You're proudly displaying this flag somewhere in public, right? On your lawn, your car, hanging off a balcony...

You're proudly displaying this flag somewhere in public, right? On your lawn, your car, hanging off a balcony? Are you a pussy?
>inb4 I'm not southern
Doesn't matter.

Attached: 1534755821597.png (1200x1200, 126K)

I'm not american

Nobody who has ever displayed that flag has been anything but white trash

Absolute degeneracy.

have one hanging in my room, right next to where im sitting.
not public, but feels good

Nobody who has ever bitched about that flag has been anything but a nigger, or a kike.

Shit, I display it every day. Seeing as it’s literally on my state flag.

Attached: image.jpg (750x1334, 748K)

lol, loser


kinda this one actually
not sure why its just the white trash that flies the dixie

OP, we have bigger issues to discuss on /pol other than the flag. Issues such as pic related. who can scare the spooker?

Attached: what-could-spook-the-spooker.jpg (960x504, 40K)

I guarantee no quality white will wave the flag of a failed treasonous nation on their lawn. It's almost entirely a white trash thing. Stay butthurt

>Putting the Confederate Flag on anything you own
>"Please vandalize and/or steal my property, you nigger, because you can get away with it by claiming the flag is a hate symbol"

I love mississippi lol

based mississippi

From the south, can confirm. It's only the shit kicking, speed taking, truck driving neighbors with too many kids and too many dogs

Displaying the confederate flag basically translates to “I LOVE NIGGERS AND SPICS”

Attached: 9C0D76A5-F222-42E9-BFBE-568EC3BCD96E.jpg (1440x1409, 266K)


BTFO newfag

slide shills, you sound like faggot edgelords.


It is based

In my experience, only idiots display this. Even if you do think blacks/minorities/gays should be hung/day of the rope/whatever, only an idiot would fly this because you're going to be immediately recognized and lumped into a group and immediately dismissed. This is not the way to subvert a culture.

I think someone has revealed their IQ in this thread. OP.

You're a faggot and a bitch, I bet you lie about voting for Trump too

Nope, we need to normalize the stars and bars. Shying away from it will make it taboo, then you've let the liberals win.

The confederacy no longer exists.
There's no point.