, then you'll forget. That's exactly what I want.
Oblivion. Complete. Utter. Oblivion.

No debt either. No kids yet either

Gay men generally are more successful.

Is this from 9/11?

From what I recall, he's been with her since before he had a lot of money.

>22 years old
>5' 11" king of manlets
>Graduated college early
>Cloud systems engineer
>making 65k/year
>already have over 6k in 401k
>Dating qt jap grill but mean to break up soon
>trying and failing at self improvment
>Want to find a qt trad white waifu to have 6 kids with somewhere rural

Same. Only war can save us.

it happens to all white kids

Yeah, some hair gets lighter in the sun though. I go from bronze to normal blonde if I stop being neet.

Who would want to be 6'9"?

i watch his videos thinking what a fit guy he is. obvs i would like to meet someone like him one day.

>26 years old
>5'3" hyper manlets
>Graduated college regular
>office admin
>making 15/hr
>money spread between bank and shoe box
>Dating 5'10" hardcore christian girl
>trying and failing at self improvement
>can't find real career

Those are two measurements.

>23 years old
>Fit though
>Just graduated college
>Talking to Navy in commissioning
>Physical good, got solid letters of rec
>Taking exam for officer assessment test for Navy tomorrow
>And browsing /pol instead of studying

Keep me in your prayers /pol, hopefully I do well and get selected for OCS.

>31 years old
185cm tall(fuck your imperial measures)
>2 degrees, medicine and economics
>Guns are for retards
>Have summary 1800 hours in EU4 and HOI4

What i'm doing with my life?

>3 daughters

His grandkids are guaranteed to be mulattos

Aki je zivot na Slovensku zarabat to, co zarabam za hodinu co ti za tyzden.

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Found the manlet

Also, no student loan debt so I'm good with that at least.