Is The Golden One's ugly horse face a consequence of radiation from the Chernobyl disaster?

Attached: uggo.jpg (790x527, 72K)

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>those tits
what an ugly woman.
>no, but your dick is.

Attached: IMG_0673.png (500x789, 81K)

This man's face is indeed unfortunate

But you won't see his face underneath the suppression helmet

Never skip face day.

kek, anyone remember this

Attached: 1503545978001.png (790x527, 462K)

He looks like that female reporter from Vice.
The one with the big glasses

golden fag wouldn't be able to tolerate lifting without his pussy boy juice injections.

Ugly face? Dude, he's alpha. Every man should wish he looks like The Golden One.


looks like he has a dildo lodged in his anus, is this why hes edgy?

>nitpicking this hard

Hand him a sword and shield.lets see him cut a swathe through a refugee held area, best give him a bat to return the grenades and bullets thrown at him, make the bat from unobtanium

Its a consequence of his barbaric snownigger genes

Yep, got it on a Hdd somewhere

It was fetal alcohol syndrome. His mom fucked his life up before he was even out of the womb.
His brother has 10/10 looks. Pure chad.
Honestly I still think he is pretty sexy.
N-no homo

I dunno man I am not as ugly as he is. Most Swedes look good compared to the rest of Europe and the US but some may just have shitty facial genes which is most likely the case with this guy.

Are you sure about FAS? Aren't people with FAS also dumb? Show pic of his brother.

Not too well versed on it but he similar facial signs to it. I know my adopted nephew has it. He looks fine and is smart in some ways, but a bit off.

Pic is his brother

Attached: 1458427347591.jpg (640x640, 41K)

Looks like the PC principal.

the golden man child

Lets see your faces. He looks good with a beard.

I agree. The beard needs styled a bit, but otherwise it helps his face a lot.

She cute

You need to juice less, it's affecting your vision.

No, its just standard Nordcuck genetics. He's morphing into a donkey to make the Muslims feel more at home....