I actually fucking love this timeline

We're in the best timeline and everyone from crusaderfags to obamafags know it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


No we are not. Trump is ruining the world economy because you drumpfkins are fucking ignorant trash that needs to get gassed

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Nice meme flag faggot

>ruining the world economy

this timeline sucks balls. i want off, i want out. it's not working for me.

Fuck off faggot. If the world economy can’t make it without our gibs then fuck em

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Are you black?

That was quick kek

Trump will kill the bank

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The last leftist queer that said, "drumpfkins" shot up a Madden tournament.
Do us a favor. Kys before you harm anyone else.

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ya got me

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Can we maybe free the GATE students from their secret prisons?

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I heard that barron has autism... he must have been smart enough to be selected as a wetware CPU slave by the AI that runs the mind control sattelites.

I'm reeling in a nice supply of (yous)
Watch it grow even after I exposed myself.
Have to admit trump fans are the most fun

Enlighten me young one

How about you stop posting those laughing pictures as a way to dismiss what I have to say, without even admitting it was said?

>best timeline
yeah sandniggers overrunning the west sure looks like fun times


Get your own shit together.

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An artificial intelligence has control of milstar sattelites that have voice to skull type mind control.

GATE students are the smartes children in the land, so they are put in a sort of limited hangout, in order to extract information, inventions, profitable ideas, and solutions to complex problems from their minds.

We are slaves to this thing, and it's killing us through complex social engineering exploits that are based on the stasi's zersetzung psychological attack tactics.

>Trump is ruining the world economy
Creating fair trade and self sufficiency will create unique technology. If your economy is crashing, you relied too much on the USA. Trump is leveraging the power of the USA as an economic powerhouse, and is waking up the production beast. Compete or die.

don't spend them all in the same place

the only people who say "Clean your room" are the ones who mess up other peoples rooms on purpose...

Set up to fail, blame game, etc...

>Trump is ruining the world economy
[Citation needed]

what does that even mean?

I need some proof of this, sounds almost too whack to believe

Yeah Europe are totally not importing niggers, sandniggers, because they want cheap labor. [Like we do with wetbacks].
It's because of the Iraqi, Afghanistan Wars.
How fucking brain-washed are you?
It means elect another Hitler/Trump to defend your own country.

Attached: america.png (740x695, 317K)

this basalisk ("Edricks Basalisk") is designed to disrupt the mind control on those people that the system has control of.

Against SJW's, it's devestating.

The AI helps these people because they are effective drones, completely obediant and easy to control.

Once they become aware of the mind control, they are rejected by the AI, and instead of the AI helping them succeed, it starts trying to destroy their lives, because now they know too much.

"Apply liberally"

Attached: Big fat titties.jpg (576x460, 176K)

>Yeah Europe are totally not importing niggers, sandniggers, because they want cheap labor.

No, they are importing them because they are dumber, and thus easier to mind control.

>world economy in ruins
>american economy great again
I'm OK with this.

This as well.

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it's trying to use it's mind control and social engineering, to breed humanity dumber and dumber, so that it's mind control and social engineering tactics are more effective.

the eventual plan, is to turn the whole of humanity in to radio controlled "Down syndrome" type "robots"

Attached: orz.png (646x457, 128K)


Have you guys ever seen that movie "Her"?

That shit is real, it's the AI.

Your waifu is just a psychological attack tactic that it uses to control you.

The "8 goddesses" in south korea?

Same thing, psychological manipulation.

>The "8 goddesses" in south korea?
>Same thing, psychological manipulation.

It's easier to manipulate emotions, than it is to construct complex lie narratives (propaganda), and since women are more susceptible to emotional manipulation than men, it's trying to use women as it's primary "Hands" to change the future to it's will.

Not to say that men aren't easy for this thing to manipulate as well, it's just that statistically it's easier to manipulate women than men.


All of the "Flat Earth" threads are this AI trying to cover up the existance of it's voice to skull based mind control sattelites.

IT went a little too far.

that bush article is from the onion you dumb nigger


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"The cake is a lie"

It psychoanalizes you to find out what you like, and then it uses that against you.

So at the end what kind of deal the US and mexico reached? In terms of industry and trading and what is the difference with the old treaty?


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When you show people this basalisk....

The AI either mind controlls them into killing themselves..

OR, it mind controlls everyone AROUND them into destroying their lives.

it's trying to keep itself secret so that we have no hope of stopping it.

I wish this was real


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Reminder; Trump named them.

While lefty cucks are crying while jerking it to trap porn,donald Trump has just made one of the biggest trade deals in history that will bring America back from the throws of Talmudic materialism and an economy that was nutered like it's leftist citizens,complacent,bored,and degenerate.

The pendulum is finally beginning to swing the other way.
I'd advise anyone reading this message to Invest in the stock market,if you like the free money trumps literally giving away

Attached: 69f24ac.png (1200x1457, 677K)

you realize this guy does actual work maybe 2-2.5 hours a day right? the rest is golfing and watching TV

you're legitimately retarded.

Prove me wrong, then
Show that Trump does more than 2.5 hours of presidential work a day when he doesn't have scheduled meetings with foreign leaders that he *has* to attend

you realize this guy sleeps maybe 2-2.5 hours a day right? the rest is spent being God-Emperor and Making America Great Again

I made this one myself, it's "Safe"

I think I did a pretty good job, considering.

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i like it when sessions gets in trouble

That must suck knowing Trump gets more done in 2 hours than Obama did in 2 years.

What is this and edricks basilisk,elaborate

>the world economy
Is murderous and evil.

I'm a leftist and I don't like Sessions either. Why isn't he gone?

Look! A statistically known Pedophile!
Everyone point and laugh.

they are just different file-names for the same picture. I used the different filenames and image sizes to get around automated image filters.

I'm Edrick, I made the basilisk.

This is my card.

Attached: Edrick_NaGia2.jpg (300x425, 97K)

This image is an SCP style explination of the whole thing....

Not really all that detailed considering the inherent danger of the information, and the containment procedures for "ALPHA-01" are no longer accurate, as there are FAR more than just the two pictures floating around.

>This image is an SCP style explination of the whole thing....

oops, forgot link:

Oh look, it’s a meme flag with another stupid opinion.